
Reincarnation Of The Strongest Primordial Blood Monarch

REINCARNATION OF THE STRONGEST PRIMORDIAL BLOOD MONARCH The future Earth where both reality and game became one. One of the many survivors of the chaotic world, Kent a above average human died, yet out of nowhere a unknown power transmigrated him back to the past before everything started. The era where his sister, friends and allies is still alive. Because of this blessing Kent decided to change his fate and the fate of those he cared for, then paid back the grudges he had to those he considered enemies. He, who came from the far future with his bountiful treasure of knowledge, aim to reach the pinnacle of power, gathering allies he could trust to built his own rule in this new world.

FairyChaos · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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Far deeper inside the same goblin cave Kent invaded, there's a room as large as the last one, but a bit darker, not having any light.

The room is dark but if one has a good eyesight they would sure notice the dried and fresh blood marking everywhere.

In this room, there were several goblin workers and other high rank goblins, the highest being a hobgoblin.

These group of monsters can be seen kneeling hard onto the ground, their faces plastered to the floor.

In front of the group a single creature hidden in the shadows gazed at them with its cold eyes, its simple gaze sent shivers to the kneeling monsters.

This creature hidden in the shadows stood, it walked closer to the nearest goblin worker, it then grabs this goblin worker in the head.

The weak goblin couldn't do a thing it tried struggling, but the difference in strength is astronomical for it to fight back.

Swoosh… Smash…!

The grabbed goblin worker got thrown flying fast straight to the hard dirt wall, its bones were shattered so did for its muscles, blood then begun to burst out from the body splattering in the room.

The other goblins kneeling in the ground looked at the scene in horror.

"Does any of you lowly trashes want the same thing happening to you."

The shadow grinned, smiling from ear to ear, sending chills to the goblins.

A humanoid creature that twice the size of a well-built adult human shouted in anger, showing dominance grabbing another goblin worker throwing the poor guy to the wall plastering it to death.

The creature is a Troll, a humanoid creature that have varying body shapes, from athletic builds to crooked physiques.

Their lower jaws have two curve fangs that may or may not protrude from the corners of their mouths, similar to that of ogres species.

"Now leave my sight, and bring that human male in front of me."

Hearing this, the dozen or so goblins were helpless, they quickly left the place in fear, afraid that the Troll might kill them.

The troll is far too strong for them to resist, so what can they do, before the strongest of the goblins representing as their leader is a goblin shaman.

Yet that shaman died in the hands of the troll, now they couldn't do a thing but obey the troll's orders, for this is the only way for them survive.

Unfortunately, the situation is a bit complicated as it didn't seem like the invader is an ordinary human, the human being able to easily slaughter their race with ease traumatizing them.

They were unable to choose, as they were pushed in the corner, whether they either confront the slaughterer human or fight back against the Troll who enslaved them.

Trolls were a smart humanoid type monster famous for their good physical prowess in both strength to speed, but what the monster is well-known for is their amazing healing capabilities that did make them so hard to be killed.


Four goblin groups moved in a separate manner going through the four known paths they could take, the group's aim is to quickly searched for the invader's whereabouts.

Ten minutes had passed, a group arrived to the same location where the last time the human was spotted, only to see the numerous mangled corpses of their compatriots lying on the group lifeless.

The ugly smell of iron that is blood and the unbearable smell of rotten, mangled corpses permeated in the entire place.

Looking around the goblin group couldn't find the human invader they have been searching, one of the goblin scouts tried looking for any possible leads that might bring them to where the human has gone through.

Unfortunately, the place is way too messed up from the previous one-sided massacre, as the corpse had scattered everywhere so searching for any possible lead is quite hard.

While goblins were considered as an intelligent monster, but their intellect isn't on the same level as that of a normal human, it's more like that of an innocent child.

Furthermore, instead of harnessing this intellect of theirs, these monsters were more inclined on relying on too much to their instinctual desires.

They aren't the smart bunch in these tasked like investigation, they might be good at tracking, but tracking and searching were to different matters.

The already divided group divided themselves one's more into pairs, the group were consisted of 20 goblins from goblin workers and goblin scouts.

The original number of the remaining goblins in this cave is about 80, the troll ordered them to divine themselves to 20 each so moving in small team to efficiently search through every corner searching for the invader.

"They're way too organized, did the shaman ordered them to do so?"

Kent hidden in the shadows thought, his using a movement technique named Silent One, the movement technique allows him to almost perfectly concealed his entire presence.

The movement technique is used to conceal his presence, but the same can't be said for his body, he isn't invisible as others could still spot when they see him, the only thing it did is erase his presence.

Now Kent is currently moving from dark corner to corners avoiding the goblins gazes.

Two goblins walked passed him, unable to notice a thing that the invader they've been searching all this time is near them all this time.

Kent continued on observing in the side, playing cautious, he wanted to observe and gather more information before acting.

Time passed, Kent noticed that the goblins seemed to be unhealthy, he could see that the goblins somewhat has pale complexions and skinny bodies.

Thinking for a while he found the matter quite suspicious, he gave it some thought sketching for an efficient plan that would allow him to move more in the safe side.

Kent decided to move more cautious now seeing how strange things are. Moreover, his gut feeling is telling him to be more careful.

Kent is a cautious, stubborn, and a free spirited person, he is someone who would move in a more logical way studying while predicting the possible pros and cons before acting.

But they were also those times when he couldn't think of something or did make mistakes and engaged in a reckless action.

Either way what could he do his a human and a mortal, such people always makes mistakes as they aren't perfect, not to say even gods themselves do makes mistake.

Kent is moving about as usual, he followed and observed the goblins from the side, gathering more and more information.

This time however something unexpected occurred, a goblin had its eye bulging is looking at his direction.

He didn't know how his cover is revealed he looked back to his movement technique, seeing it's still in use, Kent couldn't help but speculate.

Then a thought came to mind. "A unique monster…" Kent gritted his teeth, unable to feel whether this luck or bad luck.

These are unique monsters just like how the title named suggested this monster is unique a one of a kind monster that is pretty hard to find.

It's said that these creatures possessed incredible features, powers, skills, traits, and other factors that allows them to be put in a different category than the others.

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