
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantaisie
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71 Chs

Chapter 41: Wouldn't it be nice to control them all?

Chapter 41: Wouldn't it be nice to control them all?



The roars and screams continued, and one after another, the big goblin, driven crazy by Linsha's magic power, killed two of his LV12 family members in succession.

And this is not over yet... He turns his bloodthirsty gaze to the other goblins. After all, Linsha said that he must kill all the goblins to obtain the antidote.

"Is this guy... crazy??"

The remaining goblins were stunned by the harsh sight before them. Not only were they shocked when the same type of race suddenly attacked, but the main reason was that his fighting method was extremely brutal! Facing two goblins of the same level, he didn't even defend himself at all and merely beat his opponent to death!

Therefore, his body was already covered with scars, and he was unable to stand still. but he still walked towards the remaining goblins step by step, wanting to kill all his kind.


One of the goblins forcefully calmed down and said loudly, "Gu Chi Chi, Chi Chi! (He's seriously injured; just beat him to death!)"


Upon hearing this, a group of goblins immediately picked up the bows and arrows on the ground and shot arrows at the big goblin, hoping to kill him with long-range weapons.

At this time, the goblins' attention was completely drawn to the crazy big goblin, and they had forgotten that their original enemy was Linsha.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"


Suddenly, three arrows hit the big goblin in the chest, but when the goblins thought that the arrows would affect him, they saw the big goblin roar and pick him up as if he were not hurt, so he picked up a shield from the ground and smashed it forward.

Because at this moment, there would be no pain more annoying than the pain he already had in his body! Therefore, he does not feel any pain at all when he is hit by an arrow.


There was another scream, and the three goblins were smashed by the large shield at the same time until their flesh and blood were distorted. Seeing this terrifying scene, the two goblin soldiers subconsciously wanted to run away, but as soon as they turned around, they saw a beautiful girl with a sunny smile pointing her little hand at them.

"A one-sided battle is too boring. Let me strengthen you as well!"

While pouring the magical life force into their bodies, Linsha tilted her little head and thought, "Oh no... This is not a big strengthening, but it is more like taking drugs and turning into a madman. After all, this is just him not being afraid of pain, and his fighting style has changed. He will die. It's not like you've been strengthened, hey!"


"Bang bang dong dong..."

"Wahhaha ..."

In this way, a group of goblins started killing themselves, and there was a beautiful human girl who was supposed to be the prey and pointed at them with a smile. It is expected that anyone who sees this scene will not be able to understand it, right?

This massacre continued for thirty minutes. Of course, it could have been over faster, but Linsha would choose to have a goblin by her side from time to time to strengthen him. Oh no, it was the madness drug. By the way, she also thoughtfully healed the goblin who was about to die, so the killing match was delayed until thirty minutes.

"Hah... sssss... hehehe..."

During this process, Linsha felt that her body couldn't help but tremble. Her flashing purple eyes stared at the goblins intently, and a joyful smile appeared on her red face.

"This feeling of dominating lesser creatures... I really can't stop it!"

"Haaaaaaeh, I can do whatever I want them to do now," Linsha said, rubbing her little hands excitedly. "They are already inferior beings who were born inferior. They are destined for me to control them after they are born."

[I remember someone saying, "Isn't it my job to save all lives?"]

At this time, Linsha suddenly heard her voice in her head saying, ["I won't believe that beings don't have consciences, but you should sit down and talk to them"]

"Who said that? Why don't I remember?"

How could Linsha, who was so high that she had become berserk, remember her former self? She licked her lips and laughed subconsciously. "These goblins... do they deserve to be called lives? These low-grade creatures... what value do they have besides being manipulated to death by me?"

After saying those words, Linsha felt as if something had exploded inside her body! At this moment, she felt an unparalleled sense of relief, and her mind was filled with a sense of accomplishment that had dominated and tormented her life!

"By the way, wouldn't it be nice if I controlled them?"

In such a mental state, Linsha came up with an idea that surprised even Yaming!

"Wouldn't it be enough to control all the goblins... NO, all the monsters?"

With a fanatical expression on her face, Linsha smiled. "As long as I control them all, they will have no choice but to obey if I ask them not to fight. This way, won't my goal be possible? And it will be accomplished!"

"Right! There is absolutely no need to talk to these monsters. Why do you care so much? Just keep them all captive! My magic power can do this; this is the correct way to use the magic power of life."

The moment this idea crossed Linsha's mind, her small, shiny ears changed shape and turned into pointed, elf-like ears. The corners of her mouth also showed a charming smile that didn't quite match her innocent face.

"Control! Destroy! Those who do not obey will be destroyed and will eventually be forced to surrender."

"It's unfortunate. I can't do this now."

Looking at her palms, Linsha's soul suddenly calmed down a little. It would be impossible for her to follow all the goblins all the time and control them with life magic. It would be nice if there was a way to convert her magical power into something similar to an elixir.

In order to obtain the antidote, the recipient will work hard for Linsha. Moreover, their heads would be clear when they took the antidote, which would make them more controllable.

For example, Linsha can't control this crazy goblin for long. She couldn't follow this goblin and send him magical power from time to time, right? If the magical power was not delivered for a long time, the goblin would torture himself to death.

Or if the recipient's willpower is relatively strong and lasts for a period of time, the body's dependence on the magical life force will slowly disappear. In short, you will not be able to control it.

"Woah... wow..."

At this time, the big goblin that Linsha had driven crazy pulled out his almost-dead body and crawled in front of Linsha. He opened his mouth and wanted Linsha to give him the so-called antidote. After all, he was the only one left at the scene. When the goblin was alive, he should be considered to have completed his mission. but...

"I told you that you had to kill every goblin, didn't I? Did you forget? Aren't you a goblin yourself?"

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