
Reincarnation As A Swordsman

Walking home from detention to find himself lying on the floor of his front door dying from being pierced into from behind by an unknown individual, how will James, a boy reincarnated into a world full of people who use Sword Forms deal with the despair, love, and a quench to fill the mysterious questions that lay in his heart do? and how will he mature and grow. If the story is not up to your standards, then sorry, this is just a work of my own that I made for myself, some of it you might disagree with, however that's just life, however I still hope some enjoy reading it. Main way of posting is via Royal Road, I am using WebNovel to reach a more wider audience, however i will keep it updated with each chapter. Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/57392/reincarnation-as-a-swordsman

Nonless_ · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Chapter Forty Six- Another Premonition

Chapter Forty Six- Another Premonition

The morning rolled in quickly, I awoke to the coldness, hadn't I had a big cover before I went to sleep? Where had it gone?

The answer was obvious, two thieves had taken control of the castle, leaving me, the petty peasant to freeze in the harsh winter cold.

"How could I let this happen, ill end up with a cold now." I sighed.

brushing that aside I put on my housecoat and slippers before leaving the thieves to sleep a little longer.

"Morning brother, are big sisters Claire and Clara still sleeping? Kate who was kicking her feet back and forth as she ate breakfast questioned.

How did she know the two of them had snuck into my room?

"Ah, eh, yeah they are, once you're finished, how about you go wake them up?" I responded, before sitting down at the dining table and being served some food by one of the maids.

However she didn't respond, it seems she was still a little annoyed at all the pampering she got from the two of them.

"Big brother, have you got anything planned today?" Kate asked with her mouth stuffed with food. Just how much did this little girl loves to eat? She reminds me of my sister from my previous life… both gluttons…

"Ah well, I have to do something after breakfast, and then train with Claire for a little bit, I'm free tonight though, any particular reason?" I asked. "No, I was just wondering if you wanted to read me a book tonight, mummy said she's too busy, and I'm too scared to be alone with the two big sisters." A hint of fear dawned on Kates's face, I mean she must be scared of their pampering.

"You can't be that scared of them, I mean I know they are loud and annoying, but they are not bad." I laughed, however, Kate looked at me, with what face you may ask? Pity. Why was she looking at me with pity? Time could only tell.

"Who are the annoying ones???" Ah, I'm doomed. How could I be such an idiot?


Claire whacked me in the head, if this was a comic book, then it has a huge red pump on my head.

"I didn't say annoying, I meant… I meant- amazing-"


Surprisingly, this time it was Clara who smacked me, completely out of character. Her face showed a displeased look…

"Well anyways, about what you asked me, Kate." Trying to change the topic as quickly as I could. "I'll definitely read something to you tonight, don't worry." After looking at the happy face of Kate, I could only smile. Many emotions swirled inside me, right now I couldn't possibly be happier, however deep down, something was missing.

The mystery of that man who killed my father and grandfather, all for that gem! Flames burned deep in my stomach, a curse that had bound my soul for so long, I don't think this happiness will last if I continue to enjoy these days, if I don't seek out the truth, then the man might come here next.

Everything carried on as usual and we chatted while eating our breakfast. "All right, James." Claire stood up hastily putting her boots on. "Come and spar me!"

I sighed, I couldn't hold it off for much longer, it's been a while since I had sparred against Claire, and she is eager to beat me. I lamented and sighed again before lazily getting my equipment on and getting a wooden sword from the holster and going outside.

"I'll be the judge, also remember, no sword forms are allowed." Clara sat down on the nearby bench. After we both nodded, we got into our stances.

"Begin" Clara's voice rang out, to the side of my eye, I could also see Kate watching from inside, however, I had to cast away these thoughts, the only thing I needed to focus on right now was Claire and her Sword.

I rushed forward, slashing down at Claire, however she dodged and swung right. Twisting my sword handle, I used the momentum of her strike to change my trajectory of myself and get above her.

She intends to block, however she had done this before in a previous spar.

It was bait, however, I had no other direction to go besides down.

I would use her bait to push myself to the ground….


As expected, she went for my legs, however, I saw it coming, I also slash down and the force pushes me back, and I roll on the dirt. Yet with battle not a second to rest or catch my breathe, I launch myself forwards to Claire who is also adjusting her balance, this is it, this is the final move, ill go for her stomach and then her arms

These next few seconds will decide the outcome of the battle, she clearly has predicted my moments, yet her body is too slow to react-


Suddenly, my vision loses sight of Claire, it is now dark, where am I? what is this?

Badump badump

I can hear my heart, what is it? Why does it hurt so much?

Images begin to appear in front of me, my eyes widen, fire, the hot flames, surround me on every side, like they are screaming, like they are alive, where am I? am I at the family manor? Is- is that…

"James!" It's Clara's voice, what's happening?! I look around to see her, however, I become mortified, in front of me i-I it's Clara's head. How could this be?? This can't be real!

However, it feels real.

A figure is walking through the flames, my heart stops, and fear engulfs me

It's that man! The man who killed my father and grandfather! How can he be here?

Suddenly he throws his spear toward me. And I-

Everything goes black for a second and I'm suddenly back right in front of Claire. She sees me in a daze, she is a veteran in combat, and she knows when to take the opportunity, she thrusts and smacks the sword out of my hand.

I fall to my knees.

"Winner, Claire!" wait, she won? She had won against me?

"Yes!!! Finally, I get my first win!" Claire is jumping up and down, who could blame her, after many fights with James, she had gotten close, however, she had never beaten him, well until today…

"Big sister Claire, that was amazing, you're really strong!" Even Kate who had eventually come outside applauded her.

After giving Kate a hug, Claire extended her hand out to me to help me up.

"Well James, what happened? You were about to get me but you suddenly blanked out.." Claire laughed. "Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" the other girls started laughing and so I joined in." Haha yeah, when I woke up, I had no covers, so I think I might have a cold, but a win is a win Claire, Congratulations, I guess you're stronger than me now." I laughed

After laughing for a little more, Claire spoke up. "Well that was because we couldn't use our sword forms, if we were allowed to use those, then you would have won. Anyways come, let's get some lunch." After talking for a little, we went in for lunch, however, I was not hungry, I mean how could I have been?

What had I just witnessed? Was that a dream like the one I had back at the academy? Why was that man there? So many questions yet no answers…

Night had come, a promise was a promise, so I headed up to Kate's room.