
Reincarnated with Villain System in Indian Movies

As Raj Nair slowly regained consciousness, his mind swirled with confusion and disorientation. The sterile scent of the hospital room filled his nostrils, and the soft hum of medical equipment echoed in his ears. Blinking against the harsh glare of the overhead lights, he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Amidst the fog of his awakening, another voice pierced through his thoughts, crisp and clear. "Installation is completed," it said, sending a shiver down Raj's spine. He knew instinctively that this was not the time for such cryptic messages, not when his mind was consumed by worry and uncertainty. "Doctor, doctor," he called out, his voice strained with desperation. "Where are my parents? Where's my big brother? Where's my sister?" Moments later, a white-coated figure appeared at his bedside, their expression solemn and sympathetic. Raj's heart pounded in his chest as he awaited the doctor's response, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. "I'm sorry, Raj," the doctor began, their voice gentle but firm. "Your parents...they didn't make it. They passed away in the car accident."

DattaDhebe · Films
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51 Chs

Inventory and Store

After dropping off Arundhati in Kerala, Raj headed straight for Vishakhapatnam. As he settled into his business class seat, he glanced at his status window:

Name: Raj Nair

Health: 10

Strength: 20

Speed: 15

Intelligent: 12

Charm: 16

Luck: 4

Destiny Points: 54

Skill: Shooting ( level 3 ), Analysis ( level 2 )

Store: unlocked

Inventory: 1 x 1 cubic space ( fully unlocked )

Upon discovering that the store and inventory were unlocked, Raj couldn't contain his excitement. "System, how do I use this inventory function?" he asked eagerly.

The system responded, "Host, you have a level 1 Inventory. To store an item, simply touch it and think about storing it. To retrieve an item, just think about it, and it will appear in your hand. However, please note that the items must be smaller than 1 x 1 cubic space in size."

Raj held a wine glass near him and thought about storing it. To his amazement, the glass disappeared. Upon checking his inventory,

Inventory: Wine Glass * 1.

Raj then thought about the glass again, and it appeared in his hand. Excited by the possibilities, Raj realized that storing his handgun in the inventory could be a game-changer. With the ability to retrieve it instantly when needed, he could catch his enemies off guard and turn the tide in his favor. It was a life-saving trick that could make all the difference in dangerous situations. Raj's attempt to store the nearby chair in his inventory yielded no results, confirming that the inventory only accepted items within the size limit.

Raj considered the possibilities, realizing the potential of having a larger inventory space. With more room, he could engage in smuggling operations, trafficking drugs, or even orchestrating heists on museums and banks. The opportunities were endless, and Raj knew that expanding his inventory could open up a whole new world of possibilities.

"System, can I increase this inventory space?" Raj inquired.

"To increase to Inventory level 2, the host needs to pay 100 destiny points," the system replied.

Realizing he didn't have enough destiny points for the upgrade, Raj decided to postpone the plan for now and explore the store instead.

As Raj focused on the store, he was presented with a list of skills available for purchase:

1. Cooking Skill: 30 points

2. Singing Skill: 30 points

3. Dancing Skill: 40 points

4. Driving Skill: 40 points

5. Fighting Skill: 50 points

Raj noticed that only skills with a value of 50 points or less were displayed. Realizing that this was likely because he currently only had 54 points available.

After careful consideration, Raj opted for the Fighting Skill. Despite possessing raw strength, he lacked the combat finesse and technique needed to fully utilize it. As the boss of the underworld, mastering the art of combat was crucial, making the Fighting Skill the most practical choice for him. Raj understood that he could acquire other skills later if necessary, but combat proficiency was essential in his line of work.

As Raj focused on selecting the skill, a wave of pain surged through his head, accompanied by a flood of new memories. Countless fighting scenarios flashed through his mind, each one contributing to his newfound expertise. After a few intense moments, the pain subsided, leaving Raj transformed. His demeanor shifted, exuding an aura of seasoned prowess. To any observer, he appeared as a seasoned warrior.

With the newfound fighting skill and the countless battle experiences now ingrained in his mind, Raj felt a significant increase in his combat capabilities. Where once he could only confidently take on 10 to 15 opponents with his strength alone, he now estimated that he could easily handle 30 to 40 enemy's. The difference was visible, and Raj knew that his decision to invest in the fighting skill was the right one.

After the plane landed, As Raj passed through airport security, the thought of buying his own private plane crossed his mind. He weighed the pros and cons, realizing that commercial airlines often ran on rigid schedules that didn't suit his lifestyle. Having his own aircraft would grant him the freedom to travel whenever and wherever he pleased. With his ample financial resources, investing in a private plane seemed like a logical step forward.

At Vishakhapatnam airport, Vijay and his men were already waiting for Raj. Stepping out of the airport, Raj was greeted by Vijay's welcoming words, "Boss, welcome to Vishakhapatnam."

"Vijay, who is responsible for our funds in the bank?" Raj inquired.

"It's Varada Rajulu, Boss. He's an influential MLA here. It's his bank, and we deposited our funds there on his recommendation," Vijay explained.

"Let's go meet this Varada Rajulu," Raj declared as he entered his car, followed by Vijay and his men entering their respective vehicles. As they drove towards Visakhapatnam, Raj focused on his laptop, meticulously studying the powerful figures in the city. He was determined to establish a strong foothold in Visakhapatnam to avoid facing such situations in the future.

As Raj delved deeper into his research, identifying key individuals who could potentially influence his plans, his car suddenly came to an abrupt stop. Startled by the interruption, Raj turned to Vijay, who was seated near the driver's seat while Raj occupied the back. "Vijay, what happened?" Raj inquired, his curiosity piqued by the unexpected halt.

"Boss, it looks like a car hit a rickshaw," Vijay explained as Raj stepped out of the car, craving the fresh air after continuous travel. His men followed suit, and as they emerged from their vehicles, they witnessed a tense scene unfolding before them.

A few men emerged from the car involved in the accident, with one of them wearing a blood-stained white shirt and brandishing a gun. Meanwhile, a man from the rickshaw attempted to exit but stumbled, his body covered in blood, his amputated arm adding to the severity of the situation.

Addressing the injured man with authority, the man in the white shirt menacingly declared, "Where do you think you're running? Wherever you go, death will follow you. Vizag is my turf, and without my permission, even the birds can't fly around here." Loading his Gun, he repeated with chilling tone, "I am the death dealer."


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