
Reincarnated With Ecchi System

"When dreams do come true I wish to reincarnate in a world with my anime beauties." Lucien is a an average virgin orphan college student, who got his heart broken after being dumped by his girlfriend for another guy which was his best friend. He woke up in another world lying beside the most beautiful woman he had ever met, even more beautiful than the most beautiful models or actresses on earth. Things took a wild turn when he finds out the identity of the person he took was non other than the strongest and richest politician son who is known as trash and only using his father's money to get what he wants. He finally awakens his magic source but a lost spell of 5 billion years ago, the source of chaos and destruction with his system lucien brings anime beauties from different worlds into his and conquers them while growing stronger and getting more rich. I have three goals In this life to become the strongest person alive, become the richest in the cosmos whose wealth far surpasses that of the gods and build an harem of 350, 000 beauties. 0ther tags: Student teacher relationships, rape, anti hero, weak to strong, evolution, level up evolution.

KingRockson · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Devil's fruit

You talk big for a small fry but never mind I am one of the ten goddess of the highest order and younger sister of Chisato Hasegawa.

Jessica Purelight!

Again Lucien wasn't able to keep his calm expression, a goddess of the highest order he had read a lot of fantasy novels and anime to know what that meant.

He was panicking inside but still kept a calm expression on the outside dues to his new skill calm mind.

She noticed the big change in his reaction even though he kept his calm mind, his face still paled out giving him out.

Seeing this she giggled fufu, is the mighty chosen one of the supreme god getting scared.

Relax I am not here to hurt you I am after something else, let's make a deal you help me with what I want and I will give you Mio for free or even help you becoming stronger.

But of course everything comes with a price so do you agree to help me, what if i refuse sigh! We wouldn't want that you do know I can kill you right here and now without any one ever finding out.

He decided to take this gamble he wasn't sure how the result would go but he had to at least take a step.

He didn't want to keep become the turtle hiding inside his shell.

A smirk formed on his face, I wouldn't argue you have the power to kill me but you are to weak to. Meaning she asked with a curious face. You couldn't kill me if you wanted to so you can stop using cheap tricks to flatter me.

Like you said before if you wanted I would be dead but you can't kill me because you don't have power to face drake or should I say the hell fire dragon.

Tchh this bastard how is he so good In using words, well I might have to come in a different approach.

What if we strike a deal. What deal he replied In a stern voice.

Of you are willing to help me I would give you something in return.

Like what? The devil's fruit and if you help me to an extent I might be willing to be your woman think about it great deal right.

It is but I don't think I can trust you, I need something to garantee.

What guarantee isn't what am offering already enough, or d- be my woman.

Don't you think you are asking too much even the devil's fruit is a lot to offer, and to think someone weak would ask me to be his woman.

Fufu~ you have a lot of gut little boy I really admire that.

Try and grow stronger and I might consider your offer. Till then I leave mio to your hands.

She said flying up.

When he saw her leave he breathed a singh of relief, and I really thought my head was gone for a second.

And to think I have a chance of taming a goddess my dream is finally coming true, I am going to have the biggest harem in the world and become the harem king.

"Fufu don't you think that's too much for a dream."

What do you think happened did Jessica reject him or did she agree to be his woman let me know in the comments.

Till then~

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