
Reincarnated With Ecchi System

"When dreams do come true I wish to reincarnate in a world with my anime beauties." Lucien is a an average virgin orphan college student, who got his heart broken after being dumped by his girlfriend for another guy which was his best friend. He woke up in another world lying beside the most beautiful woman he had ever met, even more beautiful than the most beautiful models or actresses on earth. Things took a wild turn when he finds out the identity of the person he took was non other than the strongest and richest politician son who is known as trash and only using his father's money to get what he wants. He finally awakens his magic source but a lost spell of 5 billion years ago, the source of chaos and destruction with his system lucien brings anime beauties from different worlds into his and conquers them while growing stronger and getting more rich. I have three goals In this life to become the strongest person alive, become the richest in the cosmos whose wealth far surpasses that of the gods and build an harem of 350, 000 beauties. 0ther tags: Student teacher relationships, rape, anti hero, weak to strong, evolution, level up evolution.

KingRockson · Fantasy
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12 Chs

How Would You Like To Be My Slave

The only thing that appeared on her mind now was her making him become her slave.

Not only would she get a powerful ally, also the backing of the supreme god. And he was also quite handsome.

He might be weak now, but I can help him grow stronger in the future with the right resources.


Fear and grief had taken over Lucien has he could no longer move, his body wasn't responding to his command as he stood there frozen in fear.

He couldn't help but think about his past life when he was useless and always been bullied. He decided to change from being weak after being granted a new life.

He wanted to change his destiny so badly, but he didn't have enough strength or power.

He was just another useless reincarnate who would fall and bend to the wills of those in power.

" Do you really think that you are useless, that I would allow a useless and weak person to be it's successor. You were chosen for a reason and I would never choose a weak person."

He had a resounding voice in his head followed by the noise of the system.


[ System Back Online]

[ New skill received from supreme god: Calm Mind]

[ System successfully updated]

[ You have received the blessing of the supreme god: How Would You Like To Be My Slave]

[ Skill Description: Blessing given by the supreme god to be it's successor. A spell that gives you the power to dominate those who have already been dominated.]

Suddenly Lucien became relaxed, the fear that had engulfed him had suddenly disappeared.

He suddenly became bold, he had a feeling as if he was at the peak of the world. And pride was clearly written on his face.

The beautiful lady saw this and a smirk appeared on her face, Lucien or should I say Lucas.

Goose bumps erupted across Lucien's body upon hearing that name,but he still kept his calm expression.

Any sign of fear would show he was weak and was just putting on a fake facade.

Since you know about me, wouldn't it be also fare if I also knew your name.

You talk big for a small fry but never mind. I am one of the ten goddess of the highest order and younger sister to Chisato Hasegawa.

Jessica Purelight!!

Sorry for the late chapter, been really busy lately.

I decided to take an evolution in the plot of the story and everything would soon reset XD.

It's time for Jessica to show her real power.

And there would still be R18 snuu snuu stuff, bacause I know we are perverts (So am I).

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