
Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Being sucked into a fantasy world that nobody leaves doesn't sound half bad to Cain. He was a high school dropout with a drinking problem, living off disability due to his poor health, so it's not like he had much to lose except a few faithful friends he didn't talk to enough. After a long night of drinking, Cain wakes up looking at what he believes to be the character creation screen of one of his beloved virtual reality games, but with no recollection of having purchased it. His unwitting choice to use the Random Character Creation option, unaware that the choice would be irreversible, sends him into this new world as a Puppet Master, a Summoning based class nobody else in the starting zone has ever heard of. But as he soon realizes, this is no game, him and hundreds of others have been brought to another world with no instructions, no clear goals and no way home. It's a second chance to live a good life, but what will Cain be able to make of it?

Aoki_Aku · Fantaisie
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704 Chs

Chapter 451 Neffie's Victory

On the training grounds outside Port Nefheim, a thousand soldiers were assembled in matching black armor with black and white tabards over top, denoting them as allies of the Darklight Host. On each chest, a small sigil was sewn, next to their official badge. A small golden emblem, a demon head with long feline ears, tufted at the top the same way that a bobcat's ears were. This was the official symbol that Neffie had chosen for her personal guard.

"Welcome everyone and congratulations on passing the tests. As of today, you will be granted the official skill of a Port Nefheim Guardian, the [Bonded Mount]. It is an epic quality skill and will be with you for the rest of your lives. They will remember you between summoning, so treat your mount well." Neffie declares, her pride in the soldiers evident in her tone.