
Reincarnated Mando(SW SI)

An average OC gets the chance to reincarnate in the very universe he is fan of but doesn't want to live there. Lets see how he fares in his adventures to come with a system and Lil perks he gets in his journey to the unknown. Disclaimer: All characters in this novel ,except my OC's do not belong to me. If the original owner would like me remove it, please contact me. English isn't my mother tongue, Please accept my apology for any grammatical or any vernacular errors.

donut_obsessed · TV
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3 Chs

Silent Sanctuary



[] - system

"" - dialogue


37 BBY


Mandalore, Mandalore system


Its been three years since I came to this world and just like i remember, this civil war has come to an end finally, In fact it increased after my uncle Adonai passed away when i was a year old in an assasin attempt. The incapability to do anything while knowing what's gonna happen pisses me off. Right now Big sis satine has mostly taken control of mandalore system with republic assistance. Offcourse i got to meet qui gon jhin and obi wan and made him say his iconic line, One thing off my bucket list. but it was gross seeing them flirt. Onto my growth i have learnt both galactic basic and Mando'A. Plus finished few of my template missions and upgraded meditation to Max. All I did was sit cross-legged and thought "Inner peace" straight up for 8 hours a day for the first year

well,Look at that. There were perks to being a baby too. strange, Now that i think about it the old man never asked about this matter. Hm..probably thought i was an introvert. I have started training from a year now and good progress in my template integration. With each increment the system is slowly feeding me with fujitora's knowledge and life experience and have come to understand why he blinded himself. Those cruelsome acts gave me nightmares for a while.

My grandfather is offworld for a few days, He's actually on Tatoinee for a trade with the Hutts and there are very less activity going on at the headquarters today. Oh yeah forgot to mention my family owns Mandal Motors and i am from the same clan as the founder, Plus i was named after him. System claim Novice package!!.

[Host to claim Novice package]

[yes] [No]


[Distributing Novice package]

[Congratulations host for obtaining 1M republic credits]

[Congratulations host for obtaining devil fruit Zushi Zushi no mi x1]

[Congratulations host for obtained Fujitora's Yukata x1]

[Congratulations host for obtaining skill Kenbunshoku Haki(upgradable)]

[Congratulations host for obtaining skill Busoshoku Haki(upgradable)]

[Congratulations host for obtaining skill Haoshaku Haki(upgradable)]

[ongratulations host for getting template experience +10 EXP]

[Template mission generated x1]

Hm...most of them are template based While getting conqeurers haki, thats interesting but wont give me that much of a upper hand since a lot of people use droids in battle. While i was trying to access what template mission it was I was Jolted by a reverberating pain which started from my ankle and headed upwards, its like every cell in my body is burned by laser and healed right after. I could only hold the pain for a minute and then shouted like hell till there was no air in my lungs and passed out.

When I stirred awake, a sharp blow greeted me as I attempted to rise. Startled, I found myself face to face with my nanny droid, Nessie. "Nessie, how many times must I remind you not to do that when I'm waking up?" I scolded, rubbing my throbbing head. "Apologies, Master. I was concerned when I heard your distress and rushed to your aid," replied Nessie, her metallic voice tinged with concern. Lochness named after the monster, the peculiar blend of an assassin and nursing droid, always had a knack for being overly protective. "The Director would dismantle me if anything happened to you under my supervision. And Master, these clothes aren't in my database. Did someone enter?" Nessie inquired, her blasters at the ready.

"No, Nessie. They're a gift. Now, please, give me some space," I sighed, dismissing her with a wave of my hand. " As you wish, Master. But I'll be stationed at the entrance, just in case," Nessie replied dutifully, exiting the room but leaving a watchful presence behind.

Phew....lucky she didn't notice the crate of credits on other side of my bed, the way i fell covered the devil fruit under me, I pick it up to examine it, Its purple with round surface and have rings all over it like a planet with a belt ring. I bit down on the fruit, just like expected it has the worst taste but i had to munch the whole thing down to leave no evidence. So chomped the rest in a single flick and drank more than a liter of water and the taste still didn't leave. After a while i got the knowledge of gravity blade and ragging tiger skills plus i also got memories of marine six styles and i feel wonder how?? System status!.

[Host]: [Gustav Aranar Zenlav]

[Level]: [3(2000/5000)]

[Race]: [Human]

[Health]: [500/500]

[Midi-Chilorian]: [1]

[Devil Fruit]: [Zushi Zushi No Mi(Press-Press Fruit)]

[Status]: [Healthy]


[Skills]: [Force Immunity] [Cell Regeneration] [Meditation(Lvl MAX)] [Negotiation Lvl 2] [Swordsmanship (Lvl 2)] [Observation Haki (Lvl 0)] [Armament Haki(Lvl 0)] [Conquerors Haki(Locked)] [Gravity Manipulation(Lvl 2)] [Gravity Blade(Lvl 0)] [Ragging Tiger(Lvl 0)] [Marine 6-Styles(Lvl 1)]


[Main Missions] [Locked]


[Template Missions]

[Template Integration(20/100)]

[Daily Mission: Training(25/100)]

|Knife slashes x1000(0/1000)|

|Running 5 Km(0.7Km)|

[Rewards]: [0.1% template EXP, 1000 Republic credits]

[Mission: Retri]

[Retrieve the sword Murakumi from planet Illum]

[Rewards]: [10% template EXP] [Vivri card x1] 


[Food Menu(Lvl 1)]


[Inventory] [Locked]


I have access to all these skills but dont have the secrecy nor the dietary requirements to train on them and while i was wondering what to do next I was interrupted again by Nessi "Master we have visitors, they want a meeting with the director should i send them off?" asked Nessi. "Escort them to my grandfathers office I will meet them there" I replied. When i got to the office I was surprised by the people present.

"Well...Well look what we have here, Isnt the security detail on you a little to much even after the war is over, What can i do for you duchess" I replied bowing, glancing at the four Mandalorian guards and both the Jedi's. "Gus!! How are you? You have grown pretty well" said satine while coming towards me and picking me up. "Stop it sis, put me down its embarrassing" I said while trying to block her from kissing me. "Cant help it, who told you to be so cute" she replied while caressing my hair. I freed myself and sat on my grandfather's chair.

"If you came for the director he is on a business trip with the Hu.." recognizing my mistake and corrected myself with a cough "To Kuat for business". But i failed to cover it up and from the looks I was getting from them they understood some what of where my grandfather is. "If you need anything I can handle it".

"Todays proposition is beyond you young one" said Obi-Wan. "Well Obi wannabe Jedi Never judge a book by its cover and if you did your homework you would know we mandalorians are trained right from the beginning and i think i can take care of myself pretty well". "Well said sir Gustav apologies for my padawan's short sightedness he has a lot to learn" replied Qui gon Jhin eyeing obi wan to keep quiet. "Very well, here is the contract details for ordering new ships and speeders for Mandalorian police force" said Satine while passing the data pad to me.

I went over info to buy 50 Aka'jor class ships, several Buirk'alor and Balutar class speeders delivered by 3 years. The price and timeframe is pretty flexible, Isn't a bad deal either. "We already have few Aka'jor ships in inventory pre-tested and ready to fly, Its an acceptable deal but i can shorten the delivery time if you can accept my request" I said eyeing satine. "And what would they be" she replied.

"Since you are not using the castle on Keldabe I want to lease it for a while". "Why?" questioned satine. "Well nothing much just wanted a lab to create new cage for force sensitives". My voice went really low at the end part, satine started glaring at me, Damn....she's scary."Hahahaha....I like this kid" said qui gon while laughing, "Huh....fine I have gotten used to your anonymity, Just don't blow up the castle" commented satine.

"Oh yeah no organics or droids i want the whole area to myself". "Impossible even if i accept the director wouldn't" replied Satine, "Leave the old man to me". "Fine" replied satine and started to exit but stopped at the door and asked "Next week's my coronation you are going to attend right". "Maybe, depending on my mood" I replied, "Too bad you are the main attraction and from the look you're giving you dont know, Do you?" asked satine. "Wait what have you guys planned...wait!!" I shouted but all i got was giggles from the hallway.

37 BBY

2 Months Later

Last month has been pretty tough for me and i finally got my grandfather to accept my request but it was a partial win, I still have to take Nessie with me and that's what im doing now, We both and my grandfather are waiting for satine to come pick us up. "Kid I dont know why you are persistent with this but remember to be always cautious, Even if its so secretive there are always people out there who may take advantage of your situation, may use it to kidnap you to blackmail me or even worse kill you to create tensions between us and the new government...." while my grandfather was reprimanding me we heard the sound of a star fighter getting near, When we looked up it was a Kom'rk Star fighter with the blue, white colors symbolizing the Clan Kryze. It landed near the docking pad and came out satine.

"Well..well how's my favorite nephew?" asked satine, "Not good thanks to you, I get it having grandfather for being the coronator but why me as the crown bearer?" I asked satine grumpily. "Its was done upon my insistence, hehe...on the plus side you became a celebrity!! how cool is that". "I hated every bit of those magazine photoshoots and i cant even walk the streets getting unnoticed, by the way where's your guards and the republic lackeys" "If you mean the Jedi they left after the event and i kinda escaped from the palace so...." said satine. Hearing that both me and Nessie started laughing.

Grandfather just sighed and said "I suggest not to be this reckless while governing the sector, Duchess". "Yes sir" replied satine while saluting, seeing that we laughed even more. "Brat be careful, you better come back in one piece, protect him Nessie". "yes sir" we both replied imitating satine. "Alright gus lets go" said satine. I hugged the old man and said "Take care grandfather".

After loading all of our stuff we launched, when we exited the atmosphere we were able to see mandalore. "It wasn't always like this, our planet use to have oceans,hills and deep forests but the continuous advance warfare has made most of our planet barren". said satine sadly. "Well its my first time offplanet but i still like the view" I said, "Its gonna be a while and im engaging autopilot lets have some shut eye"said satine.

"Gus wake up we are about to descend to the atmosphere" said satine while waking me up. "Ha...That was a good nap, Wow the oceans are huge!!" I replied, "Eons ago the explorers used Kale.." while she was about to explain i cut her off saying "Ocean cruisers to map them, The old man hasn't kept me idle. The moment i showed intelligence he has been craming me with knowledge of our history, Negotiations and how to run a business, Seriously I wish no other child to face what i did, It was tiresome and boring too". "Hm..is that why you are coming here" asked satine. "It was one of the reasons but not the main one" I said. "Look thats the castle what do you think?" asked satine. "Meh its alright but i like the location even more and it gives a tactical advantage when its ground warfare" I replied honestly. "I'll take that as a compliment" said satine with a smug face.

By the time we landed it started to rain and we quickly moved our cargo, Entered the castle. "Just as request no one will disturb you and have made it a no fly zone for a kilometer radius and don't blow the castle up alright?" asked satine. "I got it" I replied. "Nessie you are authorized to neutralize anyone who tries to enter the premises". "Yes Duchess" said the droid.

"Wait we are not done" I said eyeing satine. "What do you mean" asked satine. "Wanna go on a treasure hunt?" I asked cheekily. "Explain yourself" questioned satine. "Well a week after uncle Adonai's death i got a courier with this map and key with a letter saying 'Find it its yours'" I said while taking out the map and satine rapidly snatched the map from me. "Whoa easy, from your reaction I think he left nothing for you or Bo?" I asked with a smug face. "He did leave me with one thing-Responsibility, Onto the map this looks like an old schematics of the castle, I know this location but there was never a door there follow me" Said satine while going downstairs. We finally reached the dungeons, it is dark and damp in here. After walking a few meters we stopped and satine pointed at a worn off mural on the wall in the center of the dungeon.

"Why are there paintings in a dungeon?" I questioned. "In the past this use to be an Altar but in the time of neo crusaders this was turned into a dungeon to imprison force sensitive ones, but there is nothing different about this wall" said Satine. "Wait look, the eye on that animal is a little to the inside" I replied while putting my finger inside, Suddenly i felt a prick on my finger and pulled it out, Satine dragged me back "Beware of traps" said satine.

I nodded and we heard a computer voice "DNA confirmed Welcome Gustav of Clan Zenlav" and the door opened. The moment we stepped in a hologram started booting it was uncle Adonai "looks like you found my secret lair, If you are watching this Gus then i'm dead. I found the map while i was trying prank my father Hm... rebellious days I miss them, Kid the moment i saw you I knew you were special so to give you a good head start im leaving this training area enabled for All terrain simulation with Sparring droids and some equipment for your future Endeavors.

Oh yeah i left a Armor for Korkie inside, pass it to him I wanted to get you one but I think the director would oppose and I know I didn't get my kids anything but could you pass the photo album i stored inside to them Mhi solus dar'tome, gar besbe'trayce!!" and the recording shut when i looked at satine she has been crying I hugged her and said "He was a great man died protecting mandalore You are lucky to have him as your father" I consoled. "He is" replied satine while sobbing. 

"Now shall we explore the rest of this place I cant wait to see what he left" I said while dragging satine with me. It was Huge like a fallout bunker with beskar enforced walls and floor with droids, blasters, rifles and melee weapons probably made from pure beskar, finally we reached the hanger door. When we opened i was blown out of my mind with the items kept inside, "No way.....Now I hate him, how can he leave these death machines to a child and they are banned by the republic in the first place. Thats it i'm confiscating them" Argued satine.

"Come on sis it aint that bad, that basilik droid's probably only a show piece and that davaad star fighter. I'll probably need it, its a good first ship right? plus they were made more than 5000 years ago. The real question is why would he leave weapons created by the people Whose beliefs contradicts new mandalorians" I asked. Satine started thinking and replied "I dont know Maybe..... Dont divert me by changing the topic i'm definitely not gonna let you use them!!"



Hey guys!! had my exams last week and couldn't post a chapter, probably wont be able to next week too. Hope you guys like the new chapter

Belated Happy star wars fan day

May the fourth be with you!!


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