
Reincarnated into Twilight & The Multiverse

FallenEnt · Films
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25 Chs


Walking into the room, I was greeted by three people sitting in chairs and dozens standing around the rooms parimeter.

"Ahh, Carlisle! So glad you could make it." Aro said in his disgustingly sweet voice.

"Glad to be here, Aro." Carlisle responded.

"And who is this fine young lady? Isabella, i presume?" Aro asked, walking up to Bella.

"Bella." she corrected.

"Bella. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Aro." Aro said as he reached out to grab Edward's hand, barely missing Bellas.

As Aro was holding Edward's hand, Carlisle started to talk to Bella and myself "Aro can read every memory anyone has ever had with just a touch."

"Her blood sings to you. How can you stand being so near to her?" Aro asked on curiosity.

"It is not without difficulty." Edward replied.

"Yes, I can see that." Aro said before releasing Edward's hand and stepping back. "I wonder, Bella, if you would do me the honor?" Aro asked as he held out his hand.

Without answering, she looked towards me. I gave her a nod as I stepped forward to ensure her safety as she followed behind. Looking at me in curiosity and no small amount of amusement, Aro held Bellas hand as she set hers into his.

"Fascinating. I see nothing." Aro said in bewilderment before releasing Bellas hand so she could return to Edward's side. "And you?" he asked, holding out his hand.

"Sure." I replied with a smirk as I set my hand in his.

"Truely, an enigma. You are both invisible to my powers." Aro said as he stepped back. "I wonder...are you immune to all our powers? Jane?" Aro asked, looking towards the young vampire girl.

""NO!"" Alice and Edward yelled out as they started to run forward to defend Bella and I.

Not giving them a chance to cause a scene, I used my power to lift everyone in the room into the air with a simple wave of my arm while saying "Calm yourselves. Do not forget what I am capable of. They can not hurt Bella or myself." Then I gently placed everyone back onto the floor.

"Big words, human. I will admit, the memories I got from both Carlisle and Edward do seem to back your claim. Would you consider joining us in this eternal life?" Aro asked.

"No. I have my own version of immortality. Why would I go for something second rate?" I asked. (and now I'm thinking of Aladdin: Return of Jaffar. the song might be called 2ed rate)

"Second rate? Jane?" Aro asked calmly.

"This might sting a bit." Jane said with a smirk.

"I doubt it." I responded with a bored look on my face.

"Pain." Jane said while staring daggers at me.

".....ya, no. Like I said, I doubt it." I said.

"Hahaha. Truly, you confound us all. But what are we going to do with you?" Aro asked.

"You already know what you are going to do, Aro." Marcus said.

"They know to much. They are liabilities." Caius stated.

"Sigh. That's true. Felix!" Aro said before walking back to his chair.

Speeding myself up, I turned to see a vampire running towards Bella. Doing a nice little power walk, I reached hi. before he could take his second step.


"I already said! You won't be able to harm her in my presence." I stated calmly.

"KILL HIM!" Caius screamed out before he noticed I was kneeling right in front of him, causing everyone present to freeze and watch.

"You consider yourself a predator. Above all else. Tell me" I gently rested my hand, palm up, on his shoulder "do you feel in charge?" I asked in a calm whisper.

"Filthy human. You dare set your hands on me?" Caius asked. Unfortunately for him, it came out as a squeak.

"How dare I? Quite easily, actually." I joked.

"I am an immortal! You will release me!" he yelled, finally finding his voice...but he still couldn't move due to the fear.

"Tell me something." I said, moving my mouth to his ear. In a whisper so quiet, only he could hear, I asked "What is an immortal, to a god?" before I let loose my newly acquired divinity.