Leonard really is a much calmer baby than I thought, he cries here and there but not that much so it makes him easier to handle, he's mostly being breastfed so all I have to do when I'm home is to clean up after him from time to time.
Me and my bonds are on a break from the front lines currently just resting at home for once. I can't count the amount of people I killed over the past few days.
"I can't wait till you can see, little buddy."
-If your enemies can you right now, they would be beyond shocked.- Ace commented
-Yeah, they'd probably die just from shock.- Diana agreed -From one bloodthirsty monster to a somewhat caring young father.-
3rd person view
Fortuna has heard the reports of the fates of Nike and Eros, but even then, she has no time to stop her search for the perfect blood replacement. They at least all managed to complete the first part of the pan together, to revive Chaos and to get a vessel for their master even if the vessel itself is cursed.
< Perseus Silver...you are one messed up individual. > she thought
Currently, the few Daoist world she has visited, all those blood that is similar to what she's looking for has been taken, and once they merge with the blood, killing them will only either destroy the blood in the process or will make years before they are back again.
So the best plan for her is to go to random Daoist worlds till she find one available. Currently, she is spinning a wheel which has names of worlds to determine the next world.
"Now where will luck bring me?" she giggled to herself "A world where the blood are all taken again...or the one I'm looking for?"
Meanwhile Lee is right on her trail, he has sent the members of his sect to fight in Valhalla as him and a few elites will set out to find Fortuna and delay her, if possible stop her.
"She's not in the world anymore." he commented "her presence was right here in the temple of the immortal tiger, but it seems like she left since the people of this world have been informed and have taken the god level blood for themselves."
1st person view
It seems like Chaos has descended upon the fields for the first time in forever, but Chaos created this large barrier that is stopping me and Arion from going through. The spell it casts can kill thousands at a time which is only minimized thanks to several barrier mages.
It took a while but Arion managed to phase us through Chaos' barrier and Arion is as fast as always because even Chaos itself didn't anticipate it.
< Blood magic: Blood Burst. > I casted as I can sense the blood vessels explode and bursts inside Chaos' body causing it to be in pain.
Chaos' arms and legs then exploded into a bloody mess which it has to gather more mana than usual just to heal itself back.
I jumped from Arion and summoned my gauntlets to deliver a powerful punch which Chaos intercepted it with its arm which then created several large cracks in the skin causing it to bleed out.
It then tried to stop time which I cancelled out using my powers, Chaos then used that opportunity to shot out a large light beam at me which burned its surrounding and came at me at light speed.
<Mirror Magic: Laser mirror.> I casted
I knew the spell wouldn't hurt Chaos itself so I redirected the beam of light at the opposition erasing a lot of the opposition. It then casted gravity magic to shoot this heavy sphere which I barely managed to stop it in its tracks.
It then cast a mana explosion to blow us back further before it warped away before we can deal anymore damage to it. Now that we're at the back of the line, I used mana to summon up some golems to attack them from behind.
I got several scratches and burns on my face which took a while to heal.
I then summon several fireballs to drop them on our enemies blowing them apart.
<Star magic: Supernova> I casted to kill more of their forces
I then spent the rest of the day killing several tens of thousands of the demons and giants of the opposition to help turn the tides. The numbers are too many, we may have better fighters...but their numbers are just too ridiculous.
-Dammit, Chaos got away.-
-You did good.- Diana responded -It has been gathering powers for a long time, causing it some sort of injury is an achievement in itself.-
I then got reports of several worlds being attacked by their forces, some were successful in their defense while a few got destroyed completely or has been conquered and is used as one of their many bases.
Author POV
Baeli is currently being held captive in a video that is live streamed from an unknown location, I got several officers with me to try to trace its location which so far isn't helping.
"You work as...an author?" an officer asked "And you sir, are you sure that you weren't held in the basement against your will?"
"We joke that he does, but he doesn't really force me." Narrator answered
"Now, author." the unknown figure said after a while of silence "Have you figured out who I am or what you did to me?"
"Seriously, just let Baeli go and just tell me what I did, I never bullied anyone and done something with bad intentions to anyone."
"Well it all started with that one fateful day-"
"Wait." the narrator interrupted "Since you know how to hack the laptop anyway, can you just send us the script where I can read it out and do my job?"
"...Fine." the hooded figure sighs "Just wait a second, I actually had this written out so that I would never forget."