"Is there anything else you need?"
"Do you have plans during the festival?" he asked
"Yes sir, my family will be coming to the capital to visit"
"See, with the investigation team on their back, I doubt they'll do anything else to harm you, and I don't doubt the ability of your bodyguard but I would also like a professor to protect you during that time, I would recommend professor Craig Steel"
-Why can't it be professor Emma Steel?! I have the worst luck-
-Be grateful- Dabria retorted
"I should be free during that time" he nodded
"Young Eleanor, I will ask your parents to give you more security since Balor here won't be enough, it's a precaution, since you were there with Perseus when they attacked"
"Thank you headmaster" Eleanor replied
"And make sure not to tell anyone of this incident, if they ask just say Perseus and Reynolds had a fight"
The Noblesse guy we fought apparently no longer comes to school, people asked his 3 goons but they said that they were told that he was called back to his family for an emergency meeting.
It was spatial magic class, I finally got permission to be able to warp myself.
"Prioritize the safety of your head and your heart, if all goes wrong, you can still be healed" the professor instructed "Try a short distance first before you attempt a long distance"
I took deep breaths and attempted warp on myself, I warped from one end of the classroom to the front of the room. When I got out of the warp, I also felt nauseous
"Here's the bin" He handed me the rubbish in, which I took and puke in it "You'll have to experience that a couple more times until you get used to it, I was the same, but extra points for you, since you are the first one in the class to do it
-Ask him if I can do it- Ace said
"My cat is asking if you think he's ready yet, he want to attempt it too" I asked
"It's allowed, he's smaller, it would be much easier for him"
Ace then went to the other side of the room and warped to the front, I picked him up and place his head in the bin, he also puked in it
-I feel horrible- Ace groaned
-You 2 did a good job, but you will have to teach the others to warp too- Dabria congratulated
-Well it sounds like you guys are having a tough time, take your time to master it first- Damon joined in
-Yes, we're in no rush, I still haven't manage to properly warp an apple yet- Diana added
-We will have to get some more bins if we're also going to feel nausea- Siege suggested
-I'll leave to buy some tomorrow, unlike Perseus, I can go out 2 times a week- Damon replied
"I would also give him points but he's not technically my student" the professor said "Now warp the bin to the other side of the room and warp there, repeat this today till you get a bit more used to it, we got a lot of time till the end of class"
We practiced till the end of class, we still get light headaches, when we warp, I felt terrible by the next class.
"What punishment did you get this time?" Eleanor asked
"I don't always stir up trouble you know"
"Him and Ace manage to warp, so they practiced warping till they no longer felt the side effects" Albert answered
-It was hell- Ace grumbled
"Your cat got a spatial attribute too? Why doesn't that surprise me?" Eleanor facepalmed
"I still haven't got permission yet, but I should be able to do it in a couple of days" Albert said "Have you 2 made any progress with your new spells?"
"My first spell for killing is coming along, but my 2nd spell isn't" I answered
-Yeah, healing magic out of fire magic, it's hard- Ace said
-Well as long as we can imagine it, with our abnormal mana capacity, it wouldn't be too much of a problem, yours is also expanded beyond average, it wouldn't be a problem for you either-
"You still aren't going to tell us what the 2 spells are?" Albert asked
"No, you guys might steal it"
"Have more faith in us, besides even original spells sometimes will have similarities with other spells" Eleanor replied
-What kind of fire heals? Maybe we should use wind magic instead- Ace suggested
-You can do that, but I'm not giving up on a fire healing magic, besides- - I then got an idea
-Besides what?- Dabria asked
-Phoenix are fire birds with healing abilities right? We can use that-
-You are onto something there- Dabria replied
"What if he loses? Will you expel him then?"
"I wouldn't kick Perseus out, if they can use any equipments, the noblesse would be able to afford much more things than what Perseus can" Anthony Magus replied "Either way, the noblesse family is finished, I already got all the evidence I need"
"Doesn't his family own food franchises?" Professor Steel said "My sister love those foods, he should be able to afford some things"
"Professor Reginald Woods, do you have any sort of clue on what spell young Perseus is creating? You teach Spell making after all" the headmaster asked
"No, he did say say one of his spells was a spell that he is creating to kill his enemies" he answered
"He has managed to warp, his cat can too" Professor Williams commented "Albert haven't manage it yet, but he's close, his cat got the advantage since he is small"
"What promising talent" the headmaster nodded "What about his sword? It managed to easily cut off Professor Steel's arm after all"
"Yeah and I always surround myself with mana, that sword sliced through my arm like butter" Professor Steel nodded "I didn't get a good look during our fight, but when I saw him and his group beat the thugs, I saw it, it is this weird black blade, a straight one sided sword, nothing I've seen before"
"Let's just hope he pulls it out during his fight, Professor Blue and Professor White, please examine it from the distance if he does" the headmaster ordered
"Of course sir" Professor Blue replied
"We wouldn't let you down" Professor White added
"Now is anyone here betting the win on the Noblesse?" Anthony magus asked but got silence as his answer "Seems like we're all in agreement, we all think Perseus Silver is going to win, here I was hoping to make some money"
"Sir you already get paid more than us" Professor Steel replied
I already edit the chapter Reginald Woods is introduced, it's spellmaking teacher's name