
Reincarnated into a world of clichés

Guy died, reincarnated into an isekai world full of clichés from a novel. Like a certain red haired noble, he also dreams of living life as a slacker, and maybe get rich along the way. "This author must be really lazy to write such a short summary" said a voice "Cut him some slack, he created us" said another voice "You're saying that because you're the protagonist and he bribed you with money" "I don't turn down a $5 bill" "Cheapskate" "Shush" |Vote with all your power stones and give me good reviews or else I will eat all your cookies.| Author's note : As carefree and free spirit as the protagonist is, I don't plan on making him a hero, but a selfish person who does things only for his own gain. The novel will also end with a harem since the protagonist is a greedy bastard and want a semi cliché ending. P.S. The illustration belongs to the original owner and in no way do I own it, copyright infringement is not intended. if you want it removed, contact me. Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief.

PerseusSilver · Fantastique
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518 Chs

Chapter 343: This bath sucks (2)

I then went and crouch by the Styx river.

"Erix, I wouldn't put my hand in the river if I were you." Urie warned "If a god of death warn us about it, only a idiot would go against it...no offense to you guys."

"None taken, so after this, we fly across the river and meet Hades before we go down to Tartarus, the most dangerous part of the underworld filled with the strongest and scariest monsters. Even Hades rarely venture down there."

"The most scariest would be Nyx, our mother, the goddess of night and Tartarus, well, the god of Tartarus." Hypnos pointed out "Those are the primordial gods whom even the council of gods wouldn't go against."

"My instructor, Horus, can. I mean, he's super old, but he definitely can't take 2 of them at the same time. Alright, blessing time, we need to bathe in this thing."

"How does the blessing work?" Mom asked

"For me, it's simple. I just need to kiss them all on the forehead, it could be anywhere on the face, but I prefer the forehead." Dabria answered "I can give you a sample of what you and Cordelia should say, all you have to do is change the words a bit like as their mother and as a descendant of a sea god and recite it for each and everyone of them."

"How do we know that our blessing will work?"

"You just do, it's a feeling. They will know it as well." Dabria answered


As my mom and Lia are reciting the line for the blessing, Hypnos approached me in private.

"Remember the 2 things I told you before we parted ways last time?" He asked

"Yeah, when we dip ourselves under there, time would seem much slower as we experience visions could could feel like hours, we have to endure it until we feel the curse."


"My mother...she's in Elysium."

"Yes, she's waiting for you before she reincarnate." Hypnos nodded "After your visit with Hades, just make a brief visit there with me. You should at least see her, she wants to see you for the first and last time. I have kept her updated on your wellbeing, but she still wants to see you."

"I understand."

I can then feel the 2 finish up on their blessing as I felt something well up in me, but it doesn't feel complete yet as Dabria gave us her blessing.

-I'm going first.-Damon said as he flew up turned into his full dragon body, he then flew forward to the deeper ends of the water and slowly lower himself into it until his whole body could no longer be seen.

-I hate this, this is why I only take quick showers.- Diana grumbled as she turned from her regular bird form into her phoenix and dipped herself into the water

Ace and Siege then followed after. Ace jumped into like as if it's a regular swimming pool wile Siege calmly walk into it wincing each and every step before going under water.

-No good luck kiss-

-Wasn't the kiss on your forehead enough?- she complained

-But that's just part of this process, a good luck kiss would feel more genuine?-

-I still can't believe we're doing this in front of your girlfriend.- she sighs -Survive and I'll think about it.-

< There's definitely something wrong wit her, we need an intervention. >

"Oh yeah, don't forget to take off your clothes and get your wings out." Elektra reminded "You need to dip everything in."

"Ok, everyone, please look away."

"Why?" Lia asked "I've seen it many times."

"Look, if I give an exception to you, I would have to do it to the others too."


The water stings, as soon as I dipped myself in, it feels like bathing in hot acid. I can breathe underwater regularly as if I'm on land, but this time, it feels different, I can breathe under it, but it burns.

Breathing hurts and everything hurts. I took a few gulps of water just in case water can make my internal body invulnerable too. I took off my ring and everything to make sure I don't die like Achilles.

The worst part of this experience isn't the burning and stinging experience but the voices of damned souls.

"Die, join us!"

"You deprived my child of a father! Die and redeem yourself! It's not like you're worth anything!"

"Die, you murderer!"

"Why suffer pain? Die and let all of it go..."

"My fiancé and I died by your hands, pay with your life."

"My son was killed by you, I got drunk everyday to cope...why are you alive and he is not?"

I then saw a a familiar person, Auntie's disguise, my mother.

"Why must I die for you? I took good care of myself and I made sure nothing could harm you, but you killed me. You are nothing but a disappointment." she said as she glared at me "You are no prince, you are no king. You are just a self centered bastard, I wish you were never born."

I tried speaking but nothing could come out of my mouth.

< Calm down, she's in Elysium, paradise. >

"Everything you do is morally wrong, you know it and yet you still continue to do it. Why dirty your hand with blood? You killed thousands of people, you deserve a terrible death, your girlfriend deserve a better fate. Die and let her find a better man." she continued "Do it for me. You should at least redeem yourself now before it's too late, do it as a last request of your mother."

< You're not my mom, my mom would never say such a thing whether it's true or not. >

"Reunite with me boy, I'm lonely, die and accompany me for eternity." she requested

I can then see the souls of vision of Kenny and Benny in front of me.

"Why didn't you die in our place?" Benny said "Why did I have to die? Why were you not there for me?"

"You know how tiring it is to live in your shadow?" Kenny asked "We are both accomplished, and yet you got all the attention. Why is it always you? You should have died for us, kill yourself now, do something worth our while."

< These guys are illusion, none of them are real. >

It continued for hours, until I felt something in me clicked, as if I am now whole, and that's when I resurface coughing some water out. My skin is red and stinging.

It seems like everyone already got out, which make sense since I got in last.

The air is cold for some reason as I can see an icy cold haze coming out of Damon, he's still in his dragon form, his claw is on chest gripping it.

I can then see his white magic core slowly switching into black.