We explore the town a bit more before we carry our plans, many things changed after we were gone. Some stores shut down and got replaced while we see some familiar faces but much older than the last time I saw them.
"Still can't believe that store is still open" Zach pointed to this store on the corner of the street with black paint and pink outline
"What does it sell?" Stella asked
"Shouldn't you buy some for your future child?"
"Not those kind of toys, Alice's kind of toys." Zach shook his head "Our world have them too, but it's definitely not advance as the ones here, and after all the years gone, can't imagine how advance it has become"
-He's definitely implying that he bought and used them before- Siege pointed out
-Well he was a Leven after all- Damon shrugged
-Don't group us all together-
"Yeah, we lost a bet against Benny. So we had to go in there once, never again"
"AH you mean those!" Alice realized "I'll go check it out, anyone want to join?"
Well me, Zach, and my bonds waited across the street as Alice led Stella in. They got out after a while and came back to us.
"I got some in my spatial storage, though I felt a bit alienated that only I bought some" Alice said
Stella's face were completely red.
"Father, little brother...your world is wild" Stella commented
"They warned you" Diana shrugged "Should've seen my look when I experienced his memories"
-Surprised that your girlfriends didn't want to go- Dabria commented
-See, we're regular people-
We then continued on, walking and discussing at how we'll kill the leaders of the worshippers. Which brings us to the topic of the origin of the gorgers, Dabria found out quick as she's the goddess of life.
Those gorgers were man made by the founder of the worshippers, that's their most hidden secret. They were made to cull the human population but they got out of control and started feasting on humans, they reproduce asexually by laying eggs and us humans responded too late.
They evolve every single day, and with more people joining the worshipper's day by day, it won't be long till there are no longer any humans on the planet. But the first and strongest gorger is still alive, it evolved into a special and is the strongest gorger till date, but no one knows that apart from a few of the worshippers and our group.
I then sense 2 presence heading quickly toward out direction.
-The reincarnates, they're here- Ace informed
-Yeah, I can sense it.-
They arrived mostly unarmed apart from the pistol they have on their waist. They are in casual clothes.
One is an androgynous looking guy , natural purple hair ponytail which should be impossible but he's a reincarnate, so what am I to question his hair color since my hair is also completely white. He wears feminine clothing, look to be around my age, 167 cm tall and have one brown eye and a blue eye. His name is Luca Armin and yeah, he's a trap...cute though.
| Um...okay? |
Don't judge my taste author, it's called being cultured. But please do not tell my girlfriends.
| I wasn't judging but sure, alright. |
Anyway, the other is a girl, who also look to be around my age, 170 cm tall, blond hair and have one green eye and one red eye named Kate Goodman. She looks more like a person of this world, but she's also a reincarnate, so she's also very strong compared to this world's standard
They are both glaring at me.
"Perseus?" Luca asked
"Yup, one and only. Student of Horus, killer of gods, lord of demons, prince of vampires, an executive of the seekers of salva-"
"Shut up!" Kate interrupted
"Hey, Horus taught me to give a good introduction, so let me do it probably"
"No, just shut up!"
"Fine, why are you here and why do you know my name?"
"Well someone apparently world travel into our world last time and we sensed it but whoever that was left before we got there in time" Kate replied
"Yeah, and we predicted that you would come, you are originally from here after all" Luca added "We know all about you and why you come back. Just leave it to us, we'll put them all on trial."
"Yeah, there's no need for needless slaughter" Kate agreed
"Then you really know nothing about me, what about my 3rd ability? Do any of you know that at least?"
"...No" Luca answered hesitantly
"Well I'll tell every god who are listening right now...the name of my 3rd ability is 'Protagonist'. And AS the protagonist, I do whatever the fuck I want, you get in my way, I'll kill you too no matter how cute cute you both are"
-Um could've left out the last part- Damon commented
3rd person view
The gods are excited at the revelation as they watched over the scene play itself form their realm.
"He's not only the protagonist of this normal but also have an actual ability named 'Protagonist'" the god of 4th wall breaking laughed "Hahaha, this is hilarious!"
| Since when the hell is there a god for that?! Are you all trying to kill me here?! |
"Hmmm, what does the ability grant him?" a god asked
"Well the mystery is what makes it exciting, does it not?"
"But I'm curious!"
"Hmm, clearly the ability doesn't grant him immunity against death, that's for sure" the god of 4th wall breaking mumbled "Maybe the more 4th wall he breaks, the more stronger he gets?"
| Hell no, I will go out of my way to not make it happen |
-Protect everyone please, you know what I'm going to do- Perseus requested as Dabria use her magic to protect their group.
Perseus then activated 'Presence', if they weren't reincarnates with a god by each their side, they would've probably dies from just being there. It felt ominous, yet it feels fool of authority, in front of them isn't any ordinary reincarnate, but...a king.
Perseus shut it off as he saw them getting slowly crushed by the pressure.
"Hmm, my presence and aura feel better now that I'm a demon lord. Good to know, now don't mess with me." Perseus then leaned in and whispered "I'll kill them all, gorgers and worshippers...but those 5...me and Zach won't just give them death, we'll give them an eternal torment"