3rd person view
Rex bend his body and avoids all of Albert's attack. Albert surrounds his fist with pure mana, and each of his blow would disperse Rex's body and erase it.
"If normal physical attacks won't work, then I just have to beat you by surrounding myself with dense mana." Albert declared "Dense enough that your weak slime body would get eliminated by contact"
<Tch, I even use spatial disruption to make spatial magic not possible for him but he's still winning > Rex cursed < He has a large amount of mana to be able to use it for this long, maybe I should've listened to Perseus and not tell him my weaknesses. Experimenting with my opponent might cause my own loss this time>
Spells flew from every direction and aimed themselves at Albert, he tried to block it, so Rex use this opportunity to consume him whole. Albert then gathered all his mana and exploded, blowing Rex to bits.
The bits then gathered together and form a large slime again.
"Why don't you just lose already?! I need to get to Aenon!" Albert yelled in frustration
"If I can't win, then I'll just have to delay you for my comrade. Azure and Redd are my 3rd and 4th favorite subjects after Draven and Perseus after all" Rex laughed "I can't let you kill them"
Albert is already worn out, it isn't long till he pass out from exhaustion, the only reason he's winning is because Rex keeps giving him advice on how to fight slimes better.
<Acid magic: fluoroantimonic acid> Rex casted as waves of liquid acid shot itself towards Albert.
Albert summoned many barriers but the acid itself melts everything in its path before reaching Albert who barely avoided it by releasing all his mana blowing the acid away.
< Poison magic: Strychnine > Rex casted as small bead of the toxin shot itself towards Albert and seeping into his skin.
Albert then started to have a vertigo and feeling extremely fatigue. He activated his swords ability to created a dome of extreme healing magic to heal him, but the poison.
-Oh no, poison usually won't affect you, but his is, it won't take long for symptoms to show- Helena exclaimed -Defeat him as I try to slowly remove the poison-
Aenon himself wasn't having a grad time as Perun easily surpass him in every aspect.
< So this is a true corrupted in their demon form> Aenon though as Perun summoned a giant lightning bolt striking against his scales.
And due to that attack, Perun use the smokescreen caused by it to attack Aenon by surprised and slashed Aenon's right eye, blinding him.
-So how are you guys doing- Dabria asked casually
-Shouldn't you be with Perseus?- Siege asked as he hopped around killing all the demon spawns that the demon lord summoned.
He summoned ice shards to shoot it at them while biting some of necks to kill some before pouncing on another.
-Yeah, I saw the god warped him away from the rest of us- Damon joined in -The rest of here are holding on, but I'm not sure about him-
-Well I'm having fun- Ace laughed as he run around through summons' legs erasing some of them off with spatial magic or cutting them of with wind blades.
-I'm doing fine, the demon lord seems to be amused about by me and isn't targeting me as much, I'll explain it to you later, gotta focus here- Diana chimed in quickly -Using 'presence' only amuses him-
Some are tougher so he used fire and lightning magic for a more destructive approach.
Siege then retreated to the back lines after the got tired along side Ace who looks like he just had the time of his life despite sweating profusely
-How's Perseus doing?- Siege asked as he took a short rest
-He was doing terribly at first, his sword could barely hurt Maren, and he started to make a comeback a bit but now...yeah, he's losing- Dabria answered -Oh my me, that's one leg off, oh it's back. Oh no...yeah, he's losing. Ouch, that must've hurt-
-How many hours have he been losing?- Diana asked -Because we have been fighting for a very long time-
-Perseus you can do it- Dabria cheered -Ouch, oh you can't do it-
1st person view
"You heal fast" Meran chuckled as he is amused 'But it will only prolongs your death"
"Not gonna happen buddy, I got 2 girlfriends at home, and 2 adorable cousins who admire me. I got a lot to live for" I panted as I held a time out sign with my hands "You mind if you give me a little rest?"
"I do mind" he nodded "You mortals and desires, pitiful. Now you will leave 2 beautiful women behind"
"Mortals? You're a lightning god, I assume that you know Zeus, the fucker is full of desires!"
"He really is making us lightning gods look bad" Meran agreed
"Can I at least shake your hand before I meet my fate? I never shook hands with a god before"
"That's a lie, I've seen you shake that remnant's hand, what's your goal in the handshake?"
"Just yes or no, man. If yes, then shake it"
"Well I like to see you try something, so I'll oblige" he then approached me and gave me a handshake.
He immediately felt something was wrong the moment he gripped my hand, he felt his strength being sapped away before being replaced. He flew and broke a few trees on the way. he then coughed out blood as he got up.
"Ho-how?" he stuttered as he tried to stand "You were so weak a moment ago?"
"Plot armor's 'absurdity' really is broken" I laughed "It can make the impossible possible. And just now, I'll call it...'equalizer'. When you shook my hand, you agreed to share our powers. Our powers merged and divided equally into 2, it still have limits as I would need a handshake. We are now on the same level"
He charged at me and I send out the strings to grab his one of his legs forward and pull him into a split, I charged at him and launch a knee jumping kick to his face, blowing him backwards.
I run to him, and clad my fist with aura and mana and deal blows to him. He tried to counter but I then used my sword to cut some of the muscles of his body and put flames on the wound to hinder its healing speed before using my sharp strings to hold him down.
His eyes then started fluttering as his knees buckled. He felt drowsy and want to sleep. The void of eternal dreams only hindered his movements before, but due to the fact that we're now at the same level and he's injured, it is starting to work.
He tried to attack me but then falls asleep while my strings held him up in the air.
"Thanks for the mana and making me half as strong as you were. Now the demon lord, half your strength should be just enough to deal the finishing blow"
While taking out a sniper rifle that I asked to be made by Jasper and aimed it at the direction of the other 3 gods.
"Stay there for a moment, this will only take a sec." I then used my 'eyes of god' to scope in
"Initiating material burst"
| You can at least tell me how many references you plan on using in advance, you know. The strings is also a reference, and now this? Just give me a heads up or something |
3rd person view
"Everyone back away, if you don't wanna die!" Damon warned
"Don't you run away!" Colden screamed as he got a hold of Damon's wing "Killing his bond would be just fine"
"No, I should be saying that to you" Damon grinned "Us bonds don't get affected by his magic"
A white orb then appeared in front of the demon lord engulfing everything in the area, and everything that got engulf by the white orb got erased out of existence.
Colden then used his magic to restrain 'material burst' and contained the attack.
"Encore!" Zach shouted as another material burst appeared engulfing Colden and the demon lord
"Well we managed to throw the gods into the attack as we planned, now what?" Stella asked "I can still sense them, they're still alive"
"Well at least, the demon lord is almost dead right?" Redd tries to cheer everyone up "Those 3 gods are the problem though, they say very mean things..."
"Now is not the time to cry, you stupid idiot!" Azure shouted
"Yeah, my axe barely did anything to their skin, they're tough" Maska commented
"Wait for it" Zach insisted
"We are still alive!" Colden laughed as he spit out blood "That attack was nothing, we can still heal"
-We gathered them into the range as they were blinded when you cast material burst- Damon reported
-Yeah, you're good to go- Diana added
"Mugetsu" Perseus casted as he swung his sword down causing a massive veil of dense black mana to erupt upwards and approach the target, darkening the sky and destroying anything caught in the attack.
Afterwards, the black energy then rose before dissipating into the sky. Killing Maren who is in the path and slashing the demon lord in 2 while hitting the other 3 gods in surprise in the process.
| Another bleach reference, what is it with you and that anime? |
"Encore!" Zach casted for the attack to repeat again <Just to make sure, star magic: supernova>
Then another explosion appeared destroying everything in range.