
Reincarnated into a world of clichés

Guy died, reincarnated into an isekai world full of clichés from a novel. Like a certain red haired noble, he also dreams of living life as a slacker, and maybe get rich along the way. "This author must be really lazy to write such a short summary" said a voice "Cut him some slack, he created us" said another voice "You're saying that because you're the protagonist and he bribed you with money" "I don't turn down a $5 bill" "Cheapskate" "Shush" |Vote with all your power stones and give me good reviews or else I will eat all your cookies.| Author's note : As carefree and free spirit as the protagonist is, I don't plan on making him a hero, but a selfish person who does things only for his own gain. The novel will also end with a harem since the protagonist is a greedy bastard and want a semi cliché ending. P.S. The illustration belongs to the original owner and in no way do I own it, copyright infringement is not intended. if you want it removed, contact me. Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief.

PerseusSilver · Fantastique
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518 Chs

Chapter 221: Terrible parents

"Hey Hypnos, so glad that you showed up today, after all the times I tried to contact you. man, you deserve best father of the year award, 2 lifetimes, you're a good father in both, wow" I applauded sarcastically

"Sorry, I've been trying to figure out who sent your future kids to you and currently have no clue" he apologized

"Well I don't care, because I found a way to send them back without your help. And I also found one of my dead siblings, still alive, all of it without your help"

"Wow, I really am a bad father" he muttered

"You gods are all the same, you love mortals just to get them on the bed and throw them away the next moment. I mean it works right, because the mortals you sleep with still cherishes you in their memories."

"How did you think that you got sent on that plane, Grace?" Hypnos then turned serious "Otherwise you would've died that day, I pulled in favors to help you take care of you even before the plane, I broke the rules and intervened to help you"

"I can't win...I can't. So what? Auntie was only there because of you? No fucking wonder she keep saying my own father is her master! So then why can't you tell me who my mom is?! Your bloodline would help more right, so apparently she's not that special in the grand scheme of things"

"I can't, you have to figure it out yourself"

"So why have you called me here? Because seeing your face really isn't giving me a good mood"

"I'm here to warn you, the few gods that will descend and attack you, though they are merely foot soldiers, and there will be 4 of them. Kill them in their mortal form and leave the rest to us."

"Is Colden one of them?"

"Yes" Hypnos nodded "You and your organization stands a decent chance against them, and if that seer is right, someone or something will help you. So that should increase your odds of survival"

"Gods are terrible parents"


"Yo bro" Morpheus greeted "It seems like you aren't in a good mood today"

"What do you want?"

"So um, yeah, about that, I need a favor from you." he replied

"What kind of favor?"

"It seems that the vampire princess is currently pregnant with my child, she doesn't know it yet, and I also do not know of the gender. But please help take care of him or her when the time comes. You can think of it as having a literal godchild"

"Couldn't you have used contraceptive magic?!"

"More fun if I don't" he shrugged "I'll be with her for a bit longer but as a god, you know that we don't stick around and have to move on"

"Then don't have one in the first place! You and Hypnos are really terrible parents"

"Is that a yes?"

"Fuck you and this bloodline, but yes, I'll help out from time to time as thanks for your stupid and torturous training"

"Awesome man! By the way, Phobetor is next, he wants you to complete his training"

Morpheus then disappeared and I am then plunged with horrible nightmares and begun my training with my emo looking brother.


"AH MY EYES!" Phobetor screamed "You do that in the throne room? What is wrong with you?! You're supposed to be the king!"

"Wow even the god of nightmares is freaked out? Besides that's not real...Dude, why are you replaying that horrifying nightmare?!"

Right now, Phobetor has placed the both of us on the scene itself so we're watching the traumatizing scene that the unknown god showed me right before my very eyes.

"Oh my me...oh you shouldn't...That's not where it belongs!" Phobetor shouted

"Then why are you showing it again?!" I tried to turn away but Phobetor used his powers to turn my head and witnessed the nightmare

"If I'm suffering through it, you're going through it too" he replied


3rd person view

"It's rare that you're calling me out" Cordelia said as she led Eliza to her bedroom "So what do you need that we must discussed this in private?"

"What's that crystal?" Eliza asked

"Oh it contains the spell 'hush'. Perseus gave it to me in case I want to talk about things in private" Cordelia then crushed it and activate the spell

"Perseus, he hides a lot of things. He has a goddess and a god inside of him, you and your mother knew" Eliza said "And even when I used to watch over him when he was younger, he was always strange. And all that worshipping he received from the church of Dabria and everything else all make sense now."

"Did kissing him jolt your memory of finding him cute?" Cordelia giggled "He may not notice it, but I do, you always had your eyes glued to him when he's not looking. You hid it well"

"That's besides the point" Eliza stopped her "What is his actual goal in the seekers of salvation organization? Don't give me all the heroic bullshit, I know that he's lying"

"He's not though"

"I've known him longer than you, trust me, I know."

"Well I can't tell you, I promised him that I would never tell. That secret is between me and him, if you get his permission, I can tell you whatever I know"

"And then there's that personality change, his ability to alter his presence, it's something that doesn't belong in this world" Eliza added "Just give me a small clue, anything that would help. His parents are way too accepting and I'm not"

"I'm sorry" Cordelia apologized "But it's between me and him"

"What if I get him drunk?" Eliza asked "He doesn't drink, he should have very low alcohol tolerance"

"His kind is hard to get drunk, besides he has sensitive smell, he'll smell the alcohol"

"What if I get you drunk?"

"Yeah, I can also smell alcohol, not as good as him, but good enough to know, besides I'm a water spirit, also very hard to get drunk"

"Why can't you all just be regular humans like everyone else?!"


"You look awful" Eliza commented as she walked into my room

"Really traumatizing nightmare, you don't wanna know"

"Ok tell me what you're hiding? why are you so mature and strange ever since you were young?" she asked

"Goddess in me, shared her memories, so I learned a lot of things, that's why I'm always mature"

"Your eyes changed into her eyes' color after we met" Eliza pointed out

-Well we will take our leave- Ace said as the rest followed him out

"She was with me before that"


"I'm a magic genius, so I attract a goddess' attention and she gave me her blessing"

"And her brother? A god's remnant?"

"He came only when he realized that I was under her protection, and he wanted to reunite with her. Sorry sis, but I got an excuse for everything"

"Well I'll find it out sooner or later" she replied

But before she can leave the room, I can feel that I'm getting sucked into a void similar to dream world.

-Oh no, you're being sucked into a different world- Dabria said

-My third brother, damn it, I already hate my other 2. Phobetor was nice, well not really, not after what just happened-