
Reincarnated into a world of clichés

Guy died, reincarnated into an isekai world full of clichés from a novel. Like a certain red haired noble, he also dreams of living life as a slacker, and maybe get rich along the way. "This author must be really lazy to write such a short summary" said a voice "Cut him some slack, he created us" said another voice "You're saying that because you're the protagonist and he bribed you with money" "I don't turn down a $5 bill" "Cheapskate" "Shush" |Vote with all your power stones and give me good reviews or else I will eat all your cookies.| Author's note : As carefree and free spirit as the protagonist is, I don't plan on making him a hero, but a selfish person who does things only for his own gain. The novel will also end with a harem since the protagonist is a greedy bastard and want a semi cliché ending. P.S. The illustration belongs to the original owner and in no way do I own it, copyright infringement is not intended. if you want it removed, contact me. Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief.

PerseusSilver · Fantastique
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518 Chs

Chapter 220: Subservient

"You should be on our side, Oz Magus" Cyrus muttered while shaking nervously

"I should, but I'm not" Oz laughed "Don't worry about your lives, we don't care enough to waste our efforts and kill you"

"Why have you been protecting them then?" Gia asked

"Amusement, I guess" Oz shrugged "Want to know why I should protect his pathetic bloodline like my ancestors, but I can't kill them either, my parents are still alive, so they'll kill me for killing them. I know that I'm stronger, but parents are still scary"

"Oh Albert, don't try to cut the strings, these are SS-rank, your sword won't be able to cut them easily." Siege warned "So by swinging your sword, you'll pull the string, and will kill one of your own subordinate"

Albert looks frustrated but listened to the warning and so did the other guards. Well one didn't, and let's just say that the guy next to him can no longer take in oxygen.

"Great quality" Gia observed and felt the strings as her fingers start to bleed "Who made this?"

"I asked a special favor from Luke and Eliza, this is their first SS-rank item"

"Well I would like to request some, useful for defending my bases" Gia requested

"Sure, I'll let them know"

-Your world's tv shows really are interesting- Dabria commented -Gave you lots of dumb and interesting ideas-

-Yeah, look- Ace said and moved one of the strings hard and it cut one of the hidden assassins

"What do you all want in exchange for our peace?" King Cyrus asked

"I want you all to be our bitches"

"That's a bit crude" Gia commented "But what we want is for all of your kingdoms to be subservient to us"

"Can't you at least give us some benefits out of this?!" One of the leaders shouted

"Perseus?" Gia said as she turned to me

"The 3rd string from the left in front of you, the one above it will kill her"

Gia then pulled it and the strings cut into the leader's flesh and she screamed in pain.

"We are in command here, you lost to us" Gia said and stopped pulling "Unless you want war, the 3 of us here are willing to fight you all here if you want"

"Don't forget us" Diana reminded by bursting into black flames

3rd person view

-Can we overpower them?- Albert asked

-No, you'll be fighting for a lost cause, Perseus and his bonds might hesitate to kill you 2 if it comes down to it, but I can't say the same for the other 2- Helena advised

-Yes, the 3 of them are currently stronger than us, we should just listen to them for now- Aenon added -I do not like it either-

The leaders ten started discussing intensely

"We expected this"

"We have no choice, we tried that raid and you saw the result, we lost"

"The champions are their rival, we can still hope for their help"

"They lost"

"Oh that's funny, cuz I just killed their boss" Perseus laughed "You guys should've seen his face, he begged me to end his misery after I made him experience all forms of death"

"Yes, please remind me on why I shouldn't mess with you or your family members" Gia chuckled "You did a great job"

"Man I should've taken a picture, but I forgot. I was a bit angry that they kidnapped someone I care about. You know that king Cyrus and several nobles does have a plan to kidnap my family members if they were to step into the kingdom?"

"We should have Draven feast on Cyrus" Ace suggested "He never eaten royals before"

"Perseus, our other problem?" Oz reminded

"Oh yeah, right" Perseus then cleared his throat "So anyway, we'll be summoning the demon lord, I'm sure professor Craig has warned you about that already, and the moment we do, a few gods will descend and try to kill us all."

"Our organization do like to have fun, huh" Damon chuckled

"Well I lived for 200 years and never fought a god before, this will be fun" Oz shrugged "These leaders look like they don't like the idea, their faces are so white."

"Hey, if we win, should we hold a big feast?" Perseus asked

"I don't think so, a lot of people will die, so holding a celebration is disrespectful to the fallen ones" Gia responded "I'm sure Jake Walker would agree"

"Good point" Perseus nodded "But then again, we might also not even make out of it alive, a seer told me that we will receive unexpected help, but frankly we have a 90% chance of death. I will live, but that's just because Colden would want to torture me"

"Oh now that is a high possibility huh?" Oz pondered "Which one of us executives that you reckon will die first? I'd say Azure"

"No, I'd say Maska" Gia countered "He still lives with his mother"

"I still live with my mother" Perseus pointed out

"You're a minor, that's fine" Gia reassured him

-These are the executives?- Helena is stunned -How did we lose to them? And badly at that?-

-Yeah, they're talking about their own deaths like as if they're just having a regular discussion between friends over Sunday's night dinner- Aenon agreed -In very...disturbing details too-

"Can I go against him?" Oz asked "It'll be a fight between fire and ice, so that's exciting to think about"

"He can use spatial magic though, well all the gods can. We'll definitely be fighting a losing battle. But hey, at least I got to meet my future children" Perseus shrugged

-One of a possible future, so there should also be variations of when you'll die and never have any children- Dabria reminded

-Fun- Perseus applauded

<What are they talking about?> was what all the leaders could think of.

A few assassins in the shadows then jumped out trying to go for the executives, they avoided all the strings and aimed for their necks, but the executives didn't even flinch. They left them alive on purpose from the beginning, Oz ignited and blasted flames burning them all into a crisps.

"So any of you guys agree to being our bitches, yet?" Perseus asked casually as if nothing just happened "I mean I would have been on your side and the raid's result would've been different, but please blame this on king Cyrus and the nobles in Artia, it's their fault."

-I already got all of them though, so there's only king Cyrus left to blame- Ace pointed out

-Let's not always point our fingers to him, he might really off himself after this due to stress and backlash- Damon argued

"I thought that you never planned on being loyal to them in the first place" Oz pointed out

"Yeah, but I never planned on being their enemy either"

"You 2 focus on our task at hand please, we don't want this to be like our annual meetings since we always have to end it later than planned" Gia clapped to get their attention "We're finally about to have endless authority over a continent or as you and your bonds excluding Diana say 'make them our bitches' "

"That's my fairy"

"Since when was I yours?" Gia asked

"It was just an expression" Perseus replied

"Please tell his girlfriend he said that" Oz requested "Record it for us too"


1st person view

We then presented a few stacks of papers in front of Zach.

"We got all their blood prints and everything, they will now listen to all our commands. Told you I'll make them our bitches"

"Perseus, that is still crude" Gia commented

"Come on, you gotta admit that it was fun. Cyrus kept offering his life for the peace of his people, and-"

"Good job you 3" Zach congratulated us "Now we have only a short time before we can carry out the forbidden ritual and we may all lose our lives to the gods, so celebrate while we can. Now I would need a private conversation with Perseus and his bonds."

They both then left and I used hush in order for anyone to not listen in.

"So Grace, you thought of a good plan yet?" Zach asked

"Don't call me that"


"No, I told you, I hate that"

"Why can't you be nicer to me?" he asked

"I hate you"

"We all know that that's a lie, you said that you missed me and you even hugged me"

"I'm regretting it a lot now. Out of the 3, I got you, Benny might be a bit dumb compared to us but at least, he's fun to be around. You're like my least favorite"

"That's rude, and here I thought that you are my favorite sibling" Zach argued

-For a person who just reunited with his sister, you argue a lot- Ace commented

-Isn't that what all siblings do?- Damon asked -Though mine and Diana's might be different, more emotional if we experienced what they did-

-Yeah, this does take it to another level- Diana sighs

"That's what you all say since I'm the only one who provide you food"

"Well we do get our monthly supply of rations, but you tasted those rations, they taste horrible! If you didn't learn to cook, we would be so scrawny"

"How many words do you want the author to write?! Just shut up!" Diana yelled

| Thank you |

"Sorry mom, but I'm not letting her, I mean him get away with it. Does that mean Stella is technically my niece?"

-I'm not your mom- Diana argued -I don't look that old, do I?-

-Well you sure do act like her- Damon mumbled

"Well yeah, and you call her sis now" Zach replied "That also makes me your dad, I guess you can say that I'm your daddy"

Zach winked at me as he made that joke, but all it did was make me cringe.

"Why can't I get Kenny? He's the smartest one, I got you instead"

-Welcome to my world- Dabria grumbled

-Yeah- Siege nodded -I guess you now know how she feels-

"That is rude, you know, I didn't ask to be reincarnated" Zach looks offended

''Me neither, but I'm kinda thankful that I did"

"Well I'm happy for you, better make me your best man at the wedding"

"No, definitely not. This world wedding customs doesn't even have the need for a best man"

"Oh so then which one of your bonds will you make your best man if it does?"

"Don't ask that, it started a fight last time between Ace and Damon , you were there and the one who caused it."

-Yeah, I couldn't be bothered to be honest- Siege grumbled

"I'm the first bond, so it makes more sense for me to be the best man" Ace said

"You can't even turn into a human form, it makes more sense for me to be his best man!" Damon countered

-Good luck, it will only take at least another 20 minutes- Dabria grumbled