
Reincarnated into a world of clichés

Guy died, reincarnated into an isekai world full of clichés from a novel. Like a certain red haired noble, he also dreams of living life as a slacker, and maybe get rich along the way. "This author must be really lazy to write such a short summary" said a voice "Cut him some slack, he created us" said another voice "You're saying that because you're the protagonist and he bribed you with money" "I don't turn down a $5 bill" "Cheapskate" "Shush" |Vote with all your power stones and give me good reviews or else I will eat all your cookies.| Author's note : As carefree and free spirit as the protagonist is, I don't plan on making him a hero, but a selfish person who does things only for his own gain. The novel will also end with a harem since the protagonist is a greedy bastard and want a semi cliché ending. P.S. The illustration belongs to the original owner and in no way do I own it, copyright infringement is not intended. if you want it removed, contact me. Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief.

PerseusSilver · Fantastique
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518 Chs

Chapter 194: Is no one gonna answer my question?

| Google doesn't help, is invading someone's dreams without consent illegal? If it is, I can send a few characters to jail |

"Leave at once, go for other gods" Dabria demanded "Oh this is so much worse than a nightmare"

"It's not that bad, besides I can't invade the other gods, cuz one, most of them don't sleep and two, it's much harder than someone who I'm close to"

"Why don't you practice it on your girlfriend or something?"

"I will, but messing with you is more fun, I even plan to invade the dream of Richard, the grand commander and your saint."

"Do not mess with my saint nor my holy knights" Dabria warned

"Yeah, messing with you is definitely more fun"

"Oh why does my bed have to be so comfortable? Why can't I wake up?!"

"In a dream, time is fluid, hours in here could only be minutes out there"

"Noooo!" Dabria screamed


3rd person view

-You've been acting awfully normal these past few days- Wilson commented as Emma is brushing his mane

-Yeah, I haven't seen you daydream about Perseus lately either- Wally nodded -He scared you that much?-

-No, it's just...weird- Emma responded -I just woke up one morning and I no longer have feelings for him, which is a good thing. He already has a girlfriend whom I occasionally talk with and now with him out of my mind, I don't have to feel guilty anymore-

-Maybe she's hiding it- Wilson guessed -Maybe get her to see him one more time to see how she reacts-


1st person view

-Why is Dabria so silent this morning?- Damon asked

-Yeah, usually she would greet us with a 'good morning'- Siege nodded

-Oh, she's angry-

-Why?- Siege asked

-I invaded her peaceful dream, oh man, it was so fun annoying her-

-Wait, you can do that?- Ace asked

-Just last night, took me a while till I can force my way in, but at the end of the day, I got my fun-


After our daily morning routine, we went to the royal forge to pick up some of our new gear

"You look awfully cheery this morning, what happened?" Luke asked

"Well apparently he can invades people's dreams now" Damon answered

"Um what?" Luke was confused

"I can invade your dreams now, and if I practice further, I'll be able to manipulate someone else's dreams and turn them in to a nightmare"

"Then please do not ever use that power on me" Eliza requested "I do not want people to invade me in my dreams

"I'm gonna need practice somehow, so I'll start with people I'm close to, then my underlings before moving on to my enemies"

-Takes 'killing you in your sleep' to a whole new meaning- Ace chuckled

"Well are my new gears ready?"

"Yep, all those armor to fit that weird fashion sense of yours, we can't make them SS-rank yet, but we're close" Luke answered

"Great newer and stronger shoes, and pants, hopefully they don't get shredded like my last ones"

"I know you're fighting a strong guy this time, but please at least minimize the damage" Eliza requested "It will mend itself, but there are limits to things"

"Sorry Eliza, I love you and all, but there are promises that I can't keep"

"Thought so" she sighs


When me and my bonds arrived in the Crimson kingdom, we went directly for Urie's castle.

"Prince Urie currently has not arrived yet" one of the knights informed "But a guest by the name of Stella West is currently in the waiting room. Princess Lillian is also planning on coming as she heard about your visit"

-Let's make this quick, and hope Urie arrive before she does-


-You jinxed it- Diana said

"You plan on going to meet teach a few young vampires magic after this, right? Why don't we go together?" Lillian suggested

"Yeah, that and I plan on making a trip to see Vlad tomorrow"

"Why? He's very boring you know, always sleeping and always annoyed"

"Well 2 can play at that game, I need a bit of advice from him"

"For what?" she asked

"His sloth magic, I plan on invading him in his dreams tonight and arrange an appointment"

"You can do that?" Natalie asked

"I can do a lot of things"

"Yeah, I've heard." Lillian nodded "Urie told me about what you did when your organization got raided"

"I witnessed it" Stella joined in "One moment he was beating his opponent and the next moment, I saw his opponent without his head on his shoulder. Even father said that time magic is tricky, he wouldn't use it unless it is his last resort"

"Well there are limits of course, I can only stop it for a split second"

-I don't like that power, I want to fight when the opponent is fighting back, more fun that way- Ace said

"Ah did you guys wait long?" Urie asked as he entered the room

"Yes, we're confronting the beast in 4 days"

"Sorry, I was occupied with Erix for a moment" he apologized


"So we need a seer, a shaman, and a saint within the area?" Damon asked

-So many Ss- Ace commented

"Yup, otherwise the creature can't be killed"

-Do I qualify as a saint?-

-Technically your level is higher that Beatrice's, but for safe measure, just get her instead- Dabria answered

"Yes, we got a few connections to shamans, but they are not willing to go where there lives are in danger and we also have no connection with any seers nor saints since most of them do not want to associate with us" Urie then turned to me "I think you know where I'm getting at"

"Yeah yeah, I'll bring all 3, even the shaman, but prioritize their safety please since one of them is my future mother-in-law"


"Is that a statue of Nova and Dabria? Is that how you really thinks they look like?" I asked Beatrice

"Why can't I erase you from my dream?" She questioned as she focuses with all her might

"Well I need your help, I apologize for intruding in your dream of sculpting"

"Wait, you're real?" she looks flabbergasted

"Well yeah, by the way, Nova is a bit more handsome and slightly taller and Dabria is slightly shorter than that and her chest is a bit bigger"


"Why and how are you here?" Vlad confronted me the moment I invaded his dreams

"I like to make an appointment for tomorrow, Lillian might also force her way in if you don't mind"

"I knew you were trouble the moment I saw your face" he sighs "You and Urie are the same, the super annoying type"