
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime et bandes dessinées
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230 Chs

Fine, I'll go first then you?

"So! Now give me my body!" Sakura said, in a rather forceful but more of a pleading tone.

"Sure…. So? You have an idea of how?" I asked.

"What do you mean how?" Sakura counter questioned me, so I assumed I was doing something to stop her from getting back control over the body.

"I mean how do you want to get the body?"

"Huh? How do you get it once you go out from this place?" Sakura asked me pointing around the room with her thumb.

"Huh? Oh this is just my mindscape, for me this is just a part of my mind. I'm not like you who seems to be present here, as I'm never in this place to begin with, or the right words are this place is mine."

"Oh….." Sakura became a bit miffed as both she and I realized we had no clue on how to go about doing this.

"Don't you feel any sort of connection to the body or something like that?" I asked to probe if she could feel something that she might've missed or just not checked after she woke up, like I only felt her after flooding my chakra circulation system with chakra.

"Huh? Let me see." Sakura closed her eyes for a second and tried to focus on feeling anything but soon opened her eyes a little disappointed.

"Uh uh.. Nope."

"I see…."

"Let's leave that aside for now then-"

"What do you mean leave it aside! I want my body! Give me my body you brat!" Sakura said as she bashed the table in anger to break it at which I smirked.



"Haha, I told you right, this is my mindscape, so everything here becomes what I think it becomes, the table is now as hard as a diamond, so you'd only hurt yourself trying to break it."

"Arrggghhhh!" Sakura groaned, clearly unhappy about not being able to let out her anger, and th throbbing pain in her knuckles.

"How did you communicate with me when you first were inside my body?"

"Huh? I just wanted to do something really hard and then you did it?"

"So the compulsions I felt before were because of you? All that changing my bathing habit-"


"Arghhh.... shhhh...!!! I'm right in front of you... and I did it your way anyway didn't I? God you're so loud, I didn't think anime tropes in real life would be so terrible."

"I feel sorry for Shikamaru now, how bad it must be for him to have to deal with Temari."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, so, then where were you before coming here?"

"I don't know, all I could see was what you could see and feel the body that you've taken from me, I couldn't control anything, neither could I communicate anything. I could also listen to the thoughts you had all the time, but I can't do this one thing anymore as long as I don't form that connection to your brain, you feel that too right?"

"Yes, I do, then how did you get out of that place you were before and come here inside my mindscape?"

"I just remember when you closed your eyes and started circulating your chakra all around your body after filling it I felt a subtle connection to your mindscape and so I followed it. Soon though while I was following it I was stopped by some kind of barrier it kept blocking me from progressing any further along with the chakra in your body, but I realized it was a tenketsu point in your head and since other people's chakra cannot enter into this region without performing a jutsu I just stopped trying to push further."

"Yes it was the one in between my eye brows." I confirmed and nodded asking her to go on.

"When I stopped I 'opened' my eyes which I suddenly had and I found out I was here with you standing in front of me."

"And you said you were in front of Kaguya before you were sent back in time?"

"Yes. I'm guessing my spiritual energy was sent back in time while my body was left there."

"Hmm… I see…. So when you were sent back in time, you were just spiritual energy? Is this why it is called spiritual energy? Because contains your soul? But then why is it coming from the head? Never mind I'm sure we can think about that later I guess. Then any guesses as to why you don't have control over the body? You know more about chakra than me after all."

"I…. think…. It is because you are blocking me from taking over the body."

"Huh? How-"

"I'm not telling you are doing it on purpose, it maybe bcause you are subconsciously doing it or maybe the physical energy of this body has already bound with your spiritual energy when you took over my body before me."

"Huh. I see. So you're saying all I need to do is somehow find a way to leave your body and then you'll have your body back?"

"Yes, in simple terms yes. But it has a lot more steps than simply that, I'll need a lot of books about medicine if I want to even attempt to find a solution for this, or we could ask Tsunade-sensei if we wanted to be quicker."

"I see. There are a few other ways I remember that it might be possible to do that, one is Tsunade's dead lover's spiritualization jutsu, another is the second hokage's jutsu which Orochimaru and Kabuto improved the Impure world reincarnation, the last method I can think of is the Yamanaka mind transfer method any other ways we would have to find by ourselves or... with Tsunade's help, but I'm reluctant to talk to anyone else about.... this?"

"Those are some ways yes, I… think so too. But I don't think you'll be able to handle hiding anything from Sensei even if you wanted to and even if I did my best to help you, she's very... intuitive, her instincts are the only things she relies on to do what ever she does, so..."

"So... you're saying, if I ever see her before she sees me I should run away."

"No. Don't try and do anything, just proceed totally normally without doing anything since you'd never be able to escape her gaze. She's a Sannin, and you are someone who doesn't even have the most basic of training. A chunin will be able to find you in a crowd if you try to ignore them deliberately. I'm sure Mum and Dad both know you've been weird lately after you met me."

"How would you know that? You were sleeping all this time, for six months."

"But I've spent being inside your head for the last two years. And from the beginning of this conversation you haven't cracked a joke, you are rarely ever serious, even if the situation demands it you crack a joke to make yourself laugh."

*Sigh* 'As if I didn't have one situation to deal with now I've got two more.'

Only after Sakura told me about Mum and Dad realizing I was hiding something did I remember how I had subconsciously changed my habit to start sleeping on the roof just to hide myself there in the last few months and mum had started waiting for me in the room below to greet me as soon as I entered the room whenever I did so. I should fix myself.

"Can you control my body in any way?" I asked hoping she'd say yes so that I didn't have to explain any of this myself.

"I can't." Sakura replied shaking her head a little. "But if I try really hard, I might be able to control your chakra flow a little, at least better than your stupid control. I can also use my own chakra here inside your head, while I don't know how I am using it, but I just can."

"I'm that bad at it huh…"

"Yes! You're so bad it was the most tortures thing for me! Even more than I when I found out I was trapped in my own body without being able to do anything!"


"How dare you laugh at my misfortune!!! Do you know how painful it was to watch you constantly keep refilling chakra in that toothpick while you were drawing those weird lines everywhere! And what even are those things!? You keep saying 'I'm a genius' like you've found something super important! But those lines do nothing! Are you trying to make seals!? You know that's not how they are made right?"

"Do you want to know what they are!?" I saw her give a curt nod. "Hehe, that's a secret that you'll know more about in the future."

"Aghhhhh…. You're so annoying!"

"Haha! Glad I could annoy you! Consider it revenge for you trying to kill me as soon as you saw me that day!"

Sakura's eyes slightly widened but then she bowed her head a little and said, "I'm sorry for trying to do so!"

I just pushed her back up and said in a calm voice. "No problem we're even."

"I know although you can't directly meet your family yet you'd like to so for the time being if you really want to tell something to them and do something to them you can try and control my bodies chakra and let me know how you want me to be and then tell me what you want me to tell, I'll do that so at least you're words reach them."

"No. It is alright. I don't want you to pretend to be me."

"That's nice to know....." I just felt something I'd never allowed myself to feel before, guilt. Is revealing even a little behind smoke and mirrors worth it? But what if they reject me, like that filler girl in Naruto who made that genjutsu demon, the Kurama clan girl, but most of all what if they reject and not accept Sakura because of my actions. I know they won't do it, but.... it's just...'How do people handle lying to their loved ones?'

"So tell me. What do you plan on doing with everything that you know." Sakura asked me with sharp eyes.

"Me. I had a lot of plans to do a lot of things. But now that you're here, I don't need to do anything really, you can do what ever you want once you get your body back and I'm gone."

Sakura looked at me with focused eyes, scrutinizing the details of everything I said and the asked again.

"What did you plan to do before?"

"Huh? Why do you want to know that?"

"Well I can make my own plans about what to do after talking about it with you. Maybe you had better ideas?"

I had some doubts about what she was saying but I did not question her and just told her what I really thought about her idea.

"That's not a good idea. We come from different worlds. My plans would not be anything like what you want to do. You wouldn't understand my ideas and just mess up things anyway so it is not worth it, while I'd do the same to your ideas and plans, you can do what you like after I'm gone and I'll just explore the world at my pace for as long as I can."

"Are you calling me dumb? I'd like you to know I graduated as the best student in the academy and was the disciple of Tsunade-sama."

"I know all that and more about you. And I'm not calling you dumb, at least not with that big forehead of yours, hehe." I tried my hand at a joke mid conversation and smiled a little at it.


"But No. That's my final answer. No. Our worlds are very different from each others, my ideas might seem great to you but you would not have the patience neither the understanding to develop them and might just end up using force to implement them in a harsh way making you nothing but another hypocrite so sorry but no. I will not be sharing what I wanted to do."

"What if I promise you I will never use violence? You know I learnt from Tsunade-sama, so you know I will not do anythin-"

"Sorry, but no. It is no that I don't trust you, it is just that I don't trust all the knowledge you have already been given. I might trust you in the future once I get to know you more and you know more about me. Until then maybe I'll just help you out in what ever you want to do as long as I'm not against it? How about that for a compromise?"

**Sakura POV**

I was angry. Why wouldn't he help me? Why wouldn't he help the world so that they can better survive what is about to come? Is it wrong to want people to live happily? I watched as my comrades died, ended up in the infinite tsukuyomi. Has everything I've lived so far been of no use? Have the sacrifices Naruto and Sasuke made of no use? Why am I not the one in control!? Why am I always the one that needs the help!?

"How dare you say that when you're the one using my body! HOW DARE YOU!?" I asked, venom in my voice evident, smashing my fist on the table once again in spite of how much it hurt.

I wasn't feeling happy and I made it known with a deep frown on my face as Anish locked eyes with me as he gave me a scrutinizing look for a few moments before his eyes went soft.


"Ask me one question about something particular. I'll answer that one thing. Take your tim-"

"What is your problem?"

He looked at me with a blank face then rubbed his eyes a bit and just stared blankly at me. I hated that gaze. I hated how he was looking at me as if I was a stupid child. He then smirked a little, bringing a little glow to his dull face that seemed dead before.

"My problem? Sure, it's you." He said that as he got up and then just left.

What a rude brat!!! I established a connection to his mind and shouted through!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, If I hadn't promised to first listen to music in the real world I'd have played ba dum tish!" I hear him laughing as soon as I connect to his mind.


He came back and he looked at me annoyed.

"Please stop shouting inside my head, and it is rude to see my thoughts."

"I will only do that once you answer me truthfully. This is my body, not yours. This is my life, not yours." Venom still dripping from my words, I watched as his eyes softened a little at those words.

*Sigh* He sighed then looked at my hand which I'd slammed against the table and brought it into his own.

"You can hurt yourself here." He said in a sad voice.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I tried to pull back my hand but he didn't let go while he caressed the slowly visible bruise mark forming over my knuckles and the bottom of my hand.

"Tell me, what happened during the war."


"Just do it."

"When Madara transformed into that woman. Everything from there happened so fast. Naruto and Sasuke very trying their best to fight her, while she kept changing dimensions and throwing out these rods that decayed everything that they impaled, she separated Sasuke from Naruto and then I had to help Obito who helped find Sasuke among all the dimensions and then brought him back out, then I fainted. When I woke up we were going to defeat Kaguya and seal her up, but when she saw me coming toward her from above and punching her she just blinked and I was suddenly, without any explanation back into the baby me."

"How did you feel?"


"Tell me how did that make you feel?"

"I felt fin-" I stopped myself as I spoke, Anish softly rubbed his hands over mine. He closed his eyes as a few tears formed and rolled down his face as if he'd remembered something as soon as those words left my mouth. A half smile broke out on his pretty boy face as he said in an inaudible voice. "Fine huh?" while opening his glazed over obsidian black eyes looking directly into mine.

Something seemed to have changed at the display, suddenly I felt almost vulnerable, as if I was being gazed down by a being that could see through everything about me. I felt like I was seeing an other me sitting in front of me.

He wiped his face with one of his hands while he looked back into my eyes and asked. "So? How did it make you feel?"

"I-" I could bring out the words I'm fine. I felt like he knew what I felt and that he'd know immediately if I lied.

"It's alright if you don't wanna tell me right now, I'll get going, why don't you watch what I do from here for a while. I could get to know you more while you do so and just maybe then I'd be inclined to tell you about my plans for the future." He said with a little depressed smile.

Then he slowly went back to the Anish I knew as he cleaned his face took and deep breath and was about to leave.


I slowly stood up as I left Sakura's hands back on the table.

I didn't want to do such a thing, but as soon as I remembered how she was about say that she was fine, a kind of nostalgic feeling over took me, something that reminded me exactly of the words I'd used to describe myself to Jake. It wasn't that those words had broken me or reopened closed wounds when I heard her say that, but felt an instinctive connection to her when she uttered them under the same context I'd used them not long before. It felt like I was watching a rather emotional painting that I could completely comprehend.

Haha she might still be depressed but she's still strong, I wouldn't be so inclined to talk to anyone on my own if I was ever stuck in a body without being able to communicate for nearly two years. 

'If I'd known I was dealing with a mentally broken person I'd have studied to become a psychiatrist perhaps. What do you do to help someone else like this? How did Jake know what to do? People say adults know everything but how come there was no book for me to read what to do after you become one? I guess you'd just stumble through and claim superiority over your juniors to make them jealous about you having lived so long? Haha... I guess seeing someone behave just like I used to brought me back out of my slump... it's not worth spending time stuck in such a place after all. I wish I had some music to pump up my emotions.'

"Wait." I heard Sakura's voice as she pulled back at my hand just before I was about to leave her to herself so that she could think things through about my offer to her.


"Sit down." I saw Sakura with her head down as she talked to me, so I sat back down in front of her.


**Sakura POV**

"Why do you want to know about me?" I questioned his intentions.

"Why wouldn't I? Don't you?" Anish asked me back.

"I.. do. You are in my body after all." I told him my reason.

"So why don't we start with me then…. since you're so shy about going first, I'll tell you about my time since I've been a baby here in your world. I'm sure you saw everything but let's just start with this." He replied back.


Thank you for reading! 

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