
Chapter 38: Game development advancements

[3rd Person POV]

As Pokemon reaches new heights in sales and popularity, more and more people are taking note of Vgames and their products. Multiple game companies also riding on the hype though not as successful. With Pokemon games and anime in full swing, Vgames decided to release GTA. As Pokemon was focused on the light hearted story and game play, GTA was centered on pure chaos and mayhem. 

People got to try being reckless crazy inside the game, which reduced violent tendencies among masses. Since people got to be crazy inside a game, they lost the desire or impulse to do it in real life. They got an outlet to release their intrusive thoughts. 

In the end, Ven decided to separate the NFS function for now. But he intended to combine it with GTA in the VR mode so the open world was more alive. 


In the past few months, Vgames have released a whole lot of recreated games in the PS1 era. And since the development of Unreal Engine was progressing quite decently, they managed to skip the progress from the early versions all the way to Unreal Engine 5 equivalent. While Vgames have not released any games that are really realistic yet, he started having several programmers develop a more user friendly software to help with 3d modeling and animation. 

Ven thought that if it was a lot easier for them to animate, then it would be easier to produce games, and in turn, reproduce them a lot quicker as well.

In Ven's old world, game companies also developed their in house software in creating games. Companies limit that development to a workable state though. But Ven is choosing to develop it even further and pouring a lot of resource into the project with the future in mind. As it was, 3d modelers would need to start from base polygons then build up to the final look, then add bones and rigging. After the character model is done, only then can they even start considering animation. 

But what Ven had in mind was having base model templates, included with muscle structures, high skin textures, built in internal organs or blood splatter simulations, even including proper fat, hair and jiggle physics with several options to remove certain features as needed. And these templates would be given several options to add on specific features or parts. As if a massive character creation screen from some random triple A MMO game. And they can use this in all games they create. So modelers won't have to start from scratch every singe time.

And the environment creation also works just as easy. Like housing systems in modern games, it would be fairly easy to add on elements, change main backgrounds, mix and match themes etc. 

The main idea was to create 3d models, characters, objects and environments with ease so they could focus on the gameplay of specific games instead of wasting time starting from scratch every time. 

Ven named this new advanced software, funny enough, the Matrix. He thought it was a funny inside joke. Since that particular movie didn't exist in that world for some reason, nobody would get it. But if it came down to it, Ven would probably extend his reach into movie making industry but for now, he had his hands full with games and keeping an eye on the Justice League future members.

After several months of testing and trial runs, Matrix V 1.0 was released internally in Vgames. Ven made sure to keep the software secure so it would not be easy to pirate or smuggle a copy outside. He made the software have the regular features of 3d software such as blender or maya, but have his complete template system and made the work so much easier. 

Several teams in Vgames started remaking everything in Unreal Engine 5 quality as per Ven's orders using Matrix. It became several times faster to make the base foundation of the games using Matrix. 

While some teams were focused on recreating already released games with Matrix, several teams were given orders to work on popular ps2 era games like Soul Reaver, Resident Evil 4, Tony hawks pro skater, Sports games, FFX, kingdom hearts, god of war and many others. Ven created several copies of himself and started reproducing all the games from his memory onto script form, created concept art, and noted every single detail he could. In a matter of days, Ven had an entire room filled with documents containing all his game memories so he only needed to distribute them as needed. 

Ven realized how important the cloning skill was. Just like Naruto when he became hokage, he used several clones to accomplish what he wanted in a short period of time. Though he can't exactly show the skill to anyone else. 


Inside Vgames conference room.

"Sir the Matrix software is working really well within all teams and it's quite revolutionary!" -Staff1

"We're working at 500% times faster than before, just because of that single software!" -Staff2

"Good. But always make sure the software isn't leaked outside. Do all proper diligence and security to keep this inhouse. Also, have the programming team develop a watered down version to be used specifically by police and CSI, focused on blood splatter physics and crime scene re-enactments. And make another separate version for the medical industry, focused on human anatomy simulations." -Ven

"Sir this is a very good idea! This could help hospitals! This could reduce mistakes and increase new interns learning capability. With actual visual input, they can become more precise!" -Staff3

"I don't want this getting out just yet though. I will be releasing these officially at the same time once we sort out all the bugs. Oh, and make one version for the movie industry as well by the way. That one, I don't know what to do with just yet but I want it just in case." -Ven


"Apart from the asian themed game scripts I sent to Square, how's their side doing? no problems I assume?" -Ven

"None Sir. But we did receive several requests about their new ideas that they were hoping you would green light." -Staff1

Square has always been part of the development ever since Ven acquired them. Every time he had a script that was originally created in Japan, he would always send to them so it would retain it's asian feel and themes. This time, he looked through all the proposals for idea's they came up with and thought that some of them were interesting so he gave them the green light to produce. 

"I'm actually glad they started developing their own ideas for games. If any of the teams from this side also have their own ideas, filter them to what you guys think and send me the ones you think would work. I don't mind it if you have really good ideas that could be great games as well." -Ven

The staff were overjoyed that they were now starting to have a bit more freedom in game development. At first they were only doing everything Ven wanted as a job. But later on, they all started getting inspired by the more narrative games. They didn't think it was possible before, but now, after developing several with deep stories or gameplay, several artists have begun to really become passionate about it. 

They were also very thankful they didn't leave the industry after the initial take overs. Before, they were only focusing on job and income stability, but after several games released by Ven, their artistic souls were ignited. 

Soon, aside from Ven's scripts, several games were also being developed and produced and Vgames was quickly becoming the main top dog of the game development industry. When people talked about games, the first thing that came to mind was now Vgames.

After the first batch of games that were made using Matrix were completed, Ven held off on releasing any of them and planned to have it all released via press conference together with the medical focused version and police and CSI version of Matrix.

Ven named the ones for hospitals Matrix Med and the ones for police Matrix PD. These were extremely watered down versions that were limited to what could be used for those industries. Ven made sure that even if they are reverse engineered and copied by programmers, they still wouldn't be able to compete with the Matrix full version. After all, unlike the full version, these were deliberately going to be distributed externally so he will not have control over it's security. 

Soon these two versions of Matrix were ready, and fully tested. Ven contacted several doctors privately as well in order to test the Matrix Med to get their opinions and added several requested functions. He did the same with the for the Matrix PD by contacting several people in CSI, which included Barry Allen. Ven didn't interact with him directly though as he wanted the programmers directly get feedback so he had them talk to the professionals instead.

And after months of back and forth, the software were properly encrypted and ready for mass release alongside several new games. Ven had Vgames schedule a press conference. Though it did make him think if he would ever create his version of E3 or Nintendo direct where he would announce new releases but he put that idea at the back of his mind for now.


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