
Chapter 22: I met the devil

[3rd Person POV]

The man in expensive looking suit walked towards Ven. The female detective got curious and went along with the man.

"Well well well...what do we have here? Lucifer...Morningstar" He said with a smile like that of a child who found something new and interesting. "And this is Detective Chloe Decker."

Chloe Decker at this current time does not yet know of Lucifer's true identity. But she knew he had a certain ability to get people talking about their desires. She also knew Lucifer was usually bored on crime scenes unless its particularly strange. So she was curious enough to see what got the strange man's attention.

"Ven Matthews." 

"As in Wayne Enterprises Ven Matthews?" A young woman suddenly appeared behind Lucifer and interjected with a rather excited tone. "Sorry, where are my manners, I'm Ella Lopez." 

"Yes the very same Ms. Lopez" Ven replied as he shook her hand after shaking Chloe's.

"OMG I don't believe it! Did you know he's the most popular guy in gaming circles lately? Everyone's excited about the new games he's going to release after buying out Squaresoft! People say he's hired a lot of new people which leads us to believe he's----" Ella says excitedly to her colleagues but was interrupted by Chloe.

"ELLA! Crime scene remember?"

"Oh yeah! It was nice meeting you!" then she goes back to the crime scene.

"She's very lively isn't she?" Ven says with a smile. He actually enjoyed her character when he used to watch Lucifer in Netflix. He then proceeds to shake hands with Lucifer as he hasn't yet.

"Yes she's very energetic, unlike you seem to be Mr Matthews. Tell me, what is it that you desire?" Lucifer asked as he tried his powers on Ven, making the handshake a little bit longer.

Ven knew this was coming and was curious how it felt but for some reason he didn't feel the urge to spill his guts. So he simply said "I dunno, Games I guess. I have a passion about gaming! I have so many plans that gets me so excited about all of it." While saying that, Ven decided to risk it by making the inside of his palm the part of his symbiote body so he can try if he could analyze him or if Lucifer can detect him.

Lucifer simply raised a brow, indicating he at least detected something strange but didn't mention anything. It was a bit of an awkward handshake since Lucifer tried his ability and Ven tried to analyze him. Afterward they simply both let go.

While Ven got what he wanted, he didn't fully study it yet, he simply memorized Lucifer's celestial cells. He wanted to copy and analyze it later.

Lucifer and Chloe found the response very curious that Ven simply shrugged and seemed like he just spoke randomly. They both felt Ven wasn't really affected by the ability. They tried asking a few more questions but Ven simply said he was in a hurry for an audition so he bid farewell and walked away. 

While Chloe thought nothing of it, Lucifer was still quite curious and thought maybe they can talk later on in private. In truth Lucifer felt the symbiote grab onto him and cope a feel to analyze him but being the Rebellious angel, Lucifer allowed a mortal to look into his cells just because he thought it was interesting. 

Lucifer stared at Ven walking away while thinking to himself, maybe he can consider this a 'deal' and he could potentially cash in on the favor at a later date.


Ven went to the audition but he was way too preoccupied and distracted. He was currently studying part of his symbiote body that was mimicking Lucifer's cells. They were so...weird to say the least. Out of sheer curiosity, he tried to combine his current face with a few of Lucifer's traits without changing his physical face and appearance. 

After a few seconds, the people around the audition suddenly felt like they were drawn to him. While he looked rather handsome, it was still bearable but then for some reason he suddenly looked more charming despite no change whatsoever. 

Ven realized that this might be Lucifer's unnatural charm of some sort. Since this wasn't really all that bad, he might use this every now and then. But for the time being, since he was in LA and at risk of running into him again, Ven decided to turn the function off for the time being and finally focused on the auditions. 


Later that evening, Ven decided to book a room in Lux Hotel. While it wasn't generally a good idea to outright seek Lucifer, he also knew he shouldn't really avoid him since he was already seen. He decided to just talk it out with him despite the risk since he knew a bit about Lucifer's rebellious and carefree attitude and his current Superman cells. 

Ven decided to eat at the hotel's restaurant and as he had guessed, Lucifer would have gotten word and appeared before him.

"That was very naughty of you earlier." Lucifer chuckled. "Lucky that was me you did it to, not my dear brother. Otherwise you would have been hunted down by old dark and broody Amenadiel."

"Yeah well, I figured you'd probably let it slide but it was a rather cheeky move." Ven replied calmy despite his internal mind being a little nervious. "So how much do you know about me?"

"That you...you naughty Klyntar you, are in the wrong universe cluster. It's quite intriguing to see your kind here despite being under a totally different set of celestials jurisdiction." 

Ven thought it was interesting since it doesn't seem like he knows his actual origin about being a former human. It seemed to Ven that Lucifer only knows him as a Symbiote from the Marvel Universe and he is aware of that side but nothing beyond that.

"So how DID you get here if I may ask?"

"Dunno, woke up in this earth but decided to roll with it. It's not gonna be a problem is it? I mean, it's not like I deliberately breached my way here." Ven replied.

"Well don't look at me for answers! I've been stuck in hell for eons. I've only recently gotten out you know. But to be honest, it's not like I care anyway. I'm on VACAY! But I am going to count you as owing me one. You did cop a feel after all." Lucifer exclaims while giggling.

"Great, haven't been here long and I already owe the devil." Ven sighed.

"It's not that bad, I don't really need your soul or nonsense like that. Speaking of, how is it you're strangely aware of my...true nature and how is it you're not affected by my mojo?"

"For your first question, that I can't say. Multiverse secrets and all that. Second question I have no idea. Was actually looking forward to it to be honest."

"Hahahahahaha! Multiverse secrets eh? That's hilarious! Imagine the devil being kept out of the loop for 'multiverse secrets' hahahhahahaha!" Lucifer laughed for a bit before getting his bearings again. "That's a good one! But fine, I don't mind if you keep your 'multiverse secrets'. It might be more interesting this way." Lucifer ponders for a bit then continues. "Normally, despite being assigned in hell, I SHOULD be investigating your existence here on this reality and how you got here. But as I'm on vacay for the foreseeable future, I won't really care about your shenanigans. Heck I might even join in on the fun if you do something interesting. But I will cash in on that favor when I deem it necessary. Though you might want to avoid my brother if you can. He's way too uptight for his own good."

Lucifer then stands up before saying; "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some girls to attend to." He laughs then walks away. "See you around Venny boy! Can't wait to see the changes you do here in this world." And then he's gone. 

Ven was left pondering. While it's generally not a good idea to owe the devil one, after remembering Lucifer's personality in the show and confirming he's mostly the same here, Ven thinks he can pretty much consider this like any other favor and that he shouldn't be unreasonable. He hopes. 

But Ven seriously thinks it might be better to avoid LA for a bit. At least until Amenadiel gets a baby and starts being a little more flexible. So Ven finishes his meal and decided to leave LA in the morning. Though he decides to turn on his new found charm since it might be a little fun to attract attention every now and then.


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