
Reincarnated as leviathan

A man dies due stupidity of others and reincarnates as a monster " mm.. Where am I?" " WHAT THE HECK IS A leviathan" System: " leviathan:the most ancient, terrible, terrifying, abominable, cold, ruthless, and gluttonous of all monsters some of the bigger ones of the species are capable of swallowing a whole mountain in one chomp. This species is thought to be extinct" Join him on his journey to... Well he has no goal really... Note: I don't own the picture

Fate_go_Player · Fantaisie
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177 Chs

Prince Consort


Lox: "You're quite funny your majesty, you casually exposed a spy".

What the heck is going on the moment I confirmed that Crow is a dragon, everyone pointed their weapons at him, Skadi specifically seems like she's about to lop his head off.

(Ruby what is going on?)

Ruby: "Dragons belong to mankind continent, demons and leviathans enemies , thus they are your enemy, and especially the former Leviathan Queen enemies"


Skadi: "this doesn't make sense dragons aren't cowardly, as to send a spy or an assassin"


Sapphire: "Alright, everyone calm down and lower your weapons"

Everybody complies..

Sapphire: "Alright you mind telling us who you are and what are you doing here"

Crow: "my name is Bard, Mankind's continent was boring so I came to live here"

Sapphire: "is that so?"

Crow: "yes"


I did a spin kick and sent him flying, then I asked Skadi to drag him back.

Sapphire: "let's try again, and this time please give me your real name"

Crow: "..... Crow...."

It seems he finally decided to be honest.

Skadi : "CROW?!!!"

Skadi seems shaken by the revelation of his name.

Crow: " I came to the demon continent to hide away"

Sapphire: "from who?"

Crow: "my wife"

Sapphire: "..."



Sapphire: " I need more context "

Crow: "I'm the prince Consort of the Dragon Queen Emerald"


Crow: "my situation at home was not so great, so I left a message that I'll be taking a 500 years vacation at home at ran away to the demon continent so no one can find me"



it seems Skadi liked my spin kick earlier because now she performed it perfectly.

But why call him ungrateful?

Crow: "Why are you angry, it's got nothing to do with yo-

wait this bloodlust , This Brutality , this Feeling Of Depression In My Heart , I Recognize It Anywhere...


Skadi: "oh so you do still remember me, well I guess I don't tell you what happens next, prepare for your punishment"

Crow: " torture me, kill me, do anything you want to me but please no matter what, DON'T TELL MY WIFE WHERE I AM"

Sapphire: "Alright everyone calm down, Skadi I know that dragons and leviathans are enemies, but please calm down a little"

Skadi: "it's not about being enemies, it's about being him being so shameless as to ditch his duties"

Sapphire: "Duties?"

Skadi: "yes"



and another flying kick..


Were all standing in the thr room, while Skadi scolds Crow who is sitting on his knees on the ground, while lowering his head.

Skadi: "to think that you would be so ungrateful after everything the queen done to you"

It seems crow is not a good husband, I can't have him be a general if he's an irresponsible person.

Skadi: "Should I count every thing the dragon queen done for you"

Crow: "...."

Skadi: "She personally trained you herself everyday until your bones broke for over 500 years in order for you to become stronger"

Crow: "...."

Sapphire: "wait what?"

Skadi: "remember when she claimed that you can take on 10 leviathans on your own, so she arranged for a surprise challenge on your behalf on your birthday against my top 10 finest warriors back then"

Crow: "*eyes watering*"


Skadi: "remember when the king of the dwarfs kingdom asked you at that time how tough are your scales, she challenged every dwarf in the kingdom if they can break your scales with their finest weapons , to prove how tough you are"

Crow: *eyes watering more*


Skadi: "and remember when she claimed your the best lover in all the kingdom, she made a harem for you, despite being only loyal to you"

Crow: "*eyes watering even more*"

(wait that sounds great, why is he crying?)

Skadi: "She made sure their are at least 5 dragonesses to satisfy you every night she couldn't be there, and to make sure people didn't think you were cheap, she demanded 10 percent of every dragoness's treasure as a compensation for her lending you out"


Skadi: "She also gave all her Ruling authority"

(don't get tricked this time, wait for it)

Skadi: "She gave you the honor of handling all the kingdoms finances, paperwork, political issues, paper work, council meetings, paperwork, and all her honorable jobs, she gave them all to you as an honor, and kept bragging to everyone how her husband took so much work off her that allowed her to focus more on fighting and training"

Crow: "*eyes almost bursting*"

Skadi: "remember what you were before you met her, just a random weak farmer dragon who spent his time reading, planting flowers, and wasting time drinking with your friends"

Crow: "*eyes bursting like a waterfall*


Sapphire: "um.. Skadi?"

Skadi: "yes my king?"

Sapphire: " I thought Dragons and leviathans are enemies?"

Skadi: "we are, we can't stand each other, especially me and their queen"


He said while wailing

Sapphire: "then how come you know so much about Her and Crow"

Skadi: "she used to tell me"

Sapphire: "when?"

Skadi: "before our battles , during our battles, and after our battles"

Sapphire: "?"

Skadi: " now that I think about it, it's been over 4750 years since I met Crow, I remember it like it was yesterday"



Skadi: "so you've finally come to meet your death you giant flying lizard"

Emerald: "are you seriously calling me a lizard, you giant wet lizard, anyway its time to finally settle this once and for all"

Skadi: "then today one of us will die"

Emerald: "but before that let me show you despair, BEHOLD"



Skadi: "who is that on your wing?"

Emerald: "my fiance"


Emerald: "thank you, he is still a B rank so I can't marry him yet, that is why I've been training him until his bones break everyday"

Skadi: "but doesn't he look a little young, he doesn't look over 200 years yet, he can pass for a 16 year old human"

Emerald: "he's already 453 years old, he just looks a little feminine, and even if he is younger than me by a few ten thousands years what is that to beings like us who can live for hundreds of thousands of years"

Skadi: "I guess you do have a point"

Emerald: "I'm positive he'll grow up to be a strong huge dragon, and if not then well a shota is fine too hehehe"

Skadi: "well it's getting late, we should fight already"

Emerald: " hey I got an idea, why don't you fight him today instead"


Skadi: "are you sure?"

Emerald: "no problem, he could use the workout"

2 minutes later..

Crow: "please... Kill... Me"

Skadi: "quite impressive, I was holding back, but he still lasted this long"

Crow: "I'm.. In... Constant... Pain..."

Emerald: "told you he got potential, well I should head back to heal him before he bleeds to death"

Skadi: "he can last a few more hours, my kin caught a boat that was carrying alcohol on it, want to have a quick drink before you go back"

Emerald: "sure"

Crow: "... Make.. It.. End.."

Skadi: "so how did you manage to meet him anyway"

Emerald: "well I realized that it's about time I make some children to inherit me, so I started looking in my soldiers to find a suitable mate but they where all so boring, and one day when I was talking a fly in the agricultural territorys, saw a beautiful field of strawberrys, and thought no one would mind if I ate a field or two, so while I was munching a voice came yelling at me to stop."

(Crow: "stop it, this is mine and mothers field, it all we got so please stop")

Emerald: " original I was gonna skewer whatever dum dragon thought to interpret my meal, but then I saw the cutest young dragon I ever saw, he could be mistook for a girl, I immediately snatched him an flew away, for some reason his mother tried to stop me so I broke her wings before I left."

Crow: " mommy... Is.. That.. You... I missed you... "

Skadi:" is that alright? "

Emerald:" don't worry her wings will heal in time for the wedding"

Skadi: " I guess its okay then"



Skadi: "haaah, good times"

Skadi gives a nostalgic smile, while rest of the people in the room especially the males are giving the teary-eyed Crow a sympathatic look.

So to summarize, the Dragon Queen crashed his farm, stole his harvest, broke his mothers wings, kidnapped him away, beated him up and domesticly abused him for 500 years, got him beat up by ten leviathans on his birthday, arranged a stab festival for him, throwed all her work on him so she can go fight and drink with the Leviathan Queen, and after all that she started to pimp him out for treasure.


Skadi: "I should contact the Queen to inform her that we got her husband"


Sapphire: "Skadi stop"

Skadi: "why?"

Sapphire: "if you informed the queen mankind continent all will know of our existence and might try to attack us"

Skadi: "but-"

Sapphire: "No buts, Crow I officially declare you a political refuge, you'll stay and work as a general"


He clang to my pants and started balling.

(OIII aren't you technically a king, I understand what you've been through but at least save some pride)

Skadi: "it can't be helped for the time being we'll let him live here"

Sapphire: "I do have one question? Why did you decide to work for me?"

Crow: "I sensed when you were originally borned after your battle with the Leviathan Queen in the Sea Monsters, and when I thought that you actually killed her, I was so thankful I vowed to thank you personally, I didn't expect to meet her here though, I still have 300 years left in my vacation so you can use as you please"

It seems he really held a grudge, not that I blame him...

Skadi: "well we should start our meeting"

Sapphire: "before that we have to do something"

Skadi: "what your majesty?"

Sapphire: "we need to have a seminar about domestic abuse and why it's bad"

Skadi: "what is domestic abuse?"

Sapphire: "it's basically the entire personality of the Dragon Queen"

Chapter End