Given the chance to live life to the fullest, watch as 1 man takes one of the poorest of the 7 kingdoms and catapults it into the strongest, bringing awe and terror on both sides of the Narrow Sea and Beyond.
All this time and I couldn't go into the farm, the honorable Ned Stark wouldn't let me off his eyes, and when he did, Ser Arthur Dayne was present for backup. With the tag team of the two, and the wetnurse Wylla to relieve them of their duty whenever I needed food and I was never left off guard, which is both sweet and incredibly annoying. Well, at least they kept going with land route, so I was able to pocket in soils of different kinds in my inventory, I swear the moment I'm left free, I'll let the farm analyze it.
A good consequence was that I kept muttering FLAWS on each and every single person of importance I saw. Why? you ask. Well, whenever I utter flaws, a book on the person I'm looking at is compiled in the LOHP. In the book, not only do I get their general information, I get their personal history, to the point where I get to know their deepest secrets - blackmail material galore. I'm not above using my cheats wisely. Along with that I get a copy of their fighting style, training regimen, ruling style, and all the other ways they personally mess from being the ideal ruler, knight or whatever they are. I can use a significant amount of these flawed styles to automatically create flawless styles - I'm not going to die because I didn't use my wishes in the way they were supposed to be used.
Finally our band of weary travelers arrived in King's Landing, when we were just near the city, I could smell the distinct stink of sewage. Honestly, the biggest fantasy element in the books wasn't the Dragons or the Shadowbinders, it was the fact that 3/4ths of the city didn't die due to a mass cholera outbreak.
I just create very two small portals right inside my nostrils, connected to the farm, I'm not dealing with the literal shit of thousands.
We arrive in the Red Keep, with me happily taking in future blackmail material along with the gossips of the only interesting city in Westeros, and go straight for Jon Arryn's solar.
Jon Arryn was an old man. In the show I could understand that, since even Robert was graying a bit by that time, but even now the man's hair is almost gone completely grey, only a few streaks and the very tip of his hair to remind people that he was born blond. He has pale blue eyes and the feature all men nobility of the Vale desire - an aquiline nose.
"Ned" he replied with just a hint of excitement "Who's the babe?"
"The boy is Brandon's and Ashara's trueborn. Apparently my brother had no intention of marrying Cat, maybe that's why he agreed so easily. His uncle, Ser Dayne here has decided to keep watch on his nephew now that Ashara died due to childbirth and Ser Dayne himself doesn't have succession rights to Starfall because of his Kingsguard oath."
"I see" he nodded stiffly, still not dissolving his cold eyes "Then what are your intentions for the boy?"
"I'll raise him myself. He'll be the Heir of Winterfell as is his right, and one day be Lord Paramount of the North, this is what Brandon's line deserves."
"Aye" Jon replied happily, clearly approving of Ned's actions. "I raised you well, other, lesser men would have dashed the boy's skull just to keep their claim legitimate." Jon mused out loud. "So what do you need me for, Ned?"
"I need your help as Hand of the King, Jon. You know of our goodfather's ambition. He wants the blood of the Tully's as the Lord of Winterfell. The boy dashes out any hope of that. You know better than me that he'll do everything he can to make Brandon's boy's claim weak or even illegitimate. I need some sort of royal decree that recognizes the boy as the Heir to Winterfell, the Stark name and all that comes with it."
"I can do that. But don't you ask Robert, he'll surely help you, and the word of a King is far more legitimate."
"I thought he'd be busy brokering peace." Ned smiled sheepishly
"You know how he is Ned. Not even one harvest season into Kingship and he has already fallen into drinking, though no whoring, he knows how much young Lyanna hates that. Speaking of, where is she?" he asked with a sudden worry.
"She's dead. By the time I arrived at the Tower, she was in the final stages of a fever." Ned said, looking at a horrified Jon Arryn, choosing to ignore the expression he continued - "I knelt by her side, Jon. Pleading to the Old Gods and the New, tried everything for her to keep holding on. But her grip on life was far too gone, at least she died peacefully in her sleep."
Jon shell-shocked with the news Ned gave him sat without sound for a good 10 minutes, before sighing deeply and mumbling something about the Gods' cruelty, said - "I can't be the one to tell this news to him, Ned. You have to be the one. I didn't know her well, a cruel fate I know. But you two shared a mutual respect for her.
"Alright then, where is he?"
"In the King's solar, let me lead you."
Then of course the same thing happened again, Robert was first very happy seeing his ward-brother, and then suprised to see Arthur, and then the next moment miserable over the loss of his Lyanna. The four men sat down, saying nothing for a solid 20 minute, in which Arthur abstained from drinking, both Ned and Jon finished a glass of wine, while Robert had polished off 2/3rds of a jug.
"So, who's brat is that" Robert asked, rather gruffly.
"That, Robert is the last person Lyanna talked to. Her and my nephew, Brandon's and Ashara Dayne's trueborn son."
"Hmm, Brandon was always the more interesting of the Stark brothers to be honest. So, that's the reason why the Sword of the Morning is here with you. But why did you bring him here Ned, King's Landing is not for babes, especially right now with the unrest in the people over a new King."
"You know how Hoster Tully is, he'll do everything to ensure a Tully bloodied Lord Stark."
Robert's nostrils flared "No need to tell me. That arse of a man, daring to stop us at Riverrun to sell his daughters like a port merchant selling spices. Plus, Brandon deserves to see his seed at the Main Keep of Winterfell. One condition though - you'll be his Regent. The boy will only fully inherit the position of Lord Stark when he turns 16 or when you decide he is ready to rule unaided, whichever comes first."
"I agree"
"Alright then, Jon can you draft up the decree, also write up a royal pardon for Ser Dayne here. Don't want some two-bit flower knight suddenly attacking him and the loosing his uncle."
"As you wish, your Grace. Ned have you thought of a name for the boy. I would need it for the decree."
"Jon. Jon Stark"
Here both Arthur and Jon Arryn were suprised, while Robert squealed with joy.
"Are you sue Ned? I'm honored, really. But I didn't know Brandon or Ashara, this might come off as too presumptuous."
"Yes, I'm sure Jon. We need to showcase unity now, no better way than for the next Lord Stark to take your name. Plus, with this name, he'll be much more welcome in the Vale."
"Ok then Ned. I'll draft up the decrees."
"What are you doing for the Dornish?" Ned asked, curiously.
"Jon will go to them to make peace. He'll take Lewyn's bones (Writer's note - Lewyn Martell is a character from the books, he's Doran's Uncle. Lewyn was in the Kingsguard so he died without any heirs at the Battle of the Trident.) to them. Hopefully, that'll at least dampen their feelings a bit."
"Yes, I'll go by the sea. It's lucky that most of House Estermont is here in King's Landing, I'll just borrow their ship - the Diligence, it's swift and lithe, exactly what we need right now."
"Then Jon, Robert, I'll be leaving, I need to get my wife and go back to Winterfell."
"Alright Ned, do keep coming here. These Sourthron Lords will be the death of me, I tell you."
Finally these chatterboxes broke up, as the party moved on head. Since Catelyn is in Riverrun, we stop at Harroway to spend the night at an inn. Finding everyone tired and sleeping, I finally teleport to the farm -
[Farm Level 9 reached]
[Level up Rewards from Level 1 till 9 - 2 bags white cabbage, corn seeds, wheat seeds, eggplant seeds, broccoli seeds, pea seeds, cucumber seeds, pumpkin seeds]
[10 new fields open for farming; total fields = 20]
[Discovery of new soils has led to increase in soil variability - Level of Spatial Earth risen to Level 3]
[Discovery of new waters has led to better minerals - Level of Spatial Spring risen to Level 3]
[The growth rate of plants increases from ten folds to fifteen folds]
[Total Money Balance - 105,000 Gold Coins]
[Analyzing Host]
[Draconic Bloodline found]
[Bloodline strengthening]
[Congratulations! Dragon Ranch opened]