
Chapter 5

(Ned Stark POV)

I feel my willpower leaving me once again, father, Brandon and now, Lyanna. The Stark name is now my cross to bear for the next few decades. I know that I won't be the best of Lords, I just hope now I can do what the Stark Kings of old taught us - produce heirs and survive winter. "In the winter, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives." I thought back to my father's words.

"My Lord" said Ser Arthur

"Yes, Ser Arthur?"

"What are your plans for the Prince?" he interrogated

"First of all, stop calling him Prince, he may have Targaryen blood, but the Targaryen name itself isn't royalty anymore. As for the boy, I'll honor Lyanna's last words and for that I'll take him as my own."

"That may not be the best of plans, my Lord" Arthur said, and continued "All of Westeros knows of Ned Stark's honor, and Robert maybe willful enough to not care, but people like Varys or the Queen of Thorns will surely investigate, where they will see past the deceit, and maybe they won't tell anyone, but I'm ready to bet my armor that they will still make plans for the boy."

"Then what, leave him with you!?" I spat out.

"Of course not, my Lord, the boy needs to be with his blood now. I am just saying that a better arrangement needs to take place."

"If you forgive me, my Lord" Lord Dustin cut in " I believe I have a better suggestion."

"What is it?" I asked, annoyed of the delay.

"Your brother's child, my Lord. No one knows of his death yet. The mother died by suicide. It is just us and the wetnurse. If we ride at the same speeds we arrived here at, we can stop the news from spreading."

Hmm, I have to think of this suggestion. I would love to not have to be the Lord, but the Regent, but can I do this? Can I really deprive of my eldest his birthright?....

Yes, Yes, I'll have to. It's the only way to keep Lyanna's child safe, only way for him to grow with the love and care he deserves ... yes, I'll just build a keep for my eldest, but this child will be the Heir to Winterfell. For Lyanna.


*Phew*, that took quite a good amount out me, had to first plant curiosity in Arthur Dayne about my future, then had to plant this suggestion in William Dustin's mind, both easy things really. It was the honorable Ned Stark that was the problem, the man just won't take the suggestion, his honor, his duty to his son won't let him. Had to use love for Lyanna as a mental block for his reasoning, but in any case this trajectory of life is already MUCH better than canon.

Oh, well, now I just need to wait for the men to build a body box for Lyanna, then when she is in it, teleport her to the farm. I'll just make a false set of memories that they have already buried her here, on a hill, under a fruit tree, with the sun and clouds above her and the rain to wash her clean. Robert would approve really.

It's not like I can just let her die. Not my fault none of these dumbos are checking the pulse to see that Lyanna is alive, and just tired from the birth. When I was first birthed, I let the wounds bleed a little to let the blanket flood, and then kept spamming Vulnera Sanentur on mother, I'll just let her be healed in the farm's spring, and then sleeping charms till I am ready to bring her back. It'll be an easy enough operation, just need to create 5 sets of false memories when Robert dies that all of them decided to it'll be better if no one knows Lyanna is alive, mostly because she doesn't love Robert and all.

(Ned Stark POV)

"Alright, the boy will be raised as the new Heir of Winterfell." as soon as I said that, I could see Ser Arthur breathe out in relief.

"Ser Arthur, what will be your plans now?"

"I refuse to be apart from the rightful King, I did that at the Trident, I cannot do my sins over again."

Now another lie would need to be constructed, just to keep Ser Arthur near the boy - "Alright then, Ser Arthur. For the cover story, we'll say that after your defeat, you went back to Starfall, where when seeing the last of your siblings die, you vowed to keep your nephew safe."

As soon as I said that, I could see Arthur's eyes widen, gods I forgot he didn't know that Ashara was my nephew's mother.

"I'm sorry you had to hear of her fate from me. If it is any consolation, I know exactly how you feel."

"It is alright, my Lord. It is punishment of the Gods for forsaking my duty. If anything this would help us create a better lie for going back to Starfall. Let's go, my Lords, the boy needs a wetnurse."

(After a week)

(Jon Arryn POV)

It has been a back breaking month here at King's Landing. First was the question of loyalties of the noble houses, it is true that on its face all of 7 Kingdoms revel under the new administration, but go even a little deeper, and the political situation comes in focus -

The North - The North is the pride and joy of the rebellion, I'm not aware of any Northern house that stays loyal to the Targaryens.

The Riverlands- House Darry, remains loyal. Ser Willem Darry was master at arms of the Red Keep and is fleeing across the Narrow Sea with young Viserys and Daenerys. Robert has already been mumbling about a decree to take away most of their holdings to curb their influence.

The Brackens and the Blackwoods, both very powerful noble houses, have a feud that goes back to the time of the Dance of the Dragons. They are never going to be on the same side of any conflict. So, they should be divided here too, but I don't know which one has chosen what side. Hmm, would require time to see how the cards play out

House Ryger were loyal to the Targaryens till the end, and for that Ser Robin has been sent to the Night's Watch, I have better hope for young Tristan though, he is already showing a great friendship with Edmure Tully.

All other Riverlands houses follow Robert, mostly because me and Ned married their Liege Lord's daughters.

The Reach - The ambition of the Queen of Thorns is legendary, it is only the mercy of the gods that her son Mace is more like his father, than his mother. None of the houses in the Reach like Robert ruling, but they bow their heads for now; which is just fine with me, as long as war doesn't happen.

The Vale - All follow Robert, with me as the Hand of the King, the Knights of the Vale consider themselves the principal force behind the Rebellion. As long as Robert won't step on their pride, the Vale would remain secure.

The Stormlands - House Connington remained with the Targaryens. Lord Jon Connington was a friends of Rhaegar. Like House Darry, they will probably be punished by taking away most of their wealth.

The rest of the Stormland Lords follow Robert, why won't they? Their Liege Lord is now King, it is a dream chance for them, which they will be fools to miss out upon.

The Westerlands - The entire blasted kingdom is choke full of political opportunists, if Tywin Lannister tries to subtly throw in his daughter's hand for Robert one more time, I swear to the Gods, I don't care what Robert says, I'll myself officiate the wedding.

But that kind of zeal for power is fine as well, as long as we show to the Westermen that it is more profitable for them to be under Robert's rule, then they'll continue to bow their heads.

The Iron Islands - I didn't ever think I was going to say this - but thank god for the Drowned God. The banditry of the Islanders make them too proud. Will they be loyal to the Crown? No. But they will not support the Targaryens as well, so long as they keep their pirating to the minimum, I would have absolutely no problem.

Though Balon Greyjoy's ambition is on par with Tywin Lannister and Olenna Tyrell, he doesn't have their wits. Give me a smart, but cautious enemy any day over a rabid and unpredictable one. I just hope young Victarion has more sense.

The Crownslands - Houses Velaryon and Celtigar have Valyrian blood and were vassal houses of the Targaryens even back in Valyria, they will never be fully loyal.

But in reality, I'd wager that all stay loyal to the Targaryens, but just like the Reach, they bow their heads for now.

Dorne - Had this been the era of Aegon the Conqueror, I would have counted the Dornish as a support group with the same fervency of the North, Vale and Stormlands, but alas, we live in the now, and the Targaryens have done a lot to ensure Dornish loyalty.

The Martells continue to be the only Princely house except for the Targaryens, and now I guess, the Baratheons; in all of Westeros. Couple in the slaughter of Elia and her babes, and I don't think that as long as Robert is on the throne, the Dornish will ever be our supporters.

*Sigh* Enemies and opportunists all around, with true friends, few and far in between, is this what it truly means to rule? Now I can see why the Targaryen Kings went mad, hell I can *feel* my hair turning white.

As I was stamping yet another parchment declaring the victory of our Rebellion, I could see Ned come into the solar, with a babe in his arms of pure Northern appearance, and is that Ser Arthur Dayne behind him?