
Reincarnated as Issei in High school DxD

A former government spy is reincarnated into Highschool dxd where his soul merged with Issei’s. Will change the plot or leave it as is and will he still be as perverse, who knows? This story will be kind of a trust the process story For most of this story it’s going to follow the original timeline (yeah I know very creative) Uploading chapters whenever I feel like because this is just a hobby

susuke_uchiwa · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs


(A/N: I was busy with work and assignments so i couldn't work on anything plus I wasn't even sure how to continue to write this story in a way that would get the least amount of complaints then I realised who cares. If you don't like the story too bad I guess >:) and I'm writing on my phone so it does take longer) this chapter is longer than normal to make up for it though

Everyone was chilling in the clubhouse talking about getting familiars when suddenly there was a knock on the door

Sona and the student council walked in where Rias introduced Sona as a noble devil.

"Hello Sona we meet again, up for another game of chess" said Issei

"That's president to you and maybe some other time" replied Sona while pushing up her glasses

"You should watch your mouth when talking to distinguished devils like us" commented a blonde haired boy

This comment lead to Issei bickering with Saji who was member of Sona's peerage.

The two devil groups discovered that they were getting familiars on the same day. They decided to verse to see who be the one go since only one group can go at a time.

This lead to a out of control tennis game which ended in a draw. Which lead to a decision to play dodgeball where Rias's team won.

After a post game celebration they went to the familiar where Asia found hers which was a dragon and the slime Issei wanted was destroyed. He was depressed for the next few days because of it.

Later he cheered up because his friends got him into the VIP peeping room which was a locker in the girls locker room

The days went by and Issei has gotten somewhat closer with everyone in the ORC also Issei has gotten stronger faster thanks to Asia. He wakes up in the morning does his training with boosts active comes home Asia heals him goes to school, does devil work, comes back and studies then he trains with boost active then Asia heals him again.

Over the last few weeks Issei noticed that Rias was acting strange and he had an idea why.

Issei was chilling in his room in nothing but a towel drying himself after having his shower while admiring himself in the mirror.

"Damn I'm looking sexy nowadays" Issei said to himself while striking a posing

[cringe] Ddraig said as a green gem appeared on his left hand.

"Shut up and when did you learn to speak to me like that!" Issei retorted. Ddraig left as soon as he said that one word.

"He better start showing some respect or I'll turn the grabbing dragon into reality"

Suddenly a Magic circle appeared and Rias popped out.

"Rias? Could wait till i at least get dressed" Issei said a little bashfully

Ria said nothing while starting to unbutton her clothes. She walked up to Issei and pushed down onto the bed and straddled on him.

"I want to to take my virginity" Rias yelled at him

'Ah I see it's already time for Riser to appear. Man screw that guy, he has a harem and I don't it's not fair' Issei thought while looking at Rias who eyes looked like they were filled with mixed emotions.

Issei's face changed to very serious one and said "got it. Let me lead, I know how from all the porn I watched"

Rias just rolled her eyes at Issei's comment but before she could say anything she was kissed

'Rias took advantage of me when I was killed by Raynare so I'll take advantage of this until Grafiya arrives, this should suffice as payback' Issei thought.

Issei's fun was short lived as a magic circle appeared in his room not long after it started and beautiful maid with white hair appeared.

'Damn already' Issei thought.

"I thought I had more time than this" said Rias as she stopped kissing Issei and got off him

"Yo lady who are you, are you going to join us" Issei commented.

"Really Rias, this is the guy you chose also what would Sirzechs think about this" said the maid with a blank face.

'Geez she has no sense of humour' Issei thought

"Don't question my choices Grayfia" replied Rias

The two began to bicker for little while Grafiya helped Rias get dressed.

Rias just cupped Issei's face with her hand and said "sorry for putting you out"

"Haha we'll definitely continue next time" Issei said as he gave a wink to Rias

Rias just turned around and went to Grafiya's side but Issei could see her ears turning red.

The two left leaving Issei lying in bed with his thoughts

"Riser is going to show up tomorrow morning in the club room so I'll confront him there"

The next day Issei was walked to school with Kiba and Asia. They made their way to the main club room.

Rias, Koneko and Grayfia were already there as Rias had something she wanted to talk to everyone about.

Before Rias could talk a magic circle appeared and out came a blonde haired man in a suit with his buttons undone showing his chest.

"Riser has arrived" commented the man

Rias was just scowling at him.

[dragon shot] was heard as a ball of energy was flying towards Riser but hit a barrier instead.

"What do you think you're doing" commented Grayfia in a serious tone.

"My bad I thought we had an intruder" said Issei smirking while badly attempting to feign ignorance

"Why you low born scum, do you know who you're in the presence of!?" Riser yelled and gathering magic in his hands.

"Enough" said Grayfia as a wave of magical energy slammed down suppressing everyone in the room

"I'm here as intermediary so we can come up with a peaceful solution for the current situation, do you understand" said Grayfia in a stern voice as the pressure was lifted.

Issei who started to breath properly again just stood there and nodded while thinking 'damn that was kinda hot'.

Grayfia spoke up again "to all those present, this is Riser Phenex, a devil nobility like Rias and we are meeting here today to discuss their current engagement and how they will move forward"

"Really Rias this guy" said Issei which caused Riser to get more angry.

"Rias you really need to discipline your servants or else I'll have to do it for you" said Riser

"Well he's right, I'm against this marriage proposed by my family. If I'm going to marry someone, it will be someone of my choosing" Rias said while glancing over at Issei.

Issei just pretended not to notice

"Well that's fine Sirzechs has proposed a rating game in order to decide on the wedding" Grayfia said

"Haha, you thinking your peerage of just 5 members can compare against my own" Riser said as a magic circle formed and 15 girls appeared.

"I have a full peerage, do you really think you stand a chance against me?"

"We'll have to find out won't we" replied Rias

'Damn it, this bastard. It's all girls even though I knew before hand it still pisses me off seeing it now' Issei thought to himself with a angry and jealous look on his face.

'Crap I better stop getting emotional before he pisses me off even more'

But it was too late because Riser and asked Rias "why if your pawn staring at me like that"

"Ugh, it's because he wants to have a harem one day" Rias replied

"Don't do it" Issei muttered under his breath

"Oh really now? Yuballena come here" Riser said with smirk getting an idea.

"No don't"

Riser pulled her closer and started to kiss and grope his queen while smirking at Issei and said "you'll never have what I have"

Suddenly a burst of energy came from Issei as the boosted gear appeared on his arm.

Grayfia saw the spike in power and put a barrier around Issei

"Damn it im so jealous, you'll pay for this" Issei said as his boosted gear changed shape

"I don't even care about winning the rating game, I'll come to the underworld and beat you up in front of your family and other high class devils" Issei muttered to himself

[calm down partner] rang the voice in his gauntlet

Issei heard the voice and powered down as the barrier around him disappeared

"you're right, I should be more rational"

Everyone in the room was surprised by the sudden burst of power.

Riser was the first to speak up "well it seems your pawn isn't a complete letdown" with a smug expression.

'What was that Issei said that pissed him off… oh right'

Issei just walked up to Rias and grabbed her shoulders.

"Wha-what is it?" the confused Rias asked.

Issei just pulled Rias in and kissed her which Rias herself put up no resistance towards. As Issei was kissing Riser he opened one and looked right at Riser, who's face went from shocked to anger.

Issei's actions caused everyone else in the room to be shocked for the second time. As Issei broke the kiss Riser was the first to speak up.

"How dare you lay your hands on a high class devil and my fiancée"

"Oh since you're so mad, why don't you do something about it cuck boy" Issei replied while still holding Rias in his arms

"Wha wha what just happened" Rias was muttering to herself while her face was almost as red as her hair.

"You dare look down on me!" yelled Riser

"Well do you want to something about it penix breath" Issei replied.

'You get it Ddraig because penis and phenex' Issei sent a mental message

[you're so funny] replied the dragon. Issei could tell he was rolling his eyes

"I'll burn you to ashes right here and now" Riser said gathering magical energy in his hand

Grayfia spoke up and said "you'll do no such thing until the offical match begins"

"Hey Grayfia how about instead of a rating, me and the fried chicken have 1 V 1 fight. If I win Rias gets her freedom and if he wins the marriage continues plus I'll become his dog" Issei said to Grayfia before Turing and looking at Riser who was still scowling at him.

"Although it's not the traditional means but if both kings allow it then I will have no objections since Issei is a pawn of Rias" replied Grayfia while looking over at both kings

"Sounds good to me but once I win I'll torture you then heal you phenex tears continuously" Riser said with a sadistic grin

'This low class reincarnated devil thinks he can go against a high class devil and win. This will all workout in my favour and Rias won't have any room to complain when I do win' Riser thought

Rias who awoke out of her trance at Issei's announcement just shouted "what! No way it's impos-" before she was cut off by Issei who grabbed Rias' and looked at her

"Have some trust in me, I've never let you down before right?" Said Issei calmly

Issei before looked like an unreliable pervert but now the man in front of her looked like someone she could put her trust in.

Rias came to a decision and turned to Grayfia "I accept these conditions" she then turned and looked at Issei "so don't let me down"

'Good she decided to gamble on me' Issei thought

"So it seems we have come to an agreement, I'll go and inform the higher ups about this and get a venue for the fight. You both have 7 days to prepare for the fight" Grayfia said as she took herself and Risers group with her back to the underworld.

As they left so did the tense atmosphere. Which lead to the others to crowd around and say

"do you know what you agreed too"

"You aren't strong enough as you are right now"

Issei just said "calm down everyone I have a plan"

"And what is that" asked Akeno

"Training montage" replied Issei smugly

The whole room was filled with gloom after that comment.

"I can't believe Rias gambled her future on an idiot" said Koneko

"No need to be so rude" Issei replied to Koneko while looking at her hair clip