
Reincarnated as Issei in High school DxD

A former government spy is reincarnated into Highschool dxd where his soul merged with Issei’s. Will change the plot or leave it as is and will he still be as perverse, who knows? This story will be kind of a trust the process story For most of this story it’s going to follow the original timeline (yeah I know very creative) Uploading chapters whenever I feel like because this is just a hobby

susuke_uchiwa · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Training and Progression

A/N: it may look like I am just copying the canon story but it's going to change and get more interesting (in my opinion) after the fight riser so trust me and just wait a few more chapters :)

Also I'm going to started adding "POV" so it becomes less confusing

Issei pov

I am currently hiking up a mountain side with Rias and the rest of the peerage to get to a place where I can begin training.

"How much further was it" i complained

"Not far, just a couple hundred meters till we get there" Rias replied


"I have to say I'm quite surprised by how great your stamina is, the rest of us have been training for the last couple years along with our devil physique but you were just a normal human until a few weeks ago yet you're keeping up fine with us " Rias commented

"Fufu our little Ise-kun is pretty strong isn't he" Akeno added

'When she says it like that it's kinda hot' i thought to myself.

"Of course, I'm always training. How else am I going to keep up with my future harem"

Rias and Akeno just giggled why Koneko who was walking past just gave me a deadpan stare.

After walking for a bit more we finally made to the house or should I say mansion with lake and other rich people stuff

"wow its massive" commented Asia

"Right, anyway lets get ready for training" added Rias

We put our stuff away in our individual rooms and got changed. I ended up sharing a room with Kiba even though this place has tons of rooms.

After a short break we went to meet in free space around the back of the mansion.

Kiba and I were facing each other with wooden swords in our hands

Each member of the peerage decided to Train Issei in their specialty. Kiba is teaching him about armed combat, Akeno is teaching him magic, Rias is teaching him about strategies and battle tactics, Koneko is training his physical capabilities and Asia's job is too heal him at the end of the day.

"Come on Issei, you gotta keep up" said Kiba as he was pushing Issei to his limit in there sparring match

Issei who wasn't using his booster gear couldn't keep up with his speed but he was slowly getting used to Kiba's moments

*smack* the wooden sword in Issei's hand was hit away and he fell to the ground while breathing heavily.

"You lasted a lot longer than I expected" said Kiba as he reached out his hand to help Issei up.

"Yeah, I've been training hard everyday and I'll have to work harder if I want to help Rias escape her forced marriage" Issei replied

"Right but I still don't know why you challenged Riser to a fight when you are weaker than he is right now even if it was for Rias' sake"

"I came on this training camp hoping to be able to achieve balance breaker and once I do that I should be able to beat him no problem but you know"

"Easier said than done"


-flashback last night-

Issei was currently lying down in his bed



"Is there a way for me to speak ti the past host right now"

[No, if you want to talk to the past wielders you need to at least achieve your balance breaker]

"I see so can you tell me a bit about the past hosts and if they did anything crazy with your powers"

[very well, in the past most users of boosted gear saw me as nothing more than a tool to achieve their selfish desires but it was because of those selfish desires that they were able to accomplish many different feats as the sacred gear responds to its wielders desires]

"Oh, any cool abilities or powers ups?" Issei asked curiously

[out of all the variations I've seen two stood out the most to me. The first was the ability to multiply and create double the amount of attacks instead of boosting its power thought it was limited to the attacks the wielder created. The other one was created by a mad scientist who wished to extend his lifespan after loosing most of it from juggernaut drive. He was able to reverse engineer the transfer ability to drain energy of others. In the end he failed to extend his life span but he was able to permanently increase his magical power]

"Wow I guess that's like the divine dividing ability to half others power and use it to increase your own"

[yea but in this case he had to touch the person and it took a few minutes to drain the energy]

"Right, is there anyway to achieve balance right now"

[well you could sacrifice your body parts for that if a dragons and in exchange you can use balance breaker temporarily. Depending on which body part gives you more time in it but the more vital is it the lower the chance of survival you have for this process]

"I see so if I sacrificed my heart for that of a dragons what would happen to me?"

[well if you survive you would see a massive spike in magical energy as the heart is a source of magical energy and you could use balance breaker for about 90 seconds, any more and you would drain your life force leading you to die an early death]

"90 seconds huh? Don't know if that's long or short but that's good enough but if I enter balance breaker through the exchange why can't it be permanently unlocked"

[I'll explain it in a way a human could understand. So let's say that the balance breaker state is a car. People who achieve balance breaker have the key to start the car at anytime whereas those who don't have to put the car in neutral and push it themselves until their stamina runs outs. You yourself have a body strong enough to handle balance breaker but you haven't awakened it yet so you probably need a catalyst or outside help if you wish to achieve balance break]

"I see so in my case my heart would give me the energy I need to forcefully maintain balance breaker. I get it so now I know what I have to work on before my fight"

-flashbacks end-

Two days have passed since Issei began his strict training sessions

Issei was now with Rias who was in her strict teacher mode which was kinda hot.

"Are you listening Issei!?" Rias said will smacking the board

"Yes I am, keep going" Issei replied nonchalantly

"Issei! Come on it's my future at stake here so take it seriously"

'The way she complains is kinda cute but she's right' Issei thought to himself

Issei stood up abruptly and walked towards Rias.

Rias was confused about why Issei was approaching her all of sudden until his face was very close to hers and he put his hands on her shoulders

"W-what do you want?" Rias asked a bit nervously while her face was a little flushed

"I was just thinking about it and you're right, I think I know what I have to do can you call everyone to the bedroom in 10 minutes"

"What? Why?"

"Just do it" Issei said as walked out of the room

10 minutes later

"Everyones here what did you want to tell us" Rias said

"I plan to sacrifice my heart for that of a dragons and it's going to be risky that's why I've come to ask for your help in the process" Issei said

"What?! That's a dangerous thing to do. Why would you do that?" Akeno shouted

"I know but at the rate I'm growing it won't be enough to defeat Riser so this is the step I must take unless that is I achieve balance breaker"

Everyone could see how serious the usually lighthearted Issei was right now.

Kiba was the first to reply "Alright I understand I would do the same for Rias if a situation ever called for it, so what do you want us to do"

"I'll need your guys help if I want to increase my chance of survival. Asia I need to you constantly heal me and Akeno, Rias I need you two to make sure the magical energy in my body doesn't run wild and hurt my body since you two have the best magic control"

Rias approached Issei and gripped his sleeve

"Issei you don't have to do this, we can figure out another way"

At this point Rias was more worried for Issei's safety than her own future

Issei just patted her head and smiled saying "Don't worry Rias, I'll get your freedom"

"My that's very brave of you Issei, I can't help but feel a little proud fufu" commented Akeno as she giggled

"Issei I don't want to see you get hurt so I'll do everything I can to help" Asia added

"Thank you guys but let's not waste anymore time"

Issei walked over to the bed and laid down

'Ddraig do you mind' Issei said through his mental link with Ddraig

[alright partner but are you 100% most people who do this process on organs have a low survival rate although your body seems a bit weird with how compatible it is with the process, it's still risky and painful on top of that]

'I'm ready when you are'

"I'll countdown from when it's starts so I'll have to rely on you guys" Issei said seeing that the girls had gathered around him.



They both said simultaneously

Issei felt his chest heat up until a searing hot pain was burning in his chest

"AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHH" Issei shouted before gritting his teeth and holding in his screams.

""Issei!"" Everyone yelled

"D-don't worry a-about me-e just fo-cus" Issei said weakly will holding back his groans

The group focused on their task and helped Issei as much as they could and Issei could feel less pain then before

Suddenly the pain skyrocketed and everything went black.

When Issei woke up he sat up and looked around to see that it was night time.

'I've been out a couple hours' Issei thought before feeling a rush of energy in his body. He felt his magical energy had increased massively, even more than what Riser had. But even if Issei had a lot of magical energy it don't mean he knew how to use it.

He was getting comfortable in his bed when he felt something soft press up against him. He lifted up the blanket to see Akeno was lying down in bed with him (with her clothes on of course)

"A-Akeno what are you doing here" Issei said shaking her awake.

Akeno slowly opened her eyes and rubbed as she sat up on the bed

"Is that you Issei, are you awake?" Akeno asked

"Yes it's me and I'm awake and perfectly fine, see" Issei said as he raised his arms

Akeno hugged Issei which surprised Issei

"Thank goodness you're alright, you had us all worried when you didn't wake up for the past 2 days" she said as she let go of him

"Huh! Two days!?"

"Yeah you were asleep for two days. Everyone was worried something might happen to you so we took turns watching over you incase of any side effects but I got a little sleepy and decided to join you in bed. I hope you don't mind hehe" Akeno teased him

"I definitely didn't mind actually feel free to do so whenever" Issei replied with a serious expression

"Hahaha I see, I'll keep that in mind" Akeno replied

"And also thank you for staying by my side even after all the trouble I caused. It nice to know that there's people other than my parents that worry about me" Issei said while stroking her head

Akeno just went silent and Issei could see that she was slightly shaking.

"Uh Akeno? You alright?" Issei asked when all of a sudden he was pushed back down onto the bed with Akeno on top of him.

"You know Issei when you act this cute you make it hard for me to control myself"

"Huh! What do you mean, not that I'm complaining or anything ahaha…" trying not to ruin the mood

"You know seeing what you are willing go through Rias' sake makes me feel a little jealous. Seeing someone like you who works so hard I just want to steal you away from her" Akeno said while straddling more on Issei

"I see but why fight when you can both have me"

"How naughty of you Issei but isn't it more fun when it's an affair"

'Holy crap, girls with daddy issues are the best' Issei thought to himself as he put his hands on Akeno's waist.

Akeno leaned her head towards Issei until they were kissing. It was a kiss that was going for a few seconds until the door burst open and Rias and Kiba walked through

Rias burst through the door first "I heard noises upstairs, is Issei finally.. awake.." she said as her voice changed from happy to shocked.

"Akeno! What do you think you're doing" Rias shouted

"Ara it seems we were caught" Akeno said while breaking the kiss

"I never should have left you alone in a room with him and why are you still on top of him, get off" Rias said in jealousy

Akeno got off of Issei and stood in front of Rias with their boobs pushing against each others

"Fine but just because you were too sacred to make a move doesn't mean you have to get angry at me"

Two girls kept bickering in the background and Kiba made his way toward Issei

"How you feeling man, you were screaming in pain then blacked out for while"

"Yeah I'm fine but i actually feeling really good like I'm loaded up with energy"

"That's good, you had us all worried there when you wouldn't wake up"

"Yeah sorry, but now that I'm fine I've got to get back to training because I don't have time to waste"

Kiba just closed his eyes and nodded "I understand"

-The next day

"Come on now Issei, you got to focus. Just because you have more magic doesn't make you stronger especially for a close range fighter like you" Akeno said to Issei who failed to maintain a ball of magical energy shattered in his hand

"Yeah I know, but I won't give up yet" Issei replied while creating another ball

I need to have better control of the energy flowing through my body. The better the control the more magical that can run through my body and the stronger I become, it's simple in theory but harder to replicate.

'I guess this is part of my Sairaorg is so strong' Issei thought

"I see that you're working hard so i I won't give up on you either" Akeno said to encourage Issei

"Thanks Akeno, I'm happy knowing that you're by my side, I don't know what I'd do without you"

Akeno stiffened up a little in embarrassment because she hasn't had anyone say something like that to her before.

Akeno gained her composure back and said "Ara Issei are you trying flirt with me while we're training"

"Uh no that's not it I'm just saying how important of a person you've become in my life that's all"

"O-oh I see well that's all for now take a break and we can continue later" Akeno said as she turned to leave hiding the redness or her face.

Issei who was left alone just began to think.

"Ddriag you got any idea on how to achieve balance break"

A green orb appeared on Issei's hand

[well you would usually need something that's stimulates strong emotions within you, that's how it was for the past users]

"I see, I think I know what I have to do"

-Later that day

Everyone was sitting down eating lunch

Once everyone finished Issei stood up abruptly.

"Guys I made a breakthrough and it's on how to achieve my balance breaker" Issei said

"Really? That's great tell us what we have to do and we will help" said Rias a little excited because if does get his balance break he has a way higher chance of beating Riser

"Yeah what is it?" Asia asked

"So what I need to get my balance break is for Akeno and Rias to put their boobs on my face at the same time" Issei said in the most serious face he's ever made

The room went silent before Koneko came flying and kicked Issei who went flying outside the room

Akeno just giggled at Issei suggestion while Rias could only smile and Koneko and Kiba had blank expressions.

Asia was the most surprised because she thought that other people had to do something similar to achieve their balance break.

Issei who was outside the room just got up and dusted himself off.

"I'll give them time to think about it"

[Fun fact: In the novel Rias has no clue Issei was targeted by the fallen angels until after he gets killed. He was given the summoning seal as a potential contractor but used it so see Rias before he died. Rias says it's a act of fate that they met]