
Reincarnated as Haruno Sakura PT I

Raymond_Hall · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

4 Training Academy and Cast Part 2

It has been several days since my first training with Ino and her dad but I was told to wait for my new instructor near Ichiraku Ramen much to my and Ino's dismay, I hope it isn't Root. With how long it has been I am starting to believe it is Kakashi though but I was proven wrong. " You must be Young Haruno Sakura." a Uchiha says walking up to me. "Yes?" I reply with an unasked question of who he is. "I am Shisui Uchiha your new teacher, sorry I am late." " Shisui no Body flicker!?" I mumble but realize he heard it when he says with a smile I don't like " So you know of me that is interesting." I realize that his title isn't supposed to be known yet.....FUCK! "Lets go." he says as he grabs me and we vanish from the area. 

As we appear in a new area Shisui takes a kunai to my neck and ask "How do you know me? Answer or Else!" It takes me a few moments to realize what is happening and I just say "I....I am not able to." "Why not" he says now glaring at me. I respond "I do not have the words to but can show you in my mindscape." I saw that and see that we are now both in my mindscape which is still just a bunch of pipes and Shisui is already reviewing my memories somehow starting with the most recent and going all the way into my past life as I see his Sharingan change into Mangekyō Sharingan. His expression changes constantly for a while until has turns to me and says "Sorry young Sakura or do you prefer Raymond? Are these memories of yours real?" I respond with tears in my eyes " I am Sakura now and yes everything you saw is/was real. What will you do now?" "Nothing....yet. I see from your past life...so weird to say that... anyway I see you don't mean to harm Kahona and just hate what you call the Corrupted filth hiding in it. I will help you gain power and remove some of the filth as well."

"What, why?" "Hahahaha, that is a dumb question, it is because I love Kahona!" he says with a big smile, I forgot he is a total softy. "Now any ideas to help?" " Do you think you can convince Itachi to spare your Mother? Or have some Uchiha join the guardian shinobi 12? or smuggle Uchiha out after using Mangekyō Sharingan  on them to make them stay under cover? Or kill Donzo?" I ask one after the other. " I cant kill Donzo yet but I promise I will during the Kahona Crush so do not worry about him." "How?" "I will offer myself to Orochimaru." "But what..." I don't get to ask my question as he continues " I can do the others except the Guardian Shinobi 12 as I wont be able to use my Mangekyō Sharingan except after today if I want to smuggle my clansmen out, and before you ask it is because I will use it now so others cant view your past life." "But wont you go blind?"

"Well yes but actually no, not from overuse at least. I plan to pretend to die at the cliff and I will hand both my eyes to Itachi, one for you and one for him. Then find Orochimaru." "Me!?" "Yes, you will put it to better use then I would have and I already made up my mind. I will tell all of this to Itachi myself and show him my memories. Now lets leave" He says as his Mangekyō Sharingan activates and we are back in the real world where only a few seconds have past. I am just shocked and say "thank you" with tearful eyes." Do not thank me yet I am still going to train you, a lot harder then I was now." he says laughing..... Oh shit.

Training was and still is difficult, learning to control chakra while being under attack, while moving, on water, with no sleep.....all at the same time. During the weekdays I would be trained by Shisui and the weekend would be split relaxing and training with Ino and Shikamaru because and I quote "friends are nice". I have not learned much Taijutsu because I will be tring to learn form The Green Beast Might Guy himself. So to put it simply 70% Chakra control exercises 15% Ninja Tools and 10% Anbu requirements (Tracking, Biology, Assassination, Codes, and other lessons) and 5% on being just fit enough to use the Body Flicker. By the way did you know Anbu is short for Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai which in English is Special Assassination and Tactical Squad which now that I think about it makes sense.

I only learned The Five academy Jutsu and the following : Area Scanning Technique, Chakra Binding Trap, Chakra Scalpel, Chakra Transfer Technique, Four-Corner Sealing Barrier, Mystical Palm Technique and my favorite The Summoning Jutsu even though I do not have enough chakra to preform the Four-Corner Sealing Barrier or Summoning I still learned them. Shisui decided that my main attack while I am in Anbu is going to be my Kekkei Genkai in order to hide my Identity easier, he had gotten permission as well and I learned to move it similar to how Garra moves his sand but a lot worse obviously. I did manage to replicate is shell armor though and it even allows me to change my hair color depending on the metal I use, so far I can only manipulate regular Iron and a bit of steel which I use on vital points for cover. This training took Two Years to 'complete' or rater until I had my exam to join the Anbu and to go to the academy. I did pass barely on some parts as expected, I was told to focus more on Taijutsu for obvious reasons. Thus I earned my mask (Wolf), tattoo (which they use seal when needed to hide it), and my first mission. Also learned something a bit shocking but also not at the same time, my mother is part of Anbu who knew right. 

My first mission was track down a noble who has been (caught) selling secrets

  and make it look like an accident. Of course it couldn't be something easy like spying, I say that because I never killed anyone before but thankfully I wont have to do it personally as the caravan the noble is in is taking a route near some cliffs; a set up maybe? Oh well that's not even the worst part my mother is my observer for this, I can't find her but I have no doubt she is watching me and probably angry as well considering I didn't tell her I was training for any of this or anything else because, you know, I said I wouldn't. I had Four days to get the mission done and surprisingly not much happened; the noble did survive that fall (made it happen with a lose wheel and magnetic Iron just in case), mostly because he looked like he weighed 600lbs of pure fat, so yes I did have to get my hands dirty a lot as I had to smash his head to make it look like an accident, I vanished shortly and soon after that I just threw up and cried a bunch, of course my mom chose then to show up.

"Well done on the wheel Wolf, I had to modify the scene a bit though so you get a C- for your first mission." my mom (Fox) said.

"M....Fox how do you do this?" I ask trying to stand to get ready to leave.

".....You learn to cope, we will talk later lets move." She doesn't wait for a respond and leaves making me follow.

-Back at Anbu HQ-

"Wolf well done on the mission" (Bull)

"Well done sir?"  I ask wondering how I did anything well on that.

"Yes well most fail their first mission, its why we send an observer and those that pass normally don't get above a C+ rating." (Bull)

"Above a C+ sir? I thought I got a C- ?" I ask thinking he got the wrong report.

"Yes well your mother judges based on her standard. Now with that said I think you should go talk to your mother and remember report here tomorrow 0200." (Bull)

"I never wanted you to be in this life Sakura, especially this young, even if you have no real choice due to having a new Kekkei Genkai at the age of 5 , which I still find weird but what can you do. I will always be here for you daughter, now how are you feeling?" my mother says I realize she knew this whole time about everything. 

"I feel Sad, I guess I cant describe it really like something is now missing I guess." I reply honesty

"Sad is good, any emotion is good even Happiness and that empty feeling wont go away but you learn to deal with it, making friends helps, at least from my experience. Now least go eat anywhere you want to sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow and remember hide the tattoo." my mother says as we leave .

When I arrived in the morning I was told my next mission will be a long one, to monitor and report on the academy class that has all the major clan heirs in it. So now the next three year I will be at the academy, Time to meet the cast!