
Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

A God and A Devil were about to die, both the strongest beings in their world. And, in a string of fate or perhaps being played by destiny, they reincarnated into the same person- but this time, they are not in control. This is a story about a man chosen to be both God and The Devil, Viel. Please be advised: Tackles about racism, sociopathy, pseudo-religions, and some other mature factors in our society. Please do know that this is a work of fiction, any similarities, if any, is purely coincidental. I have made a patreon page with illustrations on them, please do follow if you want to- patreon.com/Romeru

Romeru · Fantaisie
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252 Chs


"Run… Run for your lives!"

"It's going to eat all of us!"


With the shrilling sound of screams and cries filling the air like some kind of orchestra humming in the air, Viel could not help open his blind eyes just to squint them.

These Iras'an people are quite rude, he thought. He wasn't even finished with his speech and they all started running like monkeys. Some of them were even starting to push each other; those who had their vehicles nearby were mobbed as some of the people wanted to get in-- causing it to crash on land.

Seeing all of this, the only thing that Viel could do was let out a sigh as his wings lightly fluttered.

"What did I expect from an inferior civilization," he then muttered; his head shaking a couple of times as he landed on the ground, "This is your fault, Jack. I told you diplomacy doesn't work with savages."