
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantaisie
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107 Chs

they're terrified, deal struck

"my lord!"(most useful pawn) the witch I had just met today exclaimed as she rushed over, my hands quickly shoving the system screen aside, its light vanishing as it left my view.

"yes?"(Granularr) I asked as I turned to face the woman, her worried expression, heaving chest, sweat covered forehead.

she had ran all the way here, commendable, but needless.

"you're not hurt, are you?"(most useful pawn) inquired as she began checking me all over, her hands moving over my entire torso before she was satisfied that I was still in full health.

I knew I recognized her value, although we had never met, her loyalty is incredible, I would make damn sure not to let her go to waste.

"no, I'm not hurt, though I'm not a whole lot safer than I was when I arrived either, I pretty much just declared war."(Granularr) I told the girl, if it was an attempt to calm her, it was a failure through and through.

"what?!" she shouted as the immortal that was now accompanying me finally arrived, apparently she had followed the witch, no idea why though.

"what happened?"(council woman) asked breathily as she practically fought for oxygen, nearly doubled over, her hands supporting her upper body via holding her bent knees.

"nothing, I just killed a god, if I remember correctly that was part of our deal."(Granularr) I assured the immortal, not really caring if she believed me or not, she didn't matter in the long run, she was just merely another pawn I was using.

but unlike the witch here, her value had a limit, and it was fast approaching.

"let's just head back to the cabin, I need some rest after today, I've been fighting ever since we left that damned council."(Granularr) I half ordered as I began walking the direction they had come, my power surging as I worked to try and get my portals to activate, a struggle, but one I would overpower quite literally as the oval tore itself into existence, the cabin living room filling our view as I grabbed the two women and jumped through.

"hey!"(council woman) tried to scold, failing as I just ignored her and left the room with the witch.

"you know my realm?"(Granularr) I asked her, a confirming question.

"yes my lord, we were in an aspect of it when you first arrived."(most useful pawn) replied, the correct answer.

"then how would you like to come with me and see the whole thing for yourself? of course you would leave your own world behind, possibly never to return."(Granularr) I offered, subtly dangling a prize before her eyes while also not so subtly dangling a consequence.

a test, if you will.

one she wouldn't get the chance to answer, at least not today, as the moment she opened her mouth to speak, a man, tall, physically imposing, dressed in literal glowing robes, appeared before all of us.

"so called god."(Granularr) I spit at the creature as I eyed him head to toe, sizing him up.

"dark being."(some god) spat back, his eyes doing what I was doing, we were studying one another, and let me tell you, I wasn't impressed.

"they send the weakest of them to die first? how cowardly."(Granularr) I said to the man as I cracked my knuckles, the air of the room gaining a newfound weight and humidity as people began having trouble breathing, I was fine though.

which is why I was disappointed.

"how irritating, you seem immune to the subtle effects of aura, perhaps due to your control of your own."(random god) mused to himself as his aura became visible, a large roaring flame, yet the heat it gave off was minimal, weak, not at all able to be suppressed, this was his true aura.

"I'm the god of summer, you killed my sister, weather, although I resent you for that, I have been sent on strict instructions, I am here to negotiate your peaceful exit from our world, as we do not have the power to force you out."(summer god) spoke as he swallowed his pride and actually knelt before me.

"didn't expect that from anything with divinity flowing through it, they're too narcissistic and proud."(Granularr) I honestly admitted as I stood over the man.

"show some respect!"(council woman) interrupted, a tendril of shadow slashing at her back as she finished, her body crashing to the ground as my hand slowly returned to my side.

"interrupt me one more time and I will forget the value you hold for me and squash you like the fucking bug that you are."(Granularr) I forced out coldly, my eyes void of anything but my dark power.

a loud gulp echoing around the room as she sheepishly removed herself from the conversation.

"name your price."(summer god) spoke as he stood, his expression full of fear, he wasn't even able to detect my attack, was he? no wonder he's nervous, I can injure him before he could even blink.

"my price?.........ok, I want two things, one: you send me home, two: you avoid my planet as if its the fucking plague, and you make sure all gods know to do the same, cause if I see even one tiny speck of divinity I will personally hunt down and kill each and every single last god until you assholes are considered an endangered species." I threatened.

my words sinking in deep as he could clearly see the truth behind my words, he could see that if I wasn't strong enough, I would just gain enough power to get the job done, he knew, so I wasn't worried, I had killed enough gods here, I'd had my fun, it was time to go home and cut out the fucking parasites.

"done! easily, I swear to you that no god will enter your world, nor will they approach."(summer god) swore up and down, the only issue was, could he deliver?