
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasy
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107 Chs

a trap ends the world

my concern of could he deliver, well, it turned out exactly as I expected.

no, no he couldn't.

but before I tell you how I came to know that, first let me tell you how it all began.

which of course was just mere minutes after he had left.

[you have received a summons by the god of summer, would you wish to accept and join?]

a system screen read as it grew into existence, hovering in midair just before me, awaiting my answer.

answer I would, as I clicked the yes icon just below its question.

my action drawing me through a portal, where I soon found myself standing in a white space, void of any other color, it looked like a palace viewed from an artist's sketchbook right before they choose the colors and where to shade.

"why did you bring me here?"(Granularr) I interrogated, I didn't trust this, and I was right not to.

"to kill you."(summer god) said simply as if it were common known fact.

a statement that drew others from hiding, their large divine forms floating from behind large pillars, there was a metaphor here if you looked hard enough, something about them being behind me, I don't know.

what I did know, was that I recognized a piece of jewelry on the neck of one of these figures, it was the very necklace I thought destroyed when I first flew with Andrea, how do they have it?

"like it? it was a gift, of course I had to get it myself, but I think that it's the thought that counts."(goddess) spoke as she flaunted the chained jewel on her throat.

"so this is a trap."(Granularr) I deduced as I forced my anger into my power, fueling it.

"how curious, you were wrong corruption, he DOES have control over his emotions."(god of something) a man cloaked in shadows and skulls commented to the woman wearing stolen property, my property.

"didn't you get the memo? shadows are mine." I said as my eyes flicked to void and the darkness he was clad in fled from his body and swirled joyfully around my own, turning into dark black metal armor plating secured overtop my hoodie, shins, and arms.

ornate in design, it had sharp blade like points along the edges and the front, so not only did they certainly provide defense, they provided damage as well.

"hey!"(god of something) shouted as his hands rushed to cover his now nude body, he was thin, frail, sickly looking, if I had to guess he was either the god of death, or the god of disease.

"what? you surprised, I told you, the shadows are mine and mine alone."(Granularr) I informed him as I formed a blade from one of the gauntlets, its sharp glinting metal ominously threatening all those that gathered here in this all-white space.

"not for long!"(goddess) laughed maniacally as she charged, the necklace vibrating to life as I collapsed to my knees, the shadows around me sucked into the large jewel as if it were a vacuum, weakness assaulting my limbs as I barely had the strength to stand.

it was official, these people were pissing me off.

"it's working!"(gods and goddesses) shouted in a disjointed unison as I blurrily watched power flow from my body, they didn't know the damage they were about to cause, nor how volatile things were about to become, how could they? their only interactions with dark power were never on the scale I possess.

a fact they remained oblivious to as they cheered and hurrahed, all the while I continued trying to force out warnings.

"stop........you don'......"(Jake) I barely wheezed as I crawled as best I could in my failing body, fear rising in me as I knew exactly what was about to happen, an event that would change the course of their lives forever.


the jewel echoed from the neck of the goddess, its solitary noise halting all other noises in the room as the divine beings just stopped and stared, their eyes transfixed on the source.


it echoed again, this time louder, as shadows seemed to wisp out of the damage, shadows that clawed for me like rage filled tentacles, failing in each attempt.


it released again, this time the damage being sufficient enough for those very tentacles to latch onto me, their power raised tenfold as it surged and clashed with my now almost entirely human body.


narrator pov....

the moment the stolen power returned to its host, an explosion immediately took hold of the room, sending the gods scattering for the exit as violently whipping forces of darkness came careening towards them as it spread.

quickly it became too much for the room to contain, the power smashing through the bounds of the space as it began to lay waste to the world outside, its sole purpose being that of destruction, the black power raging through city streets relentlessly as it devoured any and all in its path.

ripping up and consuming entire chunks of the planet below as it traversed along top its soil, mortals and immortals alike falling prey to the energy, their lives snuffed out like wind to a vulnerable candle.

and in the center of those very winds, that mindlessly moving swirling void of pain and violence, float a boy, a teenager, his hair as dark as the ball of power he found himself trapped within, his eyes were closed, he was asleep, dreaming of far off lands as the mother of the abyss spoke softly into his ear, she was proud of him, he had unleashed his limit by abandoning and reclaiming his power, he had done what she had been requesting him to do, he had ended the life of a celestial body and all its inhabitants.

a mission that once complete, left the boy floating alone in the vast reaches of space, still alive, but forced into the deepest parts of slumber as his body drifted aimlessly through the known universes.

that was until, the boy had arrived home.