
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantaisie
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Emily pov...

well, he was certainly headstrong, stubborn, and had a personality that seemed to shine through even the foggiest of lost memories, that personality?

fuck you, go eat shit and die.

seriously, the dude hated people, with a passion, I saw someone nearly bump into him and the sheer killing intent released from his body was enough to force the person to the ground before they were even able to realize why they had pissed themselves.

but no matter, the moment I get him to the guild, and get his memory back, the sooner I'm free of babysitting duty.

a thought that truly motivated me as I quickened our pace, something that seemed to go wholly unnoticed by him, his feet effortlessly keeping up right next to mine as if we were taking a leisure walk through some dimly lit park.

it was inhuman, I was a rank A adventurer, level 57 and user of the brute class!

but I allowed the thought to fade, if I got curious, then I would be stuck with him, and I wanted to avoid that at ALL costs.

"so this is the guy you found while off in the restricted part of the fallen city."(Jenny) my best friend cooed as she suddenly appeared beside us, the boy reacting before I could, his hand now wrapped around her throat, fingers clenching, veins bulging, Jenny's eyes were nearly popping from their sockets as her skin turned a cartoonish blue-purple.

"stop!"(Emily) I shouted at him, to which he just simply made this odd click noise as he dropped my friend to the ground like she was some trash found on the side of the road.

"sorry, muscle memory, I must do that A LOT."(boy) somewhat apologized, sort of, as he awkwardly helped Jenny to her feet.

we weren't worried about that, we we're worried about the fact that some amnesia patient who was damn near comatose just a few hours ago, was able to detect, and catch, all before I could blink, a rank A user of the assassin class.

we needed those answers.

"you sure you don't remember anything?"(Emily) I asked again, now more than ever unsure of whether or not this was actually happening, there was no way any human who didn't even know their own name had the muscle memory to pluck the invisible from where they stood and hoist them effortlessly above their heads.

and if it really WAS muscle memory, just who the hell was this guy and what life did he have?!

I thought to myself on repeat as the newly formed trio, myself, amnesia guy, and Jenny, entered the guild hall lobby, the guild master already standing in front of us, looks like he was waiting.

"you look familiar, I almost ordered you to do something."(boy) said to the guild master in a perplexed tone, as if what he was saying was confusing him just as much as it was confusing us.

"maybe you were in a position of power?"(Guild master) asked as he tried to make small talk.

"no....... I don't think so, you just look really weak and submissive, subservient almost."(boy) concluded as he finished eyeing the guild master up and down.

it took everything in me not to fall to the ground laughing.

"*grumble*....well he's certainly a character!"(guild master) exclaimed sarcastically as he angrily ushered for us to follow him.

"where are we going?"(boy) amnesia case asked as we disappeared down a dark hallway, it would have been just a normal hallway, but maintenance forgot to change the bulb, so we were stuck in creepyville for a moment longer.

"we're going to the identifier, an orb like being who is able to see the true nature of any before it."(guild master) informed the boy, to which the boy cocked his head, blinked a couple times, turned to me, leaned in closer, and asked, "are we in some super-secret facility or a fucking museum tour?"(boy)

his words making me laugh while they made him question, he had no idea what he just said, and it only made it funnier.

"ALRIGHT! THAT'S ENOUGH!"(guild master) bellowed as he threw open the door to the identifier room, looks like amnesia boy's comments were digging through more skin than he was letting on.

"got any chocolate on you?"(boy) asked as he turned to me and pointed back to guild master.

at that point I fully lost it, collapsing to the floor as I rolled with laughter, having to clutch my sides as tears streamed down my face.

[mortals, always a pleasure to see you]

the orb spoke with a tone of displeasure as it eyed us, its cold tone halting my amusement as it switched to something else, curiosity, an emotion pushing me slowly to my feet as I observed, I almost thought I was hallucinating, but the orb and the boy, they were having a stare down?


"overgrown rectal light."(boy)

they commented at one another as their eyes only narrowed.

[do you people not know who you have brought before me?]

the orb asked as it broke free of the stare, an action it seemed to actually struggle with.

"HE doesn't even know who he is."(Emily) I responded honestly.

a statement that made the orb laugh as I did just moments ago, except it didn't roll on the floor nor did it shed any tears, its laughter lasting about as long as my own had, its voice picking up again as it spoke.

[and to think I was afraid, oh look how the mighty have fallen, once regarded as the most powerful being in the universe, HA!....now look at him, nothing more than an abnormally strong puppy]

the orb laughed as it eyed the boy once more.

[the forces of the divine will come for you God-Slayer, nowhere is safe for you, justice will be served]

the orb promised as it promptly fled the room in instinctual terror.

"what just happened?!"(guild master) asked bewildered as he turned to me.

"we just found out something interesting."(Emily) I replied as a system screen of information appeared before me.


name: (Jake), (Granularr)

age: 1,020 yrs old

species: pillar of existence: (pillar of darkness)

lvl: [incalculable]- being is rank: UNIVERSE

title(s): (God-Slayer), (HIDDEN)-[must be rank: HERO]


-absolute control over darkness and all of its forms and magics
