
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasy
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107 Chs

memory gone


Emily pov...

"get down!"(Emily) I shouted to my fellow party members, their armor barely in view as the attack I just dodged smashed into the ground, dust sent flying into the air as we all made mad dashes to retreat.

the creature before us cackling to itself in utter amusement as it watched its prey get some distance between itself and them.


a loud thunderous sound shook the half-toppled skyscrapers around us as from the sky we watched a large orange flaming ball come careening down in our direction.


"MOVE!"(Emily) I shouted to my party as the large flaming ball impacted, killing the creature we had all been struggling against, dust and debris raining from the sky as our view was nothing but obstructed.

it took almost an entire minute for everything to settle, and when that finally happened our curiosity had overwhelmed us, we HAD to see what it was that came falling to earth.

a thought shared between all five of us as we peered over the edge of the crater, shock rising through our bodies as we saw a teenager laying at its bottom, asleep, his expression blank as his chest slowly rose and fell, he was still alive!

the realization sent all of us into action as we jumped into the crater at almost the exact same time, each one of us working to gently lift the boy from out of the ground, an action quickly noticed by the backup we had called for minutes earlier, as they too ran over to help us retrieve the boy.

"let me take a look."(medic) our guild doctor called out as he rushed over, his hands glowing the moment they neared the chest of the boy, his system screen up in front of his face, a progress bar slowly filling.

[status of patient]:

name: [access denied]

age: 1,020 yrs old

species: [access denied]

lvl: (N/A)

str: (too high to register)

agi: (too high to register)

dex: (too high to register)

def: (too high to register)


-[access denied]


-[access denied]


[you are currently too weak to view the full status of the patient]

the final screen read as we all crowded around the doctor.

"has that ever happened before?"(Emily) I asked him, a question to which he shook his head no.

"no, never."(Guild doctor) replied, just as confused as we were.

"there must be an issue on my end, there's no way he's older than sixteen, and yet the age shown is over a thousand, no human has ever lived that long."(guild doctor) continued to explain in favor of a system glitch.

"we should get him out of here, we might be able to do a more in-depth scan back at headquarters."(Emily) I suggested, something that all of my fellow guild mates seemed to be in favor of.

and because of that, it wasn't long before we were all loaded back into our armored SUVs, our all terrain tires making quick work of the dilapidated road, our strong engines roaring in the background as we all talked amongst ourselves, half of us theorizing the boys origin, the other half on why his status displayed the way it had.

hopefully when he wakes up, he would be able to answer these questions.


hours later...

[you have successfully traveled to another universe, you have gained a new title: the traveller, you will now be able to effortlessly go between universes]

[you have successfully destroyed a planet, you are now classified as a world ending catastrophe to anyone of the rank: HERO]

when my eyes opened they were met with strange messages, messages that I knew not the meaning of.

"the hell?"(unknown) I asked aloud as I forced my sore body upwards, barely able to remain upright as both nausea and weakness overtook me.

"so you're finally awake."(creature) a voice spoke, my mind failing to identify the creature, it was shorter than I was, standing at about five foot four, it had tan skin and was slightly visibly muscled, it also had two odd deformities on the chest as well as abnormally long hair, what the fuck was this thing?

"what are you?"(unknown) I asked the thing, my curiosity too strong to ignore.

my question only seemed to confuse it, maybe its not that smart, I'll try again.

"W...H...A..T...A...R...E....Y...O...U..?"(unknown) I asked again, this time a lot slower and a lot clearer.

"*grumble*....I'm a human, like yourself, you don't have to be an ass!"(human) responded angrily, its expression scrunched a bit, it looked constipated, or angry, or both.

"who the fuck are you calling an ass?"(unknown) my mouth moved on its own, replying to the statement without me having to do anything.

"whatever!....let's just get this over with!....who are you and why did you fall from the sky?"(human) it asked after exclaiming two things in frustration.

"what?"(unknown) I asked, I had no idea what it was talking about.

"memory loss, GREAT!"(human) shouted to the ceiling above as she threw her hands up in defeat.