
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantaisie
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107 Chs

making contact, the tides turn

after hours of gathering energy, I had finally managed to create a link to my world, although not enough to portal, not yet, it was enough to speak to someone.

this was an opportunity I would NOT waste, there was no way in hell I was letting the world I worked so hard to live in be taken over by some pompous divinity addicted assholes!

"inform me of the current situation!"(Granularr) I ordered Avente as my body in the form of a uniform black colored shadow mist figure, appeared before him, my eyes glimpsing the battlefield all around, dead humans littering the forest floor.

good, he was holding his own.

"my lord! we are engaged against an army of humans, the other pillars are engaged against a group of the invading gods, they reached out to surrounding human kingdoms and promised power in exchange for us, the leader of the gods seem to be after us!"(Avente) informed me as his sword cleanly sliced through the body of a mortal, cleaving him in two.

his words worrying me, their god of darkness was after my vampires, this wasn't good, this was bad, really bad, especially if he ever found out how to activate a secret function I created throughout all of them.

I had no other choice now, I had to act.

and act I would.

"I am working to return, but in the meantime, I need you to do something, this will turn the tide and allow all of you to survive until I arrive, go to my realm, find Opa, (old pillar, she didn't have a name so I just stuck o and p together and added a vowel, she never seemed to mind), tell her this phrase, the power of darkness finds its host, those exact words, GO!"(Granularr) I ordered, to which Avente nodded and vanished into a portal, off to fulfill my request.

once he was gone, so too was my link, my vision once more returning to the forest I had found myself in, the academy off in the distance in front of me.

only moments later would I feel myself weaken, only slightly, not enough for me to lose a fight anytime soon, but enough to where I knew, he was successful.

with it done I allowed myself to breathe in relief.

and here's why.

those words, they had a very particular meaning, one I knew would keep my vampires alive and out of hands long enough.

as they would temporarily grant Opa the power I possess, so that she may fight on my behalf, a plan we set up years ago in case I ever found myself exploring the universe and were ever unable to return home quickly.

a notion I only toyed with before abandoning.

"you look exhausted."(Alleah) the girl I met in the nurse's office suddenly said from in front of me.

"I was training, I need to be stronger for when I return home, I'll be walking straight into a war."(Jake) I answered with a sigh as I stood myself from my cross-legged seated position.

"can I help?"(Alleah) asked as she moved closer, her arms crossed behind her back as she shifted side to side, avoiding eye contact.

"not unless you can kill a god."(Jake) I informed her seriously.

"there you go again with that talk, I heard it in the ranker room, and I heard it in the nurse's office, god's don't exist!"(Alleah) she exclaimed with anger as her flirtatious trance was broken.

"you don't have to believe me, I don't need you to, I also don't need any friends, given the whole I won't be here for long."(Jake) I told her as I walked past, walking back towards the academy, its numerous large brick structures that dotted a hillside, being nothing more than an eyesore for me.


Opa (old pillar) pov....

"the power of darkness finds it's host!"(Avente) suddenly exclaimed as he burst through a realm portal, my body imbued with shadow as he spoke the words, the realm murmuring happily as it welcomed me.

"the god of darkness no longer has any power over the void."(realm) Granularr's realm planet informed me in a serious tone.


god of darkness pov...

one moment I'm nearly winning against these pillars the people told me about, the next I'm getting my ass kicked!

I wouldn't need to wait long before receiving my answer, that answer?

a woman stepping out of a black portal, her body surrounded in swirling shadow as two swords glinted in the moonlight from her hands.

"the pillar of darkness sends a message, get the fuck out of my home."(woman of darkness) spat at me as she vanished in a display of blinding speed, pain soon erupting from my body as I watched my two arms fling wildly off of me and into the distance, blood dripping from the wounds and to the ground, ground which was soon covered in shadow, shadow that happily drank the dark liquid as if starved.

"sister?"(woman of fire) choked as she eyed the woman.

"not now, we'll talk later!"(woman of darkness) shouted in answer as she charged once more, her bladed sinking deep with every slice, every attack making me feel more and more mortal, as if my very power was being sucked from me.

only for her to stop suddenly and approach me, swords dripping in my own blood.

"meet the god slayers, twin swords made by Granularr with the sole purpose of stealing power, enough power to make a god mortal, killable, he made these years ago, for me."(woman of darkness) informed as she leaned in close, her mouth by my ear.

only to then send a devastating kick to my chest, my body smashing backwards as it tore through any obstacle in its path, only stopping when impacting a large body of water, a body of water another woman was already waiting at.

I sensed the danger I was in, and in desperate panic, I vanished from the large water source, using the last of my energy on a hopeful teleport to safety, appearing in their God's castle throne room, my soldiers already there, waiting for me.

"what now?"(divine soldier)->(invading god)