
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasy
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107 Chs

backup plan set in motion, Gods get cold feet

I wasn't staying any longer than I absolutely had to, I didn't know, nor care, about these people.

so staying wasn't even ON the table as an option.

so, because I don't trust those I don't know, I set in motion a plan, a way for me to get out of here in under a month.

which of course, I needed absolute privacy for, which Is why I'm heading to the woods I saw from that window, more specifically, to the heart of them.

a place I reached rather quickly, sitting myself down cross legged in the small clearing, my eyes closed as I began visualizing my connection to my realm as a tether.

once in sight, I began to form a small dot on it, a dot that would soon descend and grow, connected to the tether, by another tether.

this large hole, this large pool, soon filling up with energy, my own body becoming weaker as the source of power from my realm was redirected.

this was a last-ditch effort I had not wanted to use, by adding more and more to the pool, I would have more than enough energy in reserve to go home, the downside, I would be left vulnerable for a time, weak, weaker than I was back in hell after I had gotten a few spells back.

the effects now even more pronounced as I was God knows how far from my realm, the connection was strained, yet remained firm and strong, something I was lucky to have.

this whole situation could have been MUCH worse had I been stranded entirely powerless.


cosmos pov...

I lead both Time and Fire stealthily towards the encampment of a few of the invaders, our steps making more noise than they really should have, nearly alerting the Gods a couple times, our only saving grace being our luck, and their recovering hearing after our initial attack.

"this would be a whole lot easier if darkness were here."(fire) found herself grunting as her footing slipped somewhat loudly, nearly bringing all the gods attention bearing down on us.

"well, he's not, for someone you hate so passionately, you sure have little issue relying on him."(cosmos) I pointed out as she punched me in the arm.

"even an uncontrollable powerful monster has its uses."(fire) pointed out, her words something I agreed on, memories from when we needed him to kill the former angels coming to mind.

"we are sneaking into enemy territory, we are not having this conversation."(time) interrupted as she gestured for us to shut up.

a gesture we both nodded to as we followed it like an order.

about the same time we reached the edge of the camp too.

"we reached unexpected resistance from some unusually bloodthirsty humans, while not as strong as those we fought when we arrived, we found ourselves unable to kill them, they seemed to be enraged at us for some reason, they also seemed to possess traces of darkness within them."(invading God) spoke to a shadow figure in the center of the camp, as if he were making a report, the humans he encountered sounding more and more like the vampires darkness created.

"so it seems they could feel me banishing the man of darkness, perhaps it was he who made them?"(shadow figure) spoke aloud to himself in a slightly puzzled tone.

"what should we do about them?"(invading God) asked with concern in his tone.

"I might be able to control them, now that the man of darkness is gone, this world is responding much more to me, the void is soon mine for the taking, leave them be for now, they are too valuable to lose as they might win us this war, and this world."(shadow figure) spoke firmly to the invader, the invader nodding once to his words before turning and walking back to the few other Gods in the camp.

"we all saw what that man was capable of, and we even heard that leader had no effect on him whatsoever, what's to say he won't come back?"(invading Goddess) asked the approaching invader, a question we posed to ourselves as well, just not as she meant, her tone worried, seems she was losing trust in this mysterious leader, looks like darkness was doing us a favor through reputation alone.

"we should have moved on the moment we encountered resistance, most of us are stuck healing because of those people! while the rest of us, while WE are attacked relentlessly, by beings who wouldn't blink twice about pissing on our rotting corpses! I'm a goddess for crying out loud, I should be treated with some respect, but no living thing on this entire godforsaken planet holds any to us, they don't see us as a good thing, they see us as a disease to cut out violently at its source!"(invading goddess) recapped, accurately, they were a disease we were cutting out, and they were not welcome.

"we're gods, the mortals of this world will bow, or they will die."(invading God) answered the goddess, his answer not satisfying her, nor us, in the slightest.

"you saw those people fight, you saw their power, you watched those humans shrug off mortal wounds as they fought relentlessly, who's to say that we're not the ones who will all end up dead?!"(invading Goddess) shrieked hysterically as the full weight of the situation came crashing down on her, she was right, they would be the ones lying motionless in the mud as we marched forth over top them in victory.

when it comes to invaders, the only way, is no survivors, no mercy.

to think it would have been darkness to teach me that.