
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantaisie
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107 Chs

I can kill all the angels? what?!

my consciousness came around painfully slowly, my vision hazy at best and entirely unreliable, the same thing could be said for the rest of my senses, it was shameful.

"seems like they're waking up, remove the bags."(krivociel) ordered, his smug voice stinging my ears like a scalding hot iron, only serving to boil my blood in rage.

"ohh, someone is lookin angry!"(krivociel) spoke in a childish tone, toying with Julie's face, pinching her cheeks, booping her nose, ya know, annoying shit like that.

"get your damn hand out of my face before I tear it off with my teeth!"(Julie) yelled at him as she chomped her teeth down, barely missing his hand, and like the coward he is, he retreated to the other side of the room, ordering a door guard to come in here and "handle" her.

an order that would earn a hearty laugh from the man at the door before he shut it in krivociel's face, I love that man!

"enough, tell me why you have brought mortals before me."(archangel) boomed, his deep voice only serving to make him seem like even more of a douchebag.

"yes my lord. the one on the far right was a slave and we figured she would be useful to you, the other two are heretics, mother and son who practice dark magic!"(krivociel) yelled in over the top dramatic fake anger.

"dark magic has never been, nor will ever be heretical, as God himself literally created the pillar of darkness."(archangel) explained with a sigh and an extremely annoyed look on his face.

"maybe tell your boss how you wanted to kill a kid who was merely learning a spell from his mother and then got the actual pillar of darkness involved because he defended himself!"(Julie) shouted, dragging me more into this than I should have been.

while the effort was appreciated by me, it wasn't by the rest of the people in the room, save maybe the actual people who were forced to defend themselves.

"bitch!"(krivociel) muttered as he approached Julie quickly, raising his hand and swinging it sideways, slapping Julie across the face hard, a loud slap echoed among the room as even I felt the sting of his attack, but only for a moment as it faded faster than any pain I'd ever felt, even when I was human on earth, no pain had ever faded as fast.

"I'm impressed, you now hold the record for weakest piece of shit alive, cause that slap was absolutely pathetic!"(Julie) yelled at the angel, not helping herself in the slightest.

"you've done enough, my turn."(Granularr) I told Julie before I seized complete control, my form taking over as hers disappeared, my limbs already free from the bonds she had been restrained in.

"last time I checked teaching magic to your kids isn't a crime, last time I checked defending your life from evil assholes wasn't a crime, and last time I checked, angels weren't supposed to be evil cowardly dicks!"(Granularr) I yelled as I got in the archangel's face, my power threatening to explode, my veins bulging, this guy really pisses me off!

"as for my friend I channeled myself through, she isn't yours to own, nobody is, you winged fucks might be safe from persecution because of God but when has that ever stopped me from killing anything on sight?"(Granularr) I asked, expecting him to actually answer my question.

"it hasn't."(archangel) replied, fulfilling my expectation and proving he might actually have some intelligence after all.

"correct, so next time you entitled bird brains feel like coming down from your bougie palace and picking on people that don't deserve it, remember that."(Granularr) I warned, essentially telling him that I'd kill any angel on sight if I saw something I didn't like.

"oh and you! yes you, the coward hiding in the corner, if you ever, and I mean ever, let me see you, that is the very second your life ends."(Granularr) I warned krivociel.

a warning that would make him gulp and tremble, almost wetting himself.

I would've laughed had I not been so mad.

"we're leaving."(Granularr) I stated firmly, waving a portal open in front of me at the same time I finished freeing the mother and son, closing the portal behind us as we walked through, finding ourselves in my throne room.

and the second that happened the mother and son were expelled immediately, and I got struck with the largest headache of my entire life, a headache so bad it split Julie and I and forced her through a portal, pain still firing through my head like a ricocheting bullet, my ears ringing so loud everything else seemed silent.

the pain got so intense that I wasn't even able to stand anymore, forced to my hands and knees as I barely managed to keep myself awake.

"that was a terrible idea!"(God) spoke as his hand gently patted my back.

"how.....was.....I.....supposed...to...know!"(Granularr) I choked out between waves of pain.

"fair enough."(God) said as he waved his hand, the pain and ringing ceasing that very second, my balance returning to me as I lifted myself from off the ground.

"I just threatened to kill your angels on sight, you're not mad?"(Granularr) I asked him in disbelief as I couldn't even believe myself that the last five minutes had actually happened.

"why would I be? they suck."(God) admitted as he lazily plopped himself down in my throne, swinging his short bony legs over the arms of it as he hummed in boredom.

"honestly, if you could kill all of them I'd really appreciate it, I can't make better ones if the current ones still exist."(God) said, basically giving me the green light to genocide holy beings he created.

"if I kill them all, nothing happens?"(Granularr) I asked, seeking confirmation.

"what? no, you'll get rewarded of course, you'd be doing me a service in more than one way!"(God) exclaimed, giving me not only the go ahead but the promise of a reward for doing it.

"I'm going to need a plan, would you mind staying here and explaining all of their strengths and weaknesses?"(Granularr) I asked, a question he not only did not mind in the slightest but happily agreed to, sitting upright in my throne and beginning an in-depth discussion of their strengths and weaknesses.