
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasy
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107 Chs

evil request left unfulfilled

"FINE! but after this you'll owe me one!"(Granularr) I yelled at the winged man, soon being corrected by a shadow wisp that popped up beside me.

"he will owe you twelve after this."(shadow wisp) spoke before it disappeared.

"I will repay those, I swear!"(krovciel) maintained, keeping his expression innocent and his hands raised where I could see them.

"you will, but for now let's just go already, I refuse to waste any more time on this then necessary."(Granularr) I barked firmly, making sure he understood my message, luckily for him, he did, so I didn't have to beat it into him, even though I REALLY wanted to.

"it's this way."(krivociel) said quietly as he motioned for me to follow, using all six of his wings to gain great height, with me soon following behind, already having used the Icarus blessing spell, our wings soon flapping in near perfect unison, forcing us upwards and forwards, pushing our bodies past mountains and rivers alike.

slowly those landscapes would start to appear unnatural, no longer entirely clean nature, but scarred and burning lands with weapons and armor strewn about, blood plastering the grass for miles before eventually the surrounding and growing carnage overtook it completely.

we were getting close, I could feel the dark essence in the air, the corruption, the homicidal intent, the blatant evil.

we landed soon after that, gently touching down behind some bushes, crouching down low as a massive trebuchet rolled by, pushed by a horde of men, winged men.

"just who are you fighting to 'lower' yourselves to human technology."(Granularr) I asked him, my voice absolutely full of a condescending tone.

"a necromancer using the legion spell, a spell you created, thanks."(krivociel) spoke sarcastically, rolling his eyes as his true frustration at the events began revealing itself.

"no problem, anything to help."(Granularr) I replied in the same sarcastic tone he used.

a reply that he did not find amusing, isn't that absolutely beautiful?

"tell me, why am I here? you seem to-"(Granularr) I began, soon cut off by a loud roar and a rumbling of the earth.

"they have a dragon in the legion and it's getting stronger."(Granularr) I immediately deduced, correctly I might add, it was a dead giveaway really, as I soon saw its decaying scaly form pop over the nearby tree line, milky white pupils narrowed in spite, flames spewing from its jaws.

"man you are so fucked."(Granularr) I told him as I left the bushes, crouching down to ready myself, muscles tightening as I was about to act, soon bursting upwards, jumping up and successfully landing on the snout of the dragon, my eyes now a full black, staring deep into the undead's eyes, a glare of dominance shining through, breaking its focus and movement.

which gave a brief opening to the angels, who slung a massive boulder at the dragon, only for it to be stopped by my very own shadow.

"I cannot allow you to kill a child."(Granularr) I spoke, my words aimed at the angels below, my finger pointing to the ground a few feet away on my left, where a child knelt sweating and panting, being protectively clutched by a woman, his eyes locked on me as if he had just seen his favorite celebrity while her eyes stayed calm, neutral.

"this kid was merely learning a spell from his mother, you attacked him unprovoked like you people usually tend to do and now call on me to do your dirty work, no wonder I taste so much evil in the air, it's not from one child or parent alone, it's from you assholes."(Granularr) I barked at them, flicking my finger downwards, dispelling the dragon and summoning my shadow, which slowly lowered me to the ground, gently placing me among the tree roots and shrubs, my steps beginning to move towards the angels in the massive open clearing just in front of the family, to the right of where the dragon was standing.

"you were supposed to be on our side!"(angel soldier) roared, his sword raised above his head, his tone full of outrage and entitlement.

"I may like the occasional evil act but full on killing a child for learning a spell from his mother? it's too much, too far, aren't you supposed to be the good ones around here? how come you're getting a moral lecture from the KING OF DARKNESS?!"(Granularr) I bellowed, arms bathed in shadow, swords slowly appearing from the handle up.

that was when I faltered, my vision hazy and unsteady, soon it was moving inwards, as soon as that happened, I knew what they did.

"huh?"(Julie) let out as she began looking around, hand anxiously on her sword handle.

"grab the children and the mother, bring all three before the grand archangel, he will decide their fate."(krivociel) spoke as he emerged from the bush he was cowering behind, his wings on full display, where they didn't belong.

they should be between his legs like a scared animal's tail would be, the fucking coward didn't deserve such a high rank.

"not on m-"(Julie) tried to say before she was backhanded into a tree, interrupting her sentence before she could get much out, cuffed by an angel the second she impacted the tree bark, her restrained body limply crashing to the muddy ground.

"this one was once a slave, her fate has already been decided, take the other two."(krivociel) ordered, to which a bag was placed over Julie's head, forcing me to rely on my other senses to discern information.

let me tell you, it wasn't good.

they were cuffing and forcing the mother and son onto a winged carriage alongside Julie and I, placing chains and shackles on all our ankles once we were seated in that carriage together, immediately then going down the line from the woman, bashing weapons into our heads, knocking almost all of us out cold.

"pretend to be asleep, I will seep magic as a way to track our trav-"(Granularr) I began, soon interrupted by blinding pain, pain strong enough to force me into unconsciousness.