
Reincarnated as a Lizard

A soul has been reincarnated into a world full of magical races, from elves to dwarfs and beastmen to powerful dragons. Sadly, the soul did not even have enough karma for the cheapest humanoid race, humans. So, the soul decides to become a lizard for some extra karma. Follow Scaly, a weird lizard in some god forsaken dungeon. Hoping to evolve enough to one day become a dragon! ~ Follow the adventures of the small lizard Scaly on her path towards becoming a great dragon in the future!

PurpleSpring · Fantaisie
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151 Chs

Act Boldly! No Cowardice Allowed!


As she got closer to the group of injured gnolls, the gnoll shaman that had been tending to the injured gnolls suddenly stood up as a frown appeared on its face.

Although it had not noticed Scaly approaching, it clearly felt a distinct killing intent locking on to the injured gnolls from somewhere on the chaotic battlefield, the only problem was, it couldn't pinpoint the location of this killing intent and could only raise its guard in preparation for dealing with the forest rabbit that had set its eyes on dealing with the injured gnolls under its protection…

Huh?! How did it notice me?!

At the same time, Scaly could not help freezing on the spot upon noticing the cautious appearance of the gnoll shaman just as she was about to start her attack. Not understanding how the other party had managed to notice her-