
Reincarnated As A God Of Water

Ragnar gets reincarnated as a god by the great all mighty bus kun. Spoilers ahead . . . . . . . Ragnar gets reincarnated as a god of water, but gets much more. Follow Ragnar as he gains and lose friends and fight chaos. How will Ragnar protect himself, protect his friends and followers. As all we know collapse and evolve into something new. As reality cracks as his friends lose everything, for he had nothing to lose. Will Ragnar survive the weight of time, or will he give in, like his ancestors? Read to find out.

The_FBI_god · Fantaisie
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222 Chs

Chapter 9 Frontline

When we arrived at the frontline, the first thing that greeted us was carnage! Hundreds of thousands of bodies, from both sides laid inside and outside of the realms. The ongoing fight was cruel, giants were walking over the corpses, of their friends and foes marching through absolute hell. The ship was quickly noticed by both sides. The reaction we got from the giants, was a giant head, being thrown at us.

When a giant head, bigger than a entire universe, comes flying towards you, it really makes you question your life choices. When the head collided with the ship, the head exploded, kinda like a watermelon.

" Fire at will." Josh said, as he made his way towards the smaller ships, in the docking bay. Josh entered a ship and told us to follow him. Moving into my own ship, I made myself comfortable, waiting for orders.

" The ships you have entered are on autopilot, towards we're that ship is supposed to go. You are to be a healer of your own station, for five days, then you will return to the main ship. If the main ship is destroyed and i have been killed, you are to follow the main army's movements, helping them in their retreat to the second wall."

Doing as he said, I rested while the ship flew towards a realm bigger than 8 universe. expanding at a speed faster than light. Looking into the distance I saw a giant hundred times bigger than the other of it's kind eating 5 realms at ones. Small scrimmages were happening everywhere including the realm I was going too.

Pov change ?

"Commander theres no end to them, at this rate the swarm will kill us all."

" If we only hold out for a bit longer a healer will arrive, don't give up hope soldiers, we will survive this!"

"Yes sir*?" Thousands of gods, replied to the commander.

Fuck there's no end to them, I thought as I used my forth dimensional energy to load the cannon. Headshot yet again, but no noticeable difference, we need that healer quick, half of us can't fight anymore. With no end of them, we can only hold them for thirty more minutes, then we will either have to retreat or die. The turrets were overheating, our energy was not infinite and was also running out. I guess it's time to join the fight. I jumped over the wall while creating a spear of chaos, grabbing it I stabbed the closest enemy making the giant explode. Then I created hundreds of balls of chaos, sending them randomly at the giants, I ran towards a 5/12 giant ready to either die or win.

Colliding with his axe his strength was shown superior sending me 1000000 billion light years away. Enhancing myself in chaos I threw myself forward while sending a slash of chaos towards the giant, killing thousands of giants in the way. Ones again, colliding with him, we ended up in a deadly, even match. Making both our elements manifest behind us. Our element began fighting, creating an element storm destroying everything around us and sending several realms flying. Deciding to end the deadlock, I exerted all my strength into the collision and then jumped away while sending several slashes. The giant irritated by my attack slashed town with his axe against me, creating a shockwave so powerful it was felt by every powerful beings around us. Knowing my limits I teleported behind him and used my most powerful attack, known as forth dimensional chaos slash. Sending the giant unknown amount of space away.

Returning to my realm I saw a half destroyed wall, with thousands of giant storming the wall, killing all the gods they saw. Anger took over me as I created a giant ball of chaos and marking all my allies to not kill them then I made the ball exploded killing all the giants storming the wall.

Making my way back to the walls, I ordered the stone and earth gods to repair the walls as I made my way back to the command center.

"Commander welcome back."

"Status report soldier. "

"Two thirds of our forces are in no condition to fight, the wall has been breached on several places and everyone left is tired or dispirited."

" Damnit we need that healer now." All of a sudden a load noice was heard, as five giants were killed by a ship.

" Get ready to get healed haha." I screamed in happiness, the fight was not over yet.

"YEAH." Screamed all solders still alive.

Like the celestials were playing a sick joke on us, the giant I fought appeared, destroying the ship.

"All men onboard save that healer!"

Jumping over the wall ones more, me and the men were running towards our only hope, with all our might.

Pov mc

My ship was only 1000 billion light years away from the wall. Looking down I could see millions of injured soldiers and a bunch of tired ones, happily looking at me. Then that look slowly changed to terror. Getting confused, I looked behind me, what the.....

" ON YOUR FEET HEALER." Was the first thing I heard, when I woke up. My head was killing me and I could only sense two light years around us. But even then, I could sense the shaking of the realm and dimension that the giant were creating. Getting help by someone to stand up, I was quickly brought somewhere. Ignoring the pain I asked what was happening.

" Your ship was destroyed healer, were bringing you to the wall."

"Thanks" the rest of the journey was quiet, as I recovered I saw millions of god escorting me toward the wall. Giants attacked from all sides, killing as many gods, as gods killed giants. All of a sudden I heard the sound of turrets and cannons, the standstill quickly turned in our favor as we made our way to the wall.

When we arrived I started the healing instantly. Casting a wide range healing spell, healing all million soldiers around me, then I casted a buff of energy recovery. Good news all of them have recovered, bad news, I'm out of energy.

"Commander I will need an hour to recover, then I can start healing everyone, that has gotten injured again."

" no problem kid, I'm just glad to have you here. Maybe we will live to see another day."

I walked towards the end of the wall looking at the frontlines. Giant tanks, turrets and cannons were lined up along the wall. Shooting at any giant within range. This is war, I thought to myself as I saw a giant swallow a screaming god. The commander had left the realm, fighting an enormous giant. Meaning we had no commander to protect us, if something went wrong.

People around me were either firing with the cannons, or making their way towards the tanks.

So this is the frontlines I thought to myself.

(Author here. Yoo great chapter if i do say so myself. The chapter tomorrow will be published later than usually, I'm meeting some family members. Writing this chapter was fun but still hard, much easier when I don't have to write a status screen hardest thing to write. Anyway this chapter is my best so far yet again i just keep getting better. Thanks for 2,5k views means a lot:) )