
Ancient Desert of Desolation part 4

Using illusions to hide the very noticeable limping I hum in thought while puffing on that good cush.

"Gods huh?" It was an interesting conversation, one could even say it was an enlightening one if you ignore the hard core sex.

The one who called herself Anubis isn't actually Anubis but someone else in its entirety, maybe it would be correct to assume she's the prototype for him? It's kinda confusing honestly but if I were to say it, those called gods in my own world ascended to the higher dimension that I'm currently at.

So like the sixth dimension then we have the fifth dimension, then the fourth, the third , the second and the first. The sixth is where there is no qi which is why it's heavily advanced technologically wise.

"Ugh" I groan out loud and take a puff from my pipe "Yea no that shit is way too complicated, if they don't have Tamamo then I will bring Tamamo to them so that they can worship her too" there, I don't need to think about what makes the world tick and all that crap.

I just have to follow my faith and that's good enough for me.

"Hmm?" I look at my pipe and find the last of the weed gone. With a careful sigh I glance up at the sky and glare at the cosmos. "I'm done, I'm done playing around, I'm going home and I'm going to sleep atop my pile of Eden" putting the pipe away I start walking towards the place where customers come and go as they turn in spirits stones from hidden deals and other complicated crap that will probably take me one glance to figure out.

With an open door I simply walk right in with none the wiser, well except maybe for the few perceptive ones who seem to sense me.

Don't forget about the hidden elders or some crap.

With that being said I look over at the tables and find an empty one to take. With ease I sit myself down and close my eyes to focus on the conversations around me.

To be honest I find this method completely and utterly inefficient when it comes to information gathering. Like seriously it relies on nothing more than luck and being there at the right place at the right time, like what are the chances of me hearing some super duper interesting information?

"Did you hear the news going around?" My ears twitch as my annoyance resurfaces as Tanuki gives me that I told you so stare.

"I heard that the Tomb of the Sand Emperor is going to be opened soon" my entire consciousness is screaming out to reality itself.

"The Tomb that only opens once every couple of centuries?" The man nods.

"Yes, that one. The Ancient Tomb from the Ancient Immortal Era containing the treasures and secrets of the Sand Emperor who left it there upon his ascension to the higher world" the other man laughs.

"Hahahah! How generous for the Immortal to leave his treasures and secrets here for his juniors!"

"Hmm, if I remember correctly doesn't it open in a few days from now?" The man laughs.

"Right you are my brother. Even the famous and most prominent of sects have send their cultivators to this land!" I ignore the rest as I nope myself out of there with irritation at how everything seems to perfectly be aligned.

Truth be told I'm less pissed at this small treasure hunt and more annoyed at the fact that I don't have anything to get high off my ass to pass the time

"Fuck it, may as well ask around if they have any relaxation herbs or something, who knows, they might even be of better quality than what my dumbass could grow" and so I walk towards stalls and merchants and ask around for any relaxation herbs and finally, after around four godamn hours of asking around and going back and fourth I find myself staring at the store front for a medicine store.

"…so lord help me if I don't get my fix I'm going to destroy any and all cultural icons of this place and replace it with Tamamo" cause my idol of worship deserves all the love and attention from these lowly peasants who don't know what the divine race is.

Truly a sad moment that my beloved fox goddess isn't well known amd worshiped.

"Heard you have some relaxation herbs" I say while entering and see a beautiful tanned skin woman managing the shop who welcomes me in with a smile.

"Relaxation herbs? Please come this way dear customer" and so I follow her, curiously eyeing the various plants, spices and herbs adorning her store. "This right here is the dessert sun flower, known for greatly relaxing your mind and body at the cost of leaving you thirsty" I nod and she continues as she picks up a red flower with brown and white spots over its leaves.

"This sun kissed herb-" and she goes on a tangent about how it's born in the dusk of the sun or something. Either way I only say one words.

"How much for all of your stock?" She looks at me in shock before doing the math and lifting six fingers.

"Six hundred thousand" I nod and get ready to leave.

"Reserve them for me…at least 30 of each type, I'll be back in three day tops to bring you the spirit stones"she nods, bows down and waves with a smile.

Exiting the shop I take one very good look at the sun as my homie and bloodsworn brothers the Big D and Tanuki look at me with glee.

That's right, we found an alternative to our crisis "Now let's go hunt us some monsters!"

