
Reign of the Wallenstein

Born as a child soldier in a war-torn country, Joey was destined for bloodshed. He spent half of his life on the battlefield, trying his hardest to stay alive. Unfortunately, fate has another plan for him. Joey was involved in some unfortunate accident and died without glory to his name. And yet the death he was expecting didn't come for him. Reincarnated as a boy with the same name as him, Joey Wallenstein must make sense of his new reality while trying to avoid his airhead mother's attempt in suffocating him to death. The story's pace is a bit slow in the beginning, but it will get better in the later chapters. What happens when MHA meets Danmachi? Let's find out, shall we? Though I'm warning you, some characters might have their age altered by the whim of the author. So it might throw you out of the loop. Expect the unexpected! If you want to support me and get early access to chapters: https://www.p@treon.com/BCloud I do not own the artwork, if you are the illustrator just let me know if you want me to remove it. The characters that appear in this fanfiction also didn't belong to me.

BCloud · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs


"Wow, young master, I didn't know you're such a caring person."

"Huh?! Didn't you hear me? I'm bored! There's no way I'm upset over some rats!" Joey humphed and increased his pace, leaving her behind.

Narvi chuckled, "Don't be mad, young master. I was just joking."

Joey turned to her, "Now, I'm pretty sure you're the real Narvi."

"Of course, I'm Narvi."

'There's no way someone like Himiko would apologize.' Joey thought.

"Huh, what's that sound?" Suddenly Narvi muttered, looking distracted. She turned in a certain direction.

"Narvi? what's wrong?"

"No, it a nothing... it's just there was this weird sound coming from that room..."

"It's a hospital, so of course there is plenty of weird thing around here. Don't you remember what that Sakamoto dude did to that cutie?"

Narvi chuckled, "You're still mad at him? You do care about those little ones, admit it."

Joey raised his hands, "Fine, I'll admit it if you helped me convince the head maid to fuck up that Sakamoto dude."

Narvi shook her head, "No way, that's impossible."

"What, why not?"

Narvi sighed, "That's a very unheroic attitude, young master. Heroes shouldn't even think of destroying someone's life, even if it's a villain. Not to mention that doctor is just doing his job. That's why even if I helped you, I don't think the head maid would agree."

She continued, "In case you forgot, young master, the Wallenstein is the family of heroes, so make sure you don't do anything unheroic attitude like what you did in that forest, am I clear?"

Joey shrugged, "Yeah, yeah... I know. I'm just joking. You're no fun, Narvi."

"That doesn't look joking to me."

Joey ignored her and walked for a few meters before turning to the corner, "Is the suspicious sound you heard coming from this direction?"

Joey glanced at her, 'Despite all her flaws, she's a Level 4, so her senses are not just for show. If it's a sound that is commonly found in the hospital, then she wouldn't react like this. But what made her act so unusual?'

"No, it's coming from that room." Narvi suddenly frowned, "Wait, is that the sound of... struggles?"

Without a second thought, Joey activated [Vision of Life], and immediately a lot of green silhouettes filled in his vision, though most of them are dim and gloomy. They must be sick patients. But some caught his attention because of how bright they are and there are two of them!

With a heavy heart, Joey focuses his sight on them and measures their life force. The one in room B02 is Level 2 while the one in the B03 is Level 3! They're good and must belong to some Guild. But, seeing that there's no Level 4 bastard, he was immediately feeling at ease. If one of them is Level 5 or higher then Joey ready to command Narvi to flee as fast as possible because he felt there is a high chance that they're villains. His gut feeling screamed at him.

The silhouette stood beside the bed with a dim light on top of it and out of nowhere, the already dim light started to dissipate as though they are being consumed by darkness! There's no doubt about it.

"They are villains!" Joey said.

"What? there are villains here?!" Narvi exclaimed. Before Joey even managed to reply, she already whisked away from his sight and appeared in front of the door of the first villain and immediately barged inside without a warning.

Joey sighed, "There she goes. Why did she have to go for the weakest villain? There's no way I can subdue the Level 3 next door by myself..."

He really wants to save the patient! No, he must save the patient no matter what happens and verify the ring artifact's usefulness.

[You have gained a Quest!]

Counter Betrayal!

Save the remaining patient from assassins!

Reward: [Life Force Blade]

Life Force Blade - The user can construct a bladed weapon made of life force and freely manipulate its shape.


It's another Quest!

Although the reward is minuscule compared to the first Quest, it's way easier. It's still dangerous but simple and he likes simple.

The disturbances must have alerted the villain next door because he immediately left the bed of the dying patient and tried to escape. "What should I do?!" Joey's mind spun as he thought of one solution after another. He had no way to subdue the villain, so the wisest decision is to wait for Narvi to deal with the small fry first before subduing this guy.

"That's right! there's no need for me to subdue him. I just need to delay the villain for a few seconds! Just a moment is all I need before Narvi comes to my aid." Joey took out a knife from his inner pocket, "There's no way I'm going to fail the Quest!"

But contrary to his expectation, even before he managed to make a move, the villain didn't choose to escape but went to the next door instead. Room B05.

"Not good!" Joey exclaimed and immediately throw his only silver knife with everything he got. The air whooshed as a flash of silver with a trail of electricity flew in a straight line. The villain already opened the door to the poor patient, but immediately halted his dash and leaned his head back, barely managing to dodge a flash of bluish silver as it tore a hole in the door.

Joey clicked his tongue, "I was so close, dammit!"

"Young master..."

"Narvi? Ouch! What the hell!" Joey rubbed his head as Navi smacked his head with a mean chop.

"I already warned you, heroes don't kill." Narvi scolded him before she took off to catch the fleeing villain. Joey's throwing knife seemed to scare the guy so he decided to flee rather than kill the rest of his target.

"But what are they trying to gain by killing a patient?" Joey wondered and went into room B02, "Should I make this guy talk?"

He glanced at the first guy subdued by Narvi. This villain had his face plastered all over the floor while his hands and feet were bound in the back by a thin grey rope. As he struggled, his body moved back and forth like swings in the playground. Joey spurts out a mouthful of saliva as he tried to hold his laugh.

"What are you laughing at, you brat?!" The man screamed at him from below. His spittles flying all over the floor.


Joey kicked the man's head. "Who sent you?"

"You motherfu—"


Joey kicked him again and with a resounding smack, two of his tooth flew out from his mouth and clattered on the floor, accompanied by droplets of blood.

"Kugh, you insolent brat— mhmnh!!"

"So noisy..." After putting one of his socks into the man's mouth, Joey put his leather boot back on. "Now it's peaceful and calm."

Joey wanted to trash the man but he had no choice but to let the man be. If he did something to the guy, Narvi would get on his case, which is annoying. She seemed pretty upset with the fact that he killed that villain in the forest. Not to mention there is plenty of witness in the hospital so Joey can't exactly mess with the guy since he's a murder suspect. Joey worried that the police might find something incriminating about him, so it was better.

Joey turned to the patient on the bed and grimaced, "I'm afraid I was too late. He's already dead."

What is left on the bed is a man which at first glance is alive and just sleeping but he recognized the lack of breathing when he sees one and the patient in front of him is definitely not breathing. Suddenly Joey heard a bunch of people approaching the room. He gave another kick to the downed man and pulled a chair in the corner and sat down right beside the villain.

It was a group of doctors and nurses. Among them, he also saw two security guards with bulging muscles. But when they went inside the room, they went quiet. They definitely ain't expecting this development. But when they saw the motionless patient, they become panicked and began questioning the only witness.

"Um... I don't really know the detail. My maid, Narvi just went kaboom and the villains immediately went down and tied up." Joey blinked innocently, "She told me to stay here and wait for her."

The doctors "..."