
Reign of the Undead: The Rise of the Last Monarchy

[ Kingdom Building in the Zombie Apocalypse ] This story is about my book building base in apocalypse, but much better. The whole 50 chapters have been created, and updates will be slow, but if you request it, I'll update faster. Please tell me your thoughts, I want to improve my story, my writing style, and everything. Also, don't expect too much from the story. You might get disappointed. Once upon a time there was a boy who is living in the peaceful world, however it didn't last long as there is an unknown virus that spread the earth. Making him no choice but to kill people, do anything even if it's the lowest just for to survive and to protect his love ones. And his name is: Souta an ordinary senior high school student who enjoyed playing video games and reading manga. He had no idea that his life would change drastically when a mysterious virus outbreak turned most of the population into flesh-eating zombies. He managed to escape from his school with his childhood friends, but soon realized that the world he knew was gone forever. He decided to use his skills and knowledge to survive in the apocalypse, and to create his own kingdom for himself and his allies. He scavenged for resources, weapons, and vehicles, and fought against zombies, bandits, and other hostile survivors. He also encountered some special infected who had mutated abilities, and some mysterious organizations who had their own agendas. Along the way, he met some interesting people who joined his group, such as a former soldier, a former mercenary, a nurse, a mechanic, and a construction worker etc. He also developed a romantic relationship with guess the number ;) of them. Together, they faced many challenges and dangers, and gradually built their own kingdom in the apocalypse.

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Chapter 59: The Base (3)

As the battle continued, Roger and Rex's experience showed, as they integrated seamlessly with our group's movements. Together, we formed a formidable force against the horde of zombies.

The once hesitant recruits adapted to the rhythm of the fight, learning the crucial art of zombie slaying. I watched their progress with satisfaction, realizing that this hands-on training was essential for our survival.

The adrenaline-fueled clash lasted until the last zombie fell, marking our victory. Despite the initial uncertainties, the recruits had proven their mettle. I gathered everyone, addressing them with a nod of approval.

"Good job, everyone. This was just the beginning. We still have lots to do." I declared, instilling a sense of unity among our diverse group.

The echoes of our triumph reverberated through the village, signaling a new chapter in our struggle for survival. With the recruits now battle-tested, we began the task of making sure the villages is good for a new base. Considering water factors, where we plant, and how we will renovate it.

As we finished clearing out the zombies from the school, and now surveying the school, we noticed some students that had survived from the school. They had hidden in the classrooms, hoping to avoid the zombies. They cautiously approached us, looking scared and hungry.

"Who is your leader?" One of the students asked me.

I looked at him, amused by his question. "Me, why do you ask?" I replied, not taking him seriously.

He looked around, seeing no one objecting to my answer, and said, "We are serious right now."

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "So am I. What do you want?"

He hesitated for a moment before continuing, "We want to join you."

I chuckled, "Are you sure? Do you know what that means?"

"Yes," he said firmly.

"Alright, but you have to follow our rules. In exchange, we will give you a safe shelter, food, and weapons," I said, laying out the conditions.

He agreed, and I told him and his friends to have lunch with us before discussing further plans. They sat down with us, and I noticed that the group of students was thin and malnourished. There were about twenty of them, mostly teenagers. They had been trapped in the school for months, living on scraps and rainwater and their small garden. They had seen their teachers and classmates turn into zombies, and had barely escaped with their lives. They were relieved to see us, and grateful for our help. I invited them to join us, promising them a better life. They agreed, feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time.

As we finished lunch, Steff took charge of engaging with the group of students, showing empathy and understanding for their harrowing experiences. Meanwhile, the rest of us embarked on a thorough survey of the school and its surroundings.

The school, though smaller than our previous school, offered some promising features. The classrooms could be repurposed for living quarters, and the open grounds surrounding the building provided space for the soldiers to train. We discovered a relatively secure basement that could serve as storage or a shelter during emergencies.

During the survey, we found a makeshift barricade in one of the hallways, evidence of the students' attempts to protect themselves. Their resourcefulness intrigued me, and it was clear they had endured much in their struggle for survival.

We also continued to explore the nearby two villages connected to the school, assessing their conditions and potential threats. The students shared valuable information about the area, pointing out locations that could be fortified and potential sources of supplies.

It became evident that collaboration with the students was essential. Their knowledge of the terrain and their adaptability would be valuable assets in establishing a secure and sustainable base. We discussed plans for fortifications, resource allocation, and assigned tasks to both our seasoned group and the newly integrated students.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the village, we gathered to finalize our strategy. The amalgamation of experiences and perspectives promised a stronger, united front against the challenges of this unforgiving world. With renewed hope and a shared purpose, we prepared to transform the school and its surroundings into a haven for everyone, a beacon of resilience in the face of the apocalypse.

With that, after the survey, they made their plans, combining all of the ideas of the people of the base. Making our dream base for everyone.

The base layout would be. The school that connects the two villages, it will become a military base, to train our soldiers.

well-being that unfolds on one flank of the base, enhancing the capabilities and morale of the survivors.

A range of facilities that include obstacle courses, shooting ranges, and martial arts studios, where the survivors can train and hone their skills for defense and survival.

It also has a center of health and healing that nestles beside the military base, ensuring swift and effective response to medical emergencies and needs.

Well-equipped facilities that include treatment rooms, surgery suites, and isolation units, staffed by trained and experienced medical personnel.

A stockpile of medical supplies and equipment, as well as a research lab that develops new treatments and vaccines.

Renovated houses will be for Family units or survivor groups that are strategically assigned to each building, based on their skills, backgrounds, and personalities, to foster community bonds and harmony.

Now here comes where it gets interesting, the base would be divided by what they would do to increase the efficiency.

First one is the Food, water, and electricity. This place is where they will create food, plant foods, breed foods. To find water, create water, and recycle water. The last one is electricity, energy generator such as solars, wind turbines, and generators.

The farm, it would be away from the residental place, creating a large farm to breed animals.

variety of crops and orchards that grow in fertile soil, supplemented by greenhouses that allow for year-round cultivation.

A visual and practical reminder of our self-sufficiency and resilience, as we harvest and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Advanced systems that collect and purify rainwater, as well as recycle and reuse wastewater, minimizing waste and environmental impact.

A culture of sustainability and awareness that is upheld through waste sorting stations and recycling hubs.

powering the entire base with renewable energy sources.

A combination of solar panels and wind turbines that was created by our electric engineers, that harness the natural energy of the sun and the wind, as well as backup generators that run on biofuel or batteries.

A network of energy-efficient LED lighting that illuminates the base, creating a bright and safe environment.

The second is, about creating and making. This will be about creating the needs of the people, such as tools, equipment, daily life needs, and weapons, that's right, Smithing. One of the documents we downloaded was about smiting, and we downloaded about 50 research about smiting, basic in smiting, the needs, how to smith etc. And also center of innovation and discovery that is safely distanced on the outskirts of the base, pushing the boundaries of sustainability and technology.

A network of laboratories and workshops that buzz with creative and scientific pursuits, led by inventors, engineers, and researchers.

A source of breakthroughs and inventions that enhance the base's efficiency, security, quality of life and good things to make the apocalypse easy.

The next thing and last thing is the front entrance, which is build for war, expecting the zombies to get in, this is the first thing they will go, preparing for their attacks. Any attack humans or zombies.

That's the three section of the base.

The last part of our base is the front entrance. This is where we welcome our allies and confront our enemies. This is where we defend our base from any attack, human or zombie.

We have built the front entrance for war. We have fortified the gate and the fence with metal and concrete. We have installed spikes and traps along the perimeter. We have mounted machine guns and flamethrowers on the walls. We have dug trenches and bunkers outside the gate. We have prepared explosives and grenades for emergencies.

We have a team of guards and fighters who are stationed at the front entrance. They are armed and ready for any threat. They have radios and cameras to communicate and monitor the situation. They have helmets and vests to protect themselves. They have courage and loyalty to protect us.

The front entrance is the first thing that the zombies will see when they try to attack us. It is also the first thing that the humans will see when they try to join us. It is a symbol of our strength and determination. It is a message of our defiance and resistance.

The front entrance is not the only thing that protects our base. We also have two other features that ensure our security and harmony. We have the waste management citadel and the sentinel perimeter.

The waste management citadel is the center of our environmental efforts. It is located on the opposite side of the agricultural zone, to avoid contamination and interference. It is where we handle our waste output, reducing pollution and waste.

We have a system of waste sorting zones, recycling facilities, and composting areas. We sort our waste into different categories, such as organic, plastic, metal, and paper. We recycle our waste into useful materials, such as fertilizer, fuel, and fabric. We compost our organic waste into rich soil, which we use for our farm.

We also have a platform of education and awareness. We display the benefits and methods of waste management, such as saving resources, reducing emissions, and improving health. We instill a culture of sustainability and responsibility among our people. We teach them how to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

The waste management citadel is our way of taking care of our environment. It is our way of being eco-friendly and green. It is our way of being responsible and respectful.

The sentinel perimeter is the wall of protection that surrounds our entire base. It is our ultimate defense against zombie attacks and other threats. It is our shield and our fortress.

We have a series of reinforced walls and guard towers that encircle our base. They are made of steel and concrete, and are several meters high and thick. They are equipped with sensors, cameras, and weapons, that can detect and deter any intruder or danger.

We also have a team of vigilant patrols and watchtowers that ensure 24/7 surveillance and security. They are trained and experienced in combat and reconnaissance. They patrol the perimeter on foot, bike, or car. They watch the perimeter from the towers, using binoculars, scopes, or drones. They report any suspicious or hostile activity to the front entrance or the command center.

The sentinel perimeter is our way of securing our base. It is our way of being alert and prepared. It is our way of being safe and strong.

After a week of planning the layout of the base, I saw the twins returning with their group. They had been on a looting mission to the local hardware shop that Mathew had suggested. They had brought back a lot of useful materials and tools for our base.