
Regain Immortality

In the ancient realm of Murim, where martial arts and cultivation dictate power, the legendary Immortal Emperor Xianwu Yongsheng faces ultimate betrayal. On the brink of ascension to the Immortal Realm, he is murdered by trusted allies. Miraculously reborn 1000 years in the past, at the dawn of his cultivation journey, Xianwu seizes this second chance to reclaim his power, seek vengeance, and fulfill his destiny. patreon.com/regain_immortality

detalafol · Oriental
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13 Chs

The Core

Upon returning to where Feng and Jianyu were waiting, Xianwu was immediately met with a barrage of questions, their curiosity barely contained. The sect grounds around them, a blend of natural beauty and cultivated serenity typical of the Azure Cloud Sect, provided a stark contrast to the intensity of their inquiry. The trio stood near a tranquil pond, its surface mirroring the clear skies above, surrounded by paths lined with ancient trees whispering secrets of the past.

"Xianwu, what did the Sect Master want? Tell us everything!" Feng's voice was ripe with anticipation.

Jianyu, equally eager, leaned in. "Yeah, we saw you two head off. It must be something big."

Xianwu, taking a moment to gather his thoughts amidst the serene backdrop of the sect's lush gardens, began to share. "Well, it seems my performance in the tournament caught the Sect Master's attention," he started, his tone casual but with a hint of pride.

Feng's eyes widened. "So, what did she say?"

"She's made me a core disciple," Xianwu revealed, watching their reactions closely.

Jianyu's jaw dropped. "A core disciple? Just like that? And under the Sect Master herself?"

"That's incredible, Xianwu! But...why you?" Feng asked, a mix of excitement and bewilderment in his voice.

Xianwu smiled, acknowledging their surprise. "It's due to my contributions during the tournament. Though, I believe there might be more to it," he added, deliberately omitting the part about the dark energy and his subsequent revelations with Yun Xi.

Feng and Jianyu exchanged looks, their minds racing with the implications. "This is huge. Being the disciple of the Sect Master changes everything," Jianyu said, the significance of the news sinking in.

"Yeah, but what about the dark energy? Did she mention anything about that?" Feng probed, his curiosity unsatisfied.

Xianwu hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "We discussed many things, but for now, let's just say there's a lot we need to prepare for. The sect is facing challenges we might not have expected."

The conversation continued as they walked along the sect's paths, the tranquility of their surroundings a sharp contrast to the storm of questions and possibilities now swirling in their minds. Xianwu's new status as a core disciple under the Sect Master herself marked a turning point, not just for him but for his friends as well. As they navigated the sect's beautifully landscaped grounds, the weight of the future hung heavily in the air, mingling with the natural peace of their environment in a poignant reminder of the balance they all sought to maintain.

A few days following his sudden elevation, Xianwu, accompanied by Feng and Jianyu, found himself walking towards a pivotal assembly within the sect. This gathering, orchestrated by Sect Master Yun Xi, was to formally acknowledge his new status as a core disciple. The chosen venue was a training hall of ancient prestige, resonating with the cumulative energy of myriad cultivators who had honed their skills within its walls.

The hall itself was a marvel of architectural beauty and spiritual significance, its vast space enclosed by towering columns that seemed to channel the very essence of cultivation. Murals adorned its walls, each telling a story of valor and wisdom, while the floor was etched with intricate patterns that pulsed with a soft, internal light.

As they arrived, the atmosphere was charged with expectancy. Present were the sect's six elders, each a paragon of their respective disciplines, Sect Master Yun Xi, and the seven core disciples, including Lan Hua and now Xianwu, making it a congregation of the sect's most influential figures, plus Feng and Jianyu as observers.

Lan Hua greeted Xianwu with a nod of acknowledgment, her demeanor welcoming amidst the reserved curiosity of the others. "Congratulations, Xianwu. Your addition speaks volumes of the Sect Master's trust in your potential," she said, her voice carrying a hint of warmth.

The response from the other core disciples was less open, marked by a blend of intrigue and reservation. The presence of Feng and Jianyu, not being core disciples, added an unusual dynamic to the meeting, their inclusion a testament to Xianwu's unique circumstances.

Sect Master Yun Xi then took the lead, addressing the assembly. "Today, we welcome Xianwu as a core disciple, a decision borne from his exceptional contributions and potential. Let us offer him our support and guidance."

Ming Lei, a disciple of Elder Jin and known for his directness, voiced the unspoken question on many minds. "With respect, Sect Master, Xianwu's rise has been meteoric. Perhaps a demonstration of his abilities would settle any...uncertainties?"

Yun Xi considered the proposal, her gaze settling on Xianwu. "Very well. A friendly spar will allow Xianwu to showcase his skills and for us to witness his potential firsthand."

Xianwu, understanding the importance of this moment, stepped forward. "I am ready. This is an opportunity to prove my dedication to our sect's ideals and my respect for its traditions."

The elders and disciples formed a circle in the center of the hall, an impromptu arena for the forthcoming spar. The air was filled with a palpable tension, the outcome of this encounter poised to influence Xianwu's path within the sect profoundly.

Ming Lei stepped into the circle, his demeanor dripping with arrogance. Xianwu, not wishing to bully what he internally considered a junior, gestured magnanimously. "You may have the first move," he offered, a calm smile playing on his lips.

This only served to ignite Ming Lei's anger, interpreting the gesture as underestimation. "Underestimate me at your peril," Ming Lei snapped before launching a swift attack, aiming to overpower Xianwu from the outset.

Xianwu, with minimal effort, sidestepped the assault, his movements fluid and untroubled. Ming Lei, frustrated by the ease of Xianwu's dodge, attacked again, only to meet air as Xianwu evaded once more.

In a burst of Qi, Ming Lei materialized a rapier, its form shimmering with condensed energy. With precision and grace characteristic of a rapier's use, he thrust and sliced at Xianwu in rapid succession, each strike aimed with lethal intent.

Xianwu, however, remained undisturbed. Channeling his Qi, he coated his arm in a protective sheath, deflecting Ming Lei's rapier strikes with deft movements. Each parry was a demonstration of his mastery over Qi, turning Ming Lei's advantage into his own.

With Ming Lei's final, desperate thrust, Xianwu seized the moment to counter, his action swift and decisive. In a fluid motion, he disarmed Ming Lei, leaving the rapier of Qi to dissipate into the air.

The crowd around them, comprised of the sect's core disciples and elders, erupted into murmurs of admiration. Even Sect Master Yun Xi observed with a keen eye, noting the display of skill and control.

Breathing heavily, Ming Lei collected himself and faced Xianwu, a newfound respect evident in his posture. "I...apologize for my arrogance," he admitted, bowing slightly. "Your skill is undeniable."

Xianwu, offering a hand to help Ming Lei regain his composure, replied, "There's strength in recognizing one's misjudgment. Let's move forward, stronger for it."

After Ming Lei's challenge and the subsequent duel, Sect Master Yun Xi took a moment to clarify the true purpose of the gathering, not solely for Xianwu's induction but to address deeper concerns. "Feng, Jianyu, I must ask you to leave us now. This next discussion requires the presence of core disciples only," she announced, her tone firm yet respectful.

Once alone with the core disciples and elders, Yun Xi shifted the focus to the recent tournament incident.

"Elder Huang Zheng, please share with everyone your findings from interrogating Liang Qiu," she instructed.

Elder Huang Zheng stepped forward, clearing his throat. "Upon questioning, Liang Qiu initially claimed ignorance. However, after some persistence, he admitted to giving Liang Wei a Fury Surge pill, insisting he was unaware of its potent effects. I believe he truly did not understand the consequences."

Xianwu interjected, "Might I suggest we consult with allied sects? They might have experienced similar incidents, helping us identify the reach of the Demon Faction's influence."

His mention of the Demon Faction drew puzzled looks from the others. Sensing their confusion, Yun Xi quickly explained, "There's suspicion that the Demon Faction might be involved. Xianwu has encountered their energy before."

One elder raised an eyebrow "And how did this suspicion arise?".

Yun Xi turned to Xianwu, giving him the floor. "My parents were killed by the Demon Faction, and it was there I first encountered this dark power,"

Understanding the seriousness of the revelation, Yun Xi made a decisive command. "We must act. Core disciples will head to nearby cities for investigation. Gather information discreetly and report back. Form teams and depart in two days."

After the meeting, Lan Hua approached Xianwu. "Would you consider teaming up with me for this mission?" she asked, her usual calmness tinged with a hint of eagerness.

Xianwu nodded, "That sounds good. I look forward to working with you, Lan Hua."

Xianwu excused himself to visit his new training ground, a privilege of his new status. There, he continued to refine his Ascension Technique, his thoughts on the challenges ahead but also on the potential of his newfound alliances within the sect.


A few months earlier, shrouded in a cloak of eternal darkness:

"Ah, the eternal cycle begins anew. How many repetitions has it been now? Even time loses its meaning here," a deep, resonant voice breaks the silence, surrounded by an aura of impatience and dark anticipation. "But this time, this time I sense a change in the air. A rift in the fabric of our little eternity."

A soft, almost imperceptible laughter echoes. "They have finally begun, Xianwu. Your determination plays into my hands. Soon, very soon, the final chapter of your endless defeats will be written, and I can complete this cycle of revenge."

The darkness pulses, as if vibrating with the anticipation in the voice. "Patience has always been my companion in this empty expanse. Yet, the anticipation of the end of this game makes even the shadows quiver."

"Your end is near, Xianwu. Prepare yourself, for when the seal breaks, the last barrier between us will also fall. And then... then darkness itself will judge your fate."