
Red Spades

Two worlds collided. One full of violence, horror, and trouble. The other full of loss, secrets, and betrayal. They are so different but so similar at the same time. Axel is the bad boy of River High school, people hide from him when they seem him and refuse to speak his name. He leads one of the biggest gangs on the streets that no one can control. He's cold and intimidates everyone around him. He's not afraid to kill or be killed. Aella is a girl that can't be intimidated. She ignores everyone that pushes her around as she keeps to herself trying to graduate high school so she can get away from her abusive uncle and aunt. With a broken past she covers with a mask she fights her inner and outer demons.

LionoftheStars01 · Sports, voyage et activités
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20 Chs

Starting to No Longer Care About Understanding Her


I drove up to the school just as classes ended and looked for Aella. I needed to make sure she was okay, call me over protective but I didn't give a shit. She seemed to notice my car as she started walking toward it. People looked at the car with wide eyes coming as close they dared knowing I was in it. I rolled down the tinted window, "Get in" she smiled not having to be told twice as she slide into the seat. As soon as she got in I noticed something on her jaw, leaning over I put my hand under her chin. She looked at me with surprise eyes, 

"what are you doing?" I moved her head to the side exposing a large bruise on her jaw. I tried to remain calm as I looked at it but my voice was cold and stern, 

"Who the fuck did this?" she sighed and tried to take my hand off her chin but I held it firmly staring at the large bruise, 

"Ryan" I let her go and was about to opened my car door when she grabbed my arm, "Wait please don't I already showed him not to mess with me. Trust me, his face will look a lot worse tomorrow and he won't be playing football anytime soon. I just want to go...please Axel" Sighing I nodded waiting for her to put her seat belt on before speeding off. I was still pissed that I couldn't finish the job. We stayed silent for a while as I drove her to my house; I knew if I didn't put ice on it she would forget. Aella glanced over at me as I kept my eyes on the road, "You don't need to keep fighting my battles for me"

"If you haven't figured it out yet I will be fighting every battle for you" she frowned but I didn't leave any room for her to argue. As we stopped at a red light I looked down at her and noticed she was still wearing my dog tags, "They look good on you" she looked down at them and smiled, 

"Thank you, but why did you give them to me in the first place?" The light turned green and I started driving again.

"To protect you" she gave me a puzzled look, 

"Protect me?" I nodded, 

"When people see that I have marked you they will think twice about touching you, obviously Ryan has balls" she smiled and laughed a little nervously, 

"That may have been because I had them hidden under my shirt" I frowned, 

"What's the fucking point of wearing them then if you're hiding them?" 

"In my defense I didn't know until now that people were supposed to see them. But even so why are you trying to protect me?" I sighed  looking over at her as we pulled into the drive way, our eyes meeting, 

"Because you're mine" Her eyes widened but before she could say anything I got out of the car. Her face was red as she got out too and followed me inside to the kitchen. 

'Until I figure out what It is about her that drives me insane, I'm keeping Aella close to me'

she sat on the counter as I got an ice pack out of the freezer. Gus walked in and pulled her into a hug, 

"Hey what are you doing here again?" I glared at him and he let her go quickly. I knew he would never hurt her but I couldn't help but be on edge when the two were together after that nightmare. She smiled at him, 

"I was taken against my will" I rolled my eyes placing the ice on her face while Gus only laughed at her response, 

"Here" She tensed up moving away, 

"That's so fucking cold" raising an eyebrow I made her put it back on the bruise, 

"That's the fucking point" she rolled her eyes and gave me a look of annoyance as she pressed it against her skin. Gus grabbed a soda from the fridge, 

"Whose ass are we beating up?" she laughed, 

"No ones, because I already did" he frowned,

"Damn I could use a good fight" she hopped off the counter, 

"Go find Jack" Gus followed us as we went into the living room, 

"I would but he's not back yet" she sat close to me on the couch while Gus sat in the large bean bag in front of the TV I draped an arm over her shoulder, "Wanna fight?" I stiffened and if looks could kill Gus would be dead as I stared at him. He held up his hands eyes wide in fear, "Whoa, don't kill me Axel, I was talking about a video game" he held up two controllers giving one to  Aella. She smiled and noticed I wasn't getting a controller, 

"Come on why don't you play" I shook my head, 

"No, I don't want to" she pouted before giving me the look that meant she got an idea,

"Too scared I'll beat you?" her raised her eyebrows as she smirked at me. She knew I could never resist a challenge. Sighing with annoyance I had Gus give me another controller, 

"More like I don't want to beat you and have to deal with you crying like a bitch" she laughed, 

"You're so on"  I don't know how long we played but long enough for the other guys to get back and join in. We started playing in teams with Aella, and me against the other three. I was impressed she was a skilled gamer. I couldn't help but smile as we played, Aella was the only one who has ever been able to make me smile. The happiness I felt around her was foreign and it confused the hell out of me, but I was starting to not give a damn. I didn't have to understand it as long as I would always have it.