
Red Spades

Two worlds collided. One full of violence, horror, and trouble. The other full of loss, secrets, and betrayal. They are so different but so similar at the same time. Axel is the bad boy of River High school, people hide from him when they seem him and refuse to speak his name. He leads one of the biggest gangs on the streets that no one can control. He's cold and intimidates everyone around him. He's not afraid to kill or be killed. Aella is a girl that can't be intimidated. She ignores everyone that pushes her around as she keeps to herself trying to graduate high school so she can get away from her abusive uncle and aunt. With a broken past she covers with a mask she fights her inner and outer demons.

LionoftheStars01 · Teen
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20 Chs

She Doesn’t Make Excuses


I woke up to the sound of my phone telling me I had a text.

'What the hell...'

yawning I grabbed it instantly shutting my eyes from the bright screen. Groaning I blinked a few times letting my eyes adjust to the brightness before reading the text. I noticed a new number in my phone last week and it didn't take me long too figure out it was Axel,

"Never take it off"

I looked at my phone in confusion, never take what off? I sat up feeling something around my neck making me look down.


I grabbed the dog tags and studied it finding an A on one and a spade on the other,

'Why would he give me his dog tags and why is he telling me to never take them off. That shouldn't be a problem since I kind of like them though' he sent another message,

"I'll explain later"


Getting out of bed I got ready for school. Putting on a pair of ripped jeans I threw on a black shirt with an NF logo on the back. His music spoke to me. I put my hair in a side braid before grabbing my bag and earbuds. As I went to the kitchen I was met with cold threatening stares from Carl and Jen. Ignoring them I grabbed an apple and walked out the door not in the mood to be dealing with them. I listened to music as I made my way into the school building going to my locker.

There I noticed Olivia and a few of her friends waiting for me,

'You got to be kidding me'

I walked up to Olivia who was on crutches,

'I didn't think I hurt her that badly. Either she is being dramatic or I did more damage than I thought'

"Can we talk?" I frowned and opened my locker,

"We are talking" she glared at me. Olivia the nice girl was glaring at me. Maybe I accidentally broke her,

"I want an apology" I raised an eyebrow staring at her in the eyes,

"I don't give apologies for my actions" one of her friends took a step toward me,

"You little bitch! You should have died with your mom and dad!" I sighed,

"I'm well aware of that, but life doesn't give us what we want sometimes" another one scoffed,

"Maybe you should go commit suicide then" I glared at her,

"I'm not a coward so don't expect me to take the easy way out." I was getting pissed now. "Unless you have a good reason get out of my way" then life threw me another curve when I felt someone behind me. It was Ryan, as soon as I turned around his fist made contact with my jaw as he punched me into the locker. I looked up at him while spitting out blood. Pain spread from my jaw to my cheek as I moved it around making sure it wasn't broken. His whole face was fucked up. Axel had definitely broken a few bones. "You little shit"

I just stared up at him with dead eyes my body going still out of instinct. "You're going to pay for what happened to me. But, hear your uncle beats you so I won't go too hard on you" I glared up at him. I didn't care who was around anymore, I didn't care that everything in me told me not to, and I didn't care who he was. Taking him by the collar of his shirt I pulled him close to me and kneed him in the gut. He coughed out in pain and surprise but I wasn't finished. I moved to the side holding him by the hair and shoving his already messed up face into a locker. He slunk to the ground as I stepped on his ankle with enough force to sprain it. Everyone stopped the in halls watching the scene in shock. He was five times my size but with enough strength I could take him out in only a few blows,

"Thanks to that piece of shit beating me up I learned a few things, so I actually have him to thank for showing me how to beat the shit out of trash like you"

I walked away the crowd parting for me as I made my way to class. I could hear him crying out in pain as he tried to stand up. Ryan wouldn't be playing football anytime soon.

No surprise Axel was skipping today like usual. I hated to admit it but I missed him and that stupid smirk. Everything was going back to a normal Wednesday when the principal peeked his head into one of my classes, "I need to speak with Aella"

'For the last time it's pronounced Ay-ella!!!'

I stood up grabbing my things and walking out ignoring the looks others were giving me. We walked to his office and he sat behind his desk, "have a seat" I took one closest to me waiting, "I've noticed you have been acting out recently with Olivia and this morning with Ryan"

"My reason is valid" he sighed,

"No reason is valid for hurting others"

"Could you say the same for the things they say?" He shook his head,

"We're not talking about them right now. We are talking about you, you're a good student with almost straight A's so why are you doing this?" I leaned forward not taking my eyes off of him,

"I don't go around beating kids up but if they keep antagonizing me I'm going to do something about it. I can ignore things like being called bitch, being told I should've died or to go kill myself. But once anyone starts talking about my life and what's going on in it like they know I'm not going to sit around and take that"

"Well you need to. I understand it's hard for you with no parents but it's been four years since, and I can't have you using that as an excuse for your behavior" I was livid now. I stood up,

"What the fuck makes you think I'm using my dead parents as an excuse. I know that I survived and still standing so I'm going to keep standing on my own without complaining. I never used my parents as an excuse for anything dumbass! Yeah we all know it's been four miserable years since my dad killed my mom for fucking cheating and almost killed me before killing himself but I have never fucking used them to get away with bullshit that you are accusing me of. I suggest you keep a mouth over your damn daughters mouth before she can't speak ever again!" He stood up,

"Is that a threat?" I walked to his door before looking back,

"That's a promise" without another word I slammed the door and my way to my next classes. Anger and hurt was tearing me up inside but I refused to show it.

'Damn, I wish he was here'

He always had a way of making bad shit like this alright. I played with his dog tags in my hands finding comfort in their weight on me.