
Red Dragon Emperor: More Children And Blessings Make Me Stronger

Xi Ye underwent a remarkable transformation, crossing over into the realm of dragons and becoming a Red Dragon—one of the legendary five-color dragons. In a twist of fate, he unintentionally acquired a system that granted him an abundance of concubines, numerous children, and extraordinary blessings. Each time a child was born, Xi Ye's own power grew stronger, driving him to establish his own clan and ensure the continuation of his bloodline. A peculiar phenomenon arose on the continent—a crimson dragon, dedicated to seeking out females as its prey. This creature was none other than Xi Ye himself. [With Human Heir 1, get the crown of indomitable reward! 】 [With Elf Child 1, get the heart of the forest as a reward! 】 [With Silver Dragon Heir 1, get a reward of frozen breath! 】 [With the Red Dragon Heir 1, get the reward Red Dragon Emperor! 】 As time passed, his offspring multiplied, causing Tiamat, the mother of dragons, to take notice and ponder: "Could Xi Ye become the progenitor of the five-color dragons?" This was only the beginning for Xi Ye, as his ambitions extended beyond mortal realms. Even the lofty God Realm would be saturated with his bloodline. The tale of Xi Ye's ascent had just begun, filled with incredible possibilities and an unwavering determination to leave his mark on the world.

Longevity_Star · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

CH 7: Monstrous Devotion

Xi Ye's sharp claws lightly tapped on the stone slab in front of him, sputtering out broken stones one by one.

The forest giant eagle, a common flying monster in the plains and mountains, posed a challenge for the current monster clan.

As an an intermediate combated monster and the ability to fly and scout ahead , its strength was not to be underestimated.

Xi Ye contemplated the situation, knowing that dealing with flying monsters required a different approach than the previous encounters with Chris's Bonebreaker tribe.

"Chris, what do you suggest we do to overcome the forest giant eagle?" Xi Ye asked, acknowledging Chris's expertise.

"Your Majesty Xi Ye, these arrogant birds have forgotten the true power of a real dragon, unaware of our loyalty and might," Chris replied, his voice filled with determination.

"It is time for them to learn who the true monarch of the Dorkafa Mountains is!"

Chris, knowing that the current monster clan under his majesty Xi Ye lacked the means to punish the forest giant eagle.

Chris believed it was Xi Ye's duty to display the power of a dragon and show his Supreme dominance over them.

"You're right, Chris. It's time to demonstrate my Supreme dragon's might!" Xi Ye responded, pleased with Chris's conviction.

With a burst of red light emanating from the gaps between his dragon scales, Xi Ye's colossal body rose within the cave.

The dancing flames within his eyes seemed like fire elves celebrating their supreme monarch.

Outside the cave, Chris wasted no time rallying the monsters.

Kicking a nearby wolf man to rouse him from his sleep, Chris excitedly announced, "Wolf cubs, wake up! Your Majesty is about to descend upon us! Get ready to show our strength!"

The wolf man, now fully awakened, exclaimed, "Chief Chris! Your Majesty is coming? This is fantastic! We will crush their bones without a doubt!"

The sound of horns filled the air as the Gnoll Pioneer blew his instrument, signaling the assembly of the monsters.

Countless creatures, their heads raised, hurriedly gathered to witness the magnificent figure of the giant dragon.

Xi Ye, adorned with the majestic horns of a dragon, wore the crown of supreme authority. The sight of the true dragon after a month filled the monsters with awe and reverence.

Some newcomers, upon seeing Xi Ye's commanding presence, felt a weight lift off their hearts, replaced by respect and admiration.

"Chris, bring only your Bonebreaker tribe. The rest shall remain here to protect Celeste," Xi Ye commanded, concerned for the safety of his mate within the lair.

Understanding the necessity of guarding the lair, Chris swiftly organized the monsters and summoned the wolf men from his own tribe, the Bonebreakers.

Meanwhile, Xi Ye noticed that the jackals had acquired a few more mounts—a race of large monsters known as wolves, resembling humans but with thicker front halves, oval heads, and gray fur.

During his cultivation period, Xi Ye had heard tales of arrogant birds that continuously chirped without understanding the true power of dragons.

He was determined to teach them a lesson and trample their feathers underfoot.

With fiery determination gleaming in his dragon pupils, Xi Ye surveyed the surrounding jackals, their wild eyes fixated on him. "That's right! Trample them! Devour their bone marrow! Tear their feathers and wings!" he declared.

The warriors of the Xi clan responded with roars of enthusiasm. Xi Ye's thunderous roar reverberated through the sky, unleashing his anger and commanding presence.

In an instant, he spread his flaming dragon wings, blocking out the sun as he soared into the sky.

The hurricane generated by his ascent toppled many jackals, yet they rose with even greater excitement, acknowledging their leader's unmatched power.

"Follow in His Majesty's footsteps!" the howls of the wolf men echoed through the mountains.

Once again, the horns blared through the air, and Chris, mounted on a massive wolf, led the Bonebreaker tribe in pursuit.

The goblins and giant eagles who had dared to oppose the dragon's clan were about to witness the consequences of their ill-fated decision.

As the Bonebreaker Tribe advanced, the ground trembled beneath their powerful strides, causing shockwaves to ripple through the earth.

The jackals' determination grew, fueled by their unwavering loyalty to their fearsome leader, Xi Ye.

The forest giant eagle, unaware of the impending doom, soared high above the treetops, its wings casting a shadow over the land.

It underestimated the wrath of the Xi clan, ignorant of the fact that they were about to face the fury of a true dragon.

With each thunderous beat of his wings, Xi Ye closed in on the forest giant eagle.

His flames burned brightly, and his imposing figure eclipsed the sky, commanding respect and instilling fear in the hearts of all who beheld him.

At the forefront of the Bonebreaker Tribe, Chris unleashed a fierce battle cry, his voice echoing through the mountains.

The tribe, fueled by their indomitable spirit, charged forward, ready to fulfill their duty and bring glory to their dragon king.