
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 19

Year 206, and month 2 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

2 days later

I was inside a luxurious room with Old Patriarch Hei, Patriarch Hei, and the woman who was maybe my future wife, Hei Mingua.

She was fat, had a face full of pimples, and was currently gobbling down on a bag of cookies. Her mind was clearly not on the matters. She also stank like she hadn't taken a bad for months.

And while I knew of the bad rumors about her. I didn't know they were this bad.

"*COUCH* Minghua, this is the person I was talking about. What do you say". Said patriarch Hei awkwardly while Hei Minghua's attention turned away from her cookies to me.

"I like him, Daddy, he is very handsome". She said with almost a heart in her eyes. But the only feeling I got was the feeling the cookie she ate a few seconds ago probably had.

"Good, Good, so what do you think about marrying him"? Old Patriarch Hei said seeing that his daughter was happy.

"I don't know Grandpa. I wanna stay here. Does he have a house as big as this one". She said looking at her grandpa. And damn, this girl was irritating.

"Don't worry, he is very rich". Old Patriarch Hei said trying to convince his granddaughter to marry me. It seemed he just wanted his granddaughter to not be with him anymore and dump her on someone else.

But what I did truly find interesting was that Old Patrairch Hei and Patrairch Hei did seem to truly care about her. Which didn't alone with the rumors.

"Does he have enough food"?

"Yes, he has a lot of food, very much".

"Good, then I will marry him". She said almost like she was doing me a favor. And I couldn't understand how she was this arrogant.

She had no talent to become a cultivator. Wasn't smart nor someone that most people would be considered pretty and had a bad character. I was marrying her, someone talented with a bright future and she acted like I was doing her a favor.

"Alright, Minghua, will you let me and Li Wei talk some more in private". Patriarch Hei said and Hei Mingua immediately left the room with a giant jar of cookies. Causing an earthquake in the entire Hei manor.

I, Patriarch Hei, and Old Patriarch Hei exchanged a small moment of knowingness. Everyone thinking the same thing.

"Thank you Li Jing for marrying her". Old Patriarch Hei said, almost like threatening me. "You will still marry her, Right? RIGHT?".

"Of course, and I assume the Hei clan will help me with my business". I said making sure the benefits I would receive were still on the table.

"Of course, we in the Hei clan keep our word". Patriarch Hei answered.

"Besides that, I have a small request of Old Patriarch Hei"? I said hoping I could something extra from this deal.

"Tell me what it is, Young man"? Old Patriarch Hei said, not being annoyed I was asking for something extra.

"I wish to know more about Lord Yang. I have heard many rumors about her, and even had the honor to meet her several times. I consider her my friend, but I wish to know her better". I said talking like I was a big fan of Lord Yang.

The reason? Because the Hei clan is the biggest supporter of the Yang clan within the QingFeng prefecture. And Old Patriarch Hei was said to be good friends with her.

So now that I was asking something personal and disrespectful to her friend. I needed to make sure that they couldn't find me with ill intent.

"Although I can't tell you too much and you need to ask you herself for more. But what I can say is that she had a difficult childhood. And she has many powerful enemies who wish to destroy her". He said looking at me with seriousness, a bit of sorrow and even regret.

Although I almost received nothing, I was happy.

It was almost impossible to get any actual information about her or her family. Even more when it came to when she was younger.

The only thing I knew about her was that she married someone when she was around 50 years old, which was normal for cultivators, and had a child with said man.

But the man died because he was only a mortal and even with all kinds of medicine, could only live to 150 years.

And her son, which did have cultivation talent was said to have died when young because of Qi deviation.

And Old Patriarch Hei's words confirmed my guesses that there was more going on with the deaths of her family.

"Thank you. Lord Yang has always been secret about her past. But I wish to become better friends with her and hope to break down the barrier between her". I said having a short moment of silence with Old Patriarch Hei before getting down to business.

We started talking about business more sharply, I proposed my plans, and Patriarch Hei showed how far he was able to and wanted to help me. Which was quite far.

I was sure that within 3 years, all Second-Grade Cities and First-Grade cities would be about 60% mine in the 3 markets I wished.

And well the Third-Grade Cities? I had started taking less care of them. While I would still take them.

I wouldn't spend as much time as I would previously because about 5 Third-Grade Cities would be about the same worth as One Second-Grade Cities.

But they required almost the same amount of work to construct. And even when they were completed, I would need to still take care of the books around them. Which would cost time.

So while I still decided to take care of them and conquer one when the option came. I didn't really care about them anymore since I was already making so much money.

Year 206, and month 3 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

2 Weeks later

The wedding ceremony between me and Li Minghua had been completed, and while I didn't have plans to f*ck her. I still wanted to talk some more with her before she would sleep. But I couldn't even do that.

I had tried to converse with her these past 2 weeks while we were on the journey back to Blossoming Sword City.

She hadn't really been kind to me. But I kept my patience. What helped was looking at her as a piggy bank full of riches instead of a human.

And what does surprise me is that now that I had married her, my Family Fortune had jumped up by 10.

It seemed she was more special than I taught.

But what I didn't know was what was truly happening this night

In a far far away place, a lonely woman was rethinking her life.

"Sigh, why can't I get a handsome boyfriend"? She sighed thinking about her life.

She was born in the year 2048 and it currently was the year 2076. She was born as an orphan but worked hard and became a world renounced doctor/scientist at the age of only 28.

She was also incredibly beautiful, but for some reason, was never able to get a boyfriend. Whiel all her friends either sprung from man to man or got married, she remained a only virgin.

But worst off all, half a year ago, she was diagnosed with a terminal illness all knowledge she had acquired through her life couldn't cure.

She stood on the roof off the hospital building, feeling her time would soon come.

But she didn't want her illness to be the one that killed her. She had always had her fate in her own hands. And she didn't want to change that.

She went to the rail of the roof, turned around and let her body fall through the air with the morning sun shining on her body.

'Why couldn't I loose my virginity'. Was the last taught in her mind before her entire body was destroyed.

But to her surprise, she didn't wake up in heaven or felt her consciousness leave her body. But instead felt countless memories scramble through her mind. Memories she didn't regocnize.

When the memories finally stopped merging with her mind, she finally understood what happened.

'I have transmigrated in ancient times where cultivation exist'. She was smiling of happiness. Not only could one exist countless eons in this world. But she had also married a handsome husband who was kind and rich.

She didn't even care that he had several other wives and only felt sad he was already sleeping so he couldn't f*ck her.

The only bad things were that her body was very unfit and untalented and that her reputation was terrible and she treated her husband like a servant.

She looked at his handsome face and vowed. 'Don't worry, let me take care of you in the future'. She said grinning which looked very creepy.


Eyo, Author-Chan here, all good with everyone? All good is with me. I have been watching this series that is already quite old. Was made in the early 2000sts, but it's very funny and sometimes I really just can't stop laughing.