
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 14

Year 204, and month 1 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

And to do that, I would do

first a small information session about Protection Shop.

Protection Shop had opened up in Year 169 of the Emperor Wu Calander. It was created by 3 talented Formation master who were all currently in Peak Formation creator. And also Nascent Soul Stage cultivators.

They had opened the shop in Falling Light County, a neighboring county to Blossmijg Sword County and High Tide County.

In the beginning, business wasn't doing very well till Year 176. Wehn they suddenly started gaining attraction.

They then slowly opened another few shops in Falling Light County, before starting to focus on High Tide County.

The reason they left so soon from Falling Light County was that it wasn't a very big county and neither had a lot of cities where they could open a shop in.

Because the cost was very high for them, opening a shop in a small Third-Grade city or village wasn't profitable. They had higher ambitions.

So they went to High Tide City, which had 3 Second-Grade cities.

and in Year 199, they had a shop in all the Second-Grade Cities in High Tide County, Blossoming Sword County, and Falling Light County. They even had a shop in Blossoming Sword City.

Which were a total of 9 cities. And 10 shops (that one talisman shop). And while it were only 10 shops, these were very big shops that made them a lot of money. (there are 8 Second grade cities in these 3 counties)

This was the background of Protection Shop. A not super big organization. But a stable and strong one that was definitely a hard target.

And so to nail them down, I needed more than to destroy their name. I needed to destroy their shops.

And for that, I would need to use a political hand.

The reason why I had sullied their name before was because I needed people to hate them so that when Feng Clan took action, people wouldn't think it was strange. No, they would be happy.

But the 4 actions from before wouldn't be enough for that. I needed one more dagger to pierce them. A poisonous one at that.

This time, I would actually make their products bad. I would ruin their formations, and the way to do this wasn't all too hard.

Since these dumb suckers actually used my caravan companies to transport High, and Peak Grade Talisman.

I, as an Earthly Grade Talisman creator, could easily mess with Formations from such a level.

I could make it so that it looked like there were small errors within the Formations that looked like they were poorly made.

Then people would use them, they would fail, people would be angry. The Feng Clan, would step in, and see that these Formations were poorly made.

Highly fine Protection Shop. Make the word spread over all 3 Counties and totally ruin Protection Shop at the very least in Blossoming Sword County and High Tide County.

It would be harder for Falling Light County because they weren't owned by Feng Clan.

And all of this was done by not only me but in cooperation with the Feng Clan. They didn't per see dislike Protection Shop, but that didn't mean they were friends.

So in exchange for some benefits, they wouldn't mind helping me.

So for their help, I give them 100K Spirit stones. And a 30% discount on Talisman, Pills, and Formations from High and Peak grade for 3 years.

While also giving them almost the same deal as I gave the Fallen Tree Sect regarding Mortal Talisman and Formations.

I would pay for the resources, and they would then pay 5K more than the resources cost for 10 Talisman, and then the same for Formations. Making me only 10K a month.

The deal itself was very profitable for them. Like very profitable. But I consoled my heart by saying that I would make it all back with my Li Shops taking over a lot of the Talisman and Formation markets of 8 Second-Grade cities and one First-Grade city.

Now I just needed to hope that this plan would work. Which was easier said than done.

My deal with the Feng clan was already set in stone, so on that part I was good. But now I just needed to implement the first step.

Which was hiring a cultivator who was willing to do what most wouldn't do. They would not only need to have screwed morals, they would also need the determination to cut off their arms. Even if they knew that it could regrow, it was still something difficult to do.

But fortunately for me, there were quite a lot of cultivators willing to do crazy stuff for spirit stones.

Now I just needed to make sure the person couldn't be tracked back to me. So I gave someone a XXX amount of spirit stones, who would give them to someone else that already had some money and an existing corporation.

That corporation would then give the spirit stones to someone that would give the spirit stones to the person that would execute.

Nothing better than being safe.

And a few days later, I was already hearing the news of someone accusing the Protection Talisman shop that their talisman where bad.

But Xuan Yu City didn't know half of what would happen to them.

Only a few days later after the first occurrence. There were rumors going around that people who bought expensive Formations and Talismans would have them robbed.

For a few days, this was the only news that was going around in Xuan Yu City. But it had even started spreading over other cities within Blossoming Sword County.

It felt like every day there was a new group of cultivators who were very angry. They had made a large purchase but had gotten robbed.

And while people weren't angry at Protection Shop. They didn't feel safe going to it anymore.

This was also the moment I opened a Li Shop in Xuan Yu City. Advertising myself as a safer option. And while to certain people I would be suspicious, coming here after problems started brewing, to other people, I was just someone taking advantage of an opportunity.

The rumors kept the chaos on, but when it felt like they were slowly dying. I blew fire in them again.

I had already hired several groups of hooligan cultivators who would start intimidating customers in front of a Protection Shop.

And while every once in a while, guards came, most Hooligans were able to escape. It felt like they knew when the guards would come. Hhm, very suspicious.

Everything was going well, and I liked it this way. But it seemed my path wouldn't be hurdles.

I had heard rumors that Protection Shop themself had taken it up with the prefecture lord, Lord Yang. Her name is Yang Ting, and she was said to be in the Soul Formation Realm, which came after the Nascent Soul.

If Lord Yang wanted to kill me, the Fallen Tree Sect would probably abandon me. Thinking I wasn't worth the difficulties.

And just as I feared, only a few days after I heard these rumors, I was actually called to Lord Yang's office.

So I immediately took a fast horse and traveled all over Blossoming Sword County, crossing Falling Light County, all the way to Yun Feng Cheng City, in course Yun Feng Cheng County.

And after only a week of traveling, I traveled as fast as possible, I had arrived at Lord Yang's prefecture bureau. Where I was led to Lord Yang's office.

I entered the quite spacious office, not daring to look around. Behind a large bureau table, sat an older woman. She looked to be a fit 60-year-old woman, but I knew she was probably over 300 years old. And if she looked 10 to 15 years younger, I would probably be attracted to her. But how she currently looked was a bit too old for me. She wasn't a MILF anymore, but a GMILF.

And to be completely honest, It was quite impressive she hadn't given the prefecture lord position to her heir, but kept working instead.

"I greet Prefecture Lord Yang". I gave a deep bow, waiting for her to tell me to get up. I was terrified.

"Li Wei, a young cultivator who got kicked out of the Wind Sword sect. A not remarkable sect. But trash to miss a talent like you. You have not only reached the Late Foundation Building Stage, at age 22, which is alright. You have also become a Mortal Formation and Talisman Master. Which is definitely incredibly impressive for someone your age". It felt like she was reading my life, while I was still with my head bowed down and my back arched.

I wanted to curse this old devil, but I felt too scared for that.

"You have an amazing talent for business. Bringing Shop Li from a small shop within a Village to something that spans countless Third-Grade cities and is even slowly breaking into Second Grade Cities. You have not only a close relationship with the Feng clan, you also have become an elder of the fallen Tree Sect, which is unheard of for someone your age. But I have heard rumors from Xiao Mei (One of the 3 creators of Protection Shop), that you are using unethical, even illegal tactics".

"Now, I don't know what to do. Because Xiao Mei doesn't have any strong evidence. Everything does seem to be pointing to you. So it would be especially terrible if suddenly another disaster struck to Protection Shop. Especially when it would be connected to you".

When I heard this, I felt like Lord Yang had completely seen through me, and knew exactly what I was about to do next.

I heard that she stood up and started walking towards me. She took my chin with her strong fingers and effortlessly lifted my chin.

My face was right next to her, looking into her eyes.

"Well, even if something would happen, If someone would be distracting me for a few days, 3 would be enough, I think I might be distracted enough to forget about it".

When I heard her words, I immediately knew what she was talking about. The words sounded similar to what my friend's girlfriend who goes to another school would say her younger brother was listening to. He liked watching something called Forn or P*rn. I'm not sure, it wasn't that popular.

I looked into her eyes for a while, thinking of the pros and cons.

Pro, I would have a connection to Lord Yang, while my plan could continue.

Con, I would have to sleep with an old lady. Better said, I was getting blackmailed into sleeping with an old lady.

and if I didn't do this, my head might fly off, who knew?

As far as I knew, Lord Yang was a widow whose husband died almost 80 years ago. But I had never heard of her having any relationship with any man. Despite probably having cities full of men who would want to be with her.

But from how she was talking, it was clear she had done this before. So there were no rumors despite having already done it multiple times. So she must be quite resourceful. What if she kills me if I refuse, or what if she kills me after doing it with me?

I felt like my mind was in chaos, but I didn't have much time so I gave her an answer. "Alright, but please send a message to my family to continue the plan". I had asked Li RongRong to put the plan on halt, for obvious reasons.

"Don't worry nor think about that, just think about me". Her lips pressed against mine, and her hands started fondling my ass.

While I didn't enjoy this, nor would enjoy this. I was afraid that it would turn bad if I wasn't satisfied. So I used my over 10000 s*x experience to do my best.

3 Days later

"Hhm, do you really need to leave". Lord Yang, or how she wished me to call her, sweetie. Was lying under silk blankets while stroking my chest.

"You said 3 days, I miss my family and I have things to do". I was sitting up, looking at the ceiling while thinking of what happened these past 3 days.

I had done my best to give Lord Yang a good time, sexually but also romantically. I was not only scared for my life but also disgusted. I finally understood how those women, or even men, in my previous life, felt when sexually harassed.

It was terrible, and even after it, you felt like you're entire body was getting touched by old hands.

I hated it. As someone who had lived always comfortably, I had never experienced something so terrible.

3 full days, I never felt like I had a moment of peace within these 3 days. During the day, I would either be pleasing her sexually or doing something romantic with her. And during the night, I didn't get a wink of sleep, having my supreme stamina tested.

I was so happy I could go and wished only for one thing, and that was that lord Yang would let me leave.

"Alright, but if you ever need something, you can always come to me. I have grown quite attached to you after all".

I didn't say anything, and remained silent for a while before taking my clothes, and silently left. I didn't want to be here anymore, a place full of terrible memories.


Hey, this chapter was meant to be a bit heavier. I want to bring some chance to the Mc, not anything fundamental but change you know.

I also wanted the MC to sacrifice something. Till now, everything has been good. So while I wanted him to still be a winner, I also wanted him to lose when winning.

And besides that, Lord Yang might come back later in the stories. For the Better or The WoRsE. MUAHAHAHAHAHAH


I need your help.

So I have been writing some scadoodle scadidible and need some help.

As you will read in a later chapter, something happens to the Mc's child, and she receives an ancient treasure.

Now, what can this treasure do is the question. Please be creative, but make it something that can fit within the cultivation world, so no system or such sort of thing.