
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 10

Year 201, and month 8 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

Everything was going well, very good, but it was time I started stabilizing the business and not focusing too much on growth.

The reasons were simple.

1, if the business grew too fast too soon, it would be too hard to manage.

2, if the business grew faster than its owner too much. How would I be able to protect it?

By current worth, despite currently investing in a lot, was something even a Golden Core cultivator would desire. And in 10 months or so, when most of my business was making fewer losses, I would have a net worth even Nascent Soul cultivators desired.

And while Golden Core Cultivators weren't a problem, since I had Li Huo, who was in the Empty Golden Core stage (early golden core stage). Nascent Soul cultivators were too much for me to deal with.

And while the Feng clan and Fallen Tree sect could protect me if danger came. Our business was not public, so a Nascent Soul Cultivator could do something stupid he would regret in the future, but then it was already too late for me.

3, My future opponents in the business world weren't just single shop owners, but large corporations like Diamond Talisman and Protection Formation.

They were corporations that had a lot of connections, manpower, and resources. I was lucky in Low Tide City due to its circumstance I could exploit, but in the future, I may not be so lucky.

So when fighting against these corporations, I should at the very least be on their level.

So I gave business control to Li RongRong, who would focus on slowly stabilizing the business while making small investments like opening shops in villages and Third-Grade cities in High Tide County.

And in the meantime, I would go cultivate with a current status like this till I at the very least reached the Foundation Building stage, preferably Middle Foundations Building stage.

And Li Huo would help as a teacher. And a F*ck buddy. Because while I still wanted to nightly f*ck my girls, daily, I would be fully cultivating.

My current status was this, I was excited about how it would turn out in the future.

[Name: Li Wei

Age: 18

Realm: 10th Qi Refining Stage

Women: 4

Descendants: 8

Family Fortune: 38

System upgrade: 13/50 clan members, 5/25 clan cultivators, Official Clan Manor 83000/50000m2, Clan Treasury 35K/100K spirit stones

Talent: 485 395

Earthly-Rank Fire Root: 3007=>6402/50000 Mortal-Rank Wood Root: 42=>1012/10000

Mortal-Rank Wind Root: 52=>1022/10000 Peak-Rank Water Root: 8581=>1526/10000=>50000

Mortal-Rank Metal Root: 40=>1010/10000 No Sword Talent: 3/10

Mortal Formation Talent: 2800=>4255/10000 Mortal Alchemy Talent: 1147=>2602/10000

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

Earthly Talisman Talent: 3321=>4776/10000 Peak Divine Sense Talent: 4861=>1046/5000=>10000

No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100]

1 Year and 4 Months Later

Year 203, and month 3 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

"I did it". I jumped from the floor mat and gave Li Huo who was cultivating next to me.

"Wahaha". Li Huo was surprised suddenly feeling my lips.

"It's dangerous to kiss someone when they are cultivating". She said not very convincing with her flushed face.

"So do you not want me to kiss you". I said while kneading her breast.

"N-No". I immediately kissed her again, which quickly broke out into a wild f*cking moment.

After doing it for a few times, we lay together, looking into each other's eyes.

"I see you have broken through the Middle Foundation Building Realm". Li Huo said while looking into my eyes.

"Yes, and I have decided to now get back to my position as Clan Patriarch". I said while pushing my face into her breasts.

"Your speed is truly amazing, you are close to rivaling a triple High Root person". Li Huo was stroking my hair while feeling proud of her husband.

[Name: Li Wei

Age: 20

Realm: Middle Foundation Building Stage

Women: 4

Descendants: 9

Family Fortune: 38

System upgrade: 14/50 clan members, 5/25 clan cultivators, Official Clan Manor 130Km2/50000m2, Clan Treasury 658K/100K spirit stones


Earthly-Rank Fire Root: 6402=>18582/50000 Mortal-Rank Wood Root: 1012=>2152/10000

Mortal-Rank Wind Root: 52=>2162/10000 Peak-Rank Water Root: 1526=>4376/50000

Mortal-Rank Metal Root: 1010=>2150/10000 No Sword Talent: 3/10

Mortal Formation Talent: 4255=>5965/10000 Mortal Alchemy Talent: 2602=>9442/10000

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

Earthly Talisman Talent: 4776=>6486/50000 Mortal Divine Sense Talent: 1046=>2756/10000

No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100]

Although not a lot had changed besides my Realm, I still felt incredibly proud. Li Meiying had also birthed her daughter, who was called Li Yu.

I and Li Huo left the Side branch of our mansion inside Blossoming Sword City and greeted my wives and children while telling them the good new news.

My eldest daughter, Li Ming, was also soon to be 6 years old, which was only 2 years before when one could be tested for if they had spiritual roots.

And to be fully honest, I wasn't that confident. She was born between me, someone who had the worst spiritual roots at that moment, and Li Liu, who had none.

And while someone born between mortals could have spiritual roots, someone between 2 cultivators could also have no spiritual roots.

And the lower the talent of parents, the higher chance that their offspring would have no talent.

And worst of all, at that moment, I only had 3 Family Fortune, and while I didn't exactly know its function. I knew it would help with the talents of my descendants.

But according to my guesses, it would also help with smaller things. Like before, I didn't have good luck.

But now, luck had become a normal part of my life. As I had once just encountered a spirit stone. Which would be enough for a mortal to live an entire life in good conditions.

But even more crazy, it would help with business. Like when I started my construction company and needed a lot of a specific type of wood, which was special. A large company selling it just found a lot of trees inside an inner ring of a Demonic Forest that was just cleared. This caused the price to drop by a lot.

But also like when I made my caravan company, I immediately got a client who needed to safely transport a lot of things. He was apparently being followed by thieves who had killed his entire family for their fortune.

We completed the service without any hitch. And when arrived at the city the client wanted to go to. We learned he was the son of the brother of the Mayor of a Tier 2 city, who was Mayor Ling.

Things like this slowly started happening more and more when I got more Family Fortune. And in my heart, I hoped that with enough Family Fortune, he could make even a mortal without spiritual roots a cultivator.

Worst case scenario, he would need to wait another 8 years before helping her in another way to get spiritual roots.

But he didn't like this idea because he could guess how disappointed his little treasure would be when she learned she had no spiritual roots.

But besides this, I had also been training my Formations, Talismans, and Alchemy. Because while I may have Earthly and Mortal talent for these, I would still need to train them.

And currently, I could pretty easily make a Mortal Grade Formation and Talisman. With Alchemy I had a bit more problems, but could still make Mortal-Grade pills.

And if I did my best, I could make an Earthly-Grade formation and Talisman, but it would take a while, and have a pretty big chance of failing.

(pretty big is like 20% but you need to understand that making one costs a lot, so if failing at one, you would lose a lot of resources that are worth a lot. So good talisman and Formation creators needed to get their success rate as high as possible.)

My business with Fallen Tree sect and Feng Clan was going good. While it didn't expand, we could now be called good business partners who helped each other.

And Li ROngRong had been doing an amazing job at handling the business. She made the caravan company green, and get several big shots within Blossoming Sword County to become clients by their construction companies by offering a VIP program.

They could become a VIP by their company, and the longer they were VIPs by their company, the more benefits they would receive until they got 15% discount and a few other bennefits.

Besides that, Li shop was doing good being inside all Third-Grade Cities and villages withing Blossoming Sword County and High Tide County.

This caused the monthly profits to be insane.

Besides that, Li RongRong was an 8th Qi Refining grade cultivator and Li Liu was a 9th one. She had more time on her hands after all. And all this cultivating from my Wives were I received 10% was helping me a lot.

I had guessed I would have needed 1 to 2 months more without the benefit.

And also Li Meiying was also cultivating well, having already reached 10th Qi Refining Stage. Surpassing both Li RongRong and Li Liu who had a headstart in only about 2 years. Which was insane, her Physique was truly insane.


Ello, just like always, it's your stalker, ow wait, I meant to say Author-Chan, ignore that.

A collection, Review, and power stone if possible would be nice. Also, I have decided to give a little fun fact since it is the tenth chapter.

I have always one chapter finished that I only need to edit when I post one, so I currently have a basically finished chapter you can't read yet.
