
Reborn to fantasy world

Learning_towrite · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Magic AI

Hey Who are you?

I am magic assistant created by great red dragon to assist and manage this palace with master.

who is master?


Why me ?

You are the only dragon left in this palace of your lineage?

Where are the others?

I don't know !

All dragons live secretively so no one knows about them some travel the lands in their desired forms so no one knows much about them and some live in their caves for long periods of time rarely showing themselves.

So who am I ?

You are the son of red dragon lord whose whereabouts are uknown .

So this is my house?

yes master.

Don't call me master ?

So what should i call you ?

Master is okay!

Why are you in fairies form?

I can take any desired form master wishes.

Okay do whatever you want.

How do i get out?

You Can't!

Why? Do i have to stay here forever then?

Until you become strong you can't go out,

how strong ?

According to available records you have to reach 10 th circle magic in dragon perspective.

how long does that take? 

10 years perhaps ?

100 years.

what 100 ?

with time magic you can adjust time flow of pace making it suitable for you r fast growth.

how much with that ?

50 years, It also depends on your innate talent and bloodline.

So will you do that?

Yes , I don't have another choice anyway.