
Tian Qiu

"What, how?" screamed out Ying Yue.

"Oh, it just so happened that Zou Meili met with an accident. You know, they will call me soon to collect the form. Are you happy, mom?"

"I'm happy." Xiu Ying said in an unconvincing voice.

Ying Yue looked into Jingfei's eyes.

'Thankfully, my men were there. That's why I was able to cause the accident. Though I couldn't hurt this bitch Ying Yue, I at the very least got selected.'

"Congratulations, Jingfei."

'Fine, let's do it your way. I will make sure to expose all your tricks in front of everyone. Then there will be no one who trusts you or love you. Not even Junjie.'

"Hello, Li Jun I asked you to send me the address of Tian Qiu's house. Why didn't you send it?" Ying Yue called Li Jun when she didn't find the address.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I forgot. I will send it to you now. But at first, tell me how your audition went."

"What do you think?"

"Judging by your tone, you must have got selected."

"Of course I did. And What's wrong with my tone?"

"Nothing's wrong. Just that when you are successful in something you tend to brag about it. Your bragging tone is a sign that you succeeded in that thing."

"Well, I will take that as a compliment. Send the address to me fast. Bye." Ying Yue hurriedly checked her messages and found the address that Li Jun just sent her.


It took about four hours for Ying Yue to reach their home. It was small but beautiful from the outside house.

When Ying Yue rang the bell, a cute-looking girl with untidy hair and a pink frock opened the door. She looked into her eyes.

Name: Lei Jiao

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Height: 5''2

Weight: 48

Understanding: Low

Current Emotion: Jolly

'She must be Lei Jiao, the eldest daughter of Tian Qiu.'

"Hello, dear where is your mom?" Ying Yue asked the girl with a smile.

"Wait, I will call mom." saying this Lei Jiao ran inside the home. Ying Yue could hear her screaming," Mom a guest wants to see you. She is waiting outside."

After a minute or so, Tian Qiu came outside. She was wearing a very simple dress. But it was beautiful and expensive. She tied her messy hair in a loose ponytail. Her hands were wet.

'She must have been working.' Ying Yue thought.

Name: Tian Qiu

Gender: Female

Age: 42

Height: 5''6

Weight: 53

Understanding: Low

Current Emotion: Tired

"Hello, did you want to see me?" Tian Qiu politely asked her.

"Yes, are you Tian Qiu?"


"I'm someone who knows your husband. You must not know how your husband affords such a beautiful house and such beautiful clothes and all."

"Excuse me, what do you mean?" Tian Qiu asked Ying Yue in a surprised tone. She looked more awake.

"Why don't you invite me inside?"

"Come in, here sit." Tian Qiu led Ying Yue towards their sofa.

"Lei Jiao, go and bring some snacks for the guest."

"Ok, mom." saying this Lei Jiao ran inside the room once again.

Tian Qiu brought a chair in front of her and sat there.

"Yes, now what were you saying?"

"Your husband is a truck driver. His monthly pay is 31,305 yuan. The education cost behind your eldest son, Lei Meng is around a few hundred yuan. The cost around your eldest daughter Lei Jiao is also the same, about a few hundred yuan. Your youngest son Lei Guangli is suffering from brain cancer. It costs around 1,00,000 yuan for your son's treatment. Your household expenses take about 5000 yuan with food, travel expenses, and maintenance. Even if you pay your youngest son's treatment fees in installments, it would be hard for you to get by. But you live a good life even with all those expenses. Don't you wonder how your husband gets all that money?''

"Stop beating around the bush and say what you want to say."

"You are a humanist. But your husband is just the opposite. You want me to be straight. Ok, then let me be straight. Your husband is a contract killer. Not that kind of contract killer though. He took money from my enemy and tried to cause an accident with my car. He is in jail at the moment."

"What? It's impossible. He can't even kill a bug. How can he.." she didn't finish her sentence. Tears slowly started falling from her eyes.

"I came here to give you an offer. An offer that can change your life."

"What offer?"

"Come to the city with me. I will arrange a prestigious job for you, get your kids to a good school and even pay for your son's hospital fees."



"Why are you willing to help me? My husband tried to kill you. Why do you still want to help me? What's your motive?"

"No ulterior motive. Not that I'm a kind person who gets involved in everyone's business. I'm just a responsible person. Because of me, your husband is in jail. And I don't plan on letting him go soon. You are jobless. Without your husband, you are helpless. And I hate it when girls are helpless. That's why I'm willing to help you. I only have one condition. Break all your connections to your husband for now. Sign the divorce papers. Here is a card. My name and number are there. Call me after you decide."