
The Competition


In the hall of the audition, there were all the forty participants and four judges present. There was a big jar in front of the table where the judges were standing.

"So, now that everyone is here, let's start. I think you all already know the rules but I will cite them for you." Feng Chonglin started talking.

He continued after pausing for a second," The 40 of you will be divided into 10 groups, 4 in each team. Every week there will be a group evaluation and individual evaluation. Based on the individual and group evaluation, your group will be changed. And, there will be rankings for each group. This process will go on for two weeks. The group you will get after the second week will be your ultimate group. You will compete with others along with your group for six weeks. We will select a center lead. She will be the leader of that particular group until the group evaluation ends. The first elimination round will take place in the last week of the second month. The 2 groups at the bottom will be eliminated. After another two weeks, 2 more groups will be eliminated. This will continue until only two groups are left. Then, there will be no more groups. From then on, we will do individual evaluations. After a month of individual evaluation, we will select five participants to debut for the new girl group. From today, you will stay in the dorms of the 'The Best Of The Best'. Your diet and activities will be observed by our judges. In every evaluation, we will invite one special guest to judge you alongside us. Now, I will call the name of each group with their centers. The first name will be the lead. As I call the names please stand by keeping a distance between each group."

The grouping started. After four groups, Ying Yue's name was called.

"The fifth group members are Jiang Ying Yue, Yi Ruolan, Lai Yan, and Xia Wen." As he finished their name, the four of them stood by each other, and they started introducing themself.

'Thank god.' Ying Yue thought when she heard Xia Wen's name.'

"Hello, I'm Ruolan. I'm 17 and new to this city. You can also call me Ruoruo." said the most cute-looking girl among them. She was wearing a light pink frock with bows. Her hair was tied in a high bun. She was wearing a stiletto.

"I'm Lai Yan. I'm 18. I was born in this city and have never been anywhere else.'' said the girl wearing an off-white halter dress with platform heel.

"I'm Xia Wen. I'm 19. I was born in this city and I've been to many more places in the country." said Xia Wen wearing a white crop top with a pink blazer, and denim shorts with white Lita boots.

"I'm Jiang Ying Yue. I was born in this city but I've been to many places inside and outside the country," said Ying Yue. She was wearing a black sleeveless crop top with a red jacket and a pair of black bondage boots. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail.

"The seventh group members are Jiang Jingfei, Gong Ai, Qin Niu, and Tan Rong."

Ying Yue looked into Qin Niu's eyes

Name: Qin Nui

Gender: Female




Understanding: Low

Current Emotion: Excited

Then, she looked towards Tan Rong

Name: Tan Rong

Gender: Female




Understanding: Low

Current Emotion: Happy

Ying Yue looked into Gong Ai's eyes after that.

Name: Gong Ai

Gender: Female



Weight: 45

Understanding: Low

Current Emotion: Happy

'It's good to know your enemies from the start.' Ying Yue thought to herself after she finished looking at them.'

After the grouping was finished, Hou Ling continued, '' Now all of you should go to your dorms and unpack your things. Take one card from the jar. There are different room names on the card. There are five beds in each room. Everyone will take one. After two weeks, when you will get your ultimate team members, your rooms will be changed. Only the leaders will pick a card then. The members will follow their leaders. But that is after two weeks. For now, the room you will pick will be static for the next two weeks. Pick a card then go straight to the hall. From there you will see rooms. Find your room names. Your things will be sent to your rooms after half an hour. Now come and start picking cards."

One by one, everyone took their cards and left for their respective rooms.

Ying Yue and Xia Wen got the room Blue Mellow. They were the first one to enter the room. After a while, their roommates came. They were Jiang Jingfei and Tan Rong.

'The most weird combination for roommates, probably ever. My killer, my bestfriend, me and a teammate of my killer.' Ying Yue hopelessly thought.